Startup Instructions



This topic describes how to start the Enterprise Gateway and Policy Studio on all platforms in both console mode and as a background service in service mode. For details on launching Service Manager in your browser, see Getting Started with Service Manager. For details on Enterprise Gateway components and concepts, see the Oracle Enterprise Gateway Architecture.

Setting Passphrases

By default, data is stored unencrypted in the Enterprise Gateway configuration store. However, you can encrypt certain sensitive information, such as passwords and private keys using a passphrase. When the passphrase has been set, this encrypts the Enterprise Gateway configuration data. You must enter the passphrase when connecting to the Enterprise Gateway configuration data both using the Policy Studio and the Enterprise Gateway.

For more details on configuring this passphrase, see Setting the Encryption Passphrase.

Start in Console Mode

The following instructions describe how to start the Enterprise Gateway in console mode on Windows and Linux/Solaris systems:

Complete the following steps to start the Enterprise Gateway on a Windows system:

  1. Open a DOS prompt at the /win32/bin directory of your Enterprise Gateway installation.
  2. To start the Enterprise Gateway, run the enterprisegateway.bat file from this directory.
  3. If you are using an encryption passphrase, you are prompted for this passphrase. Enter the correct encryption passphrase, and press Return. For more details, see Setting Passphrases.
  4. When the Enterprise Gateway has successfully started up, you can run the policystudio.exe file from your Policy Studio installation directory.
  5. When the Policy Studio is starting up, you are prompted for connection details for the Enterprise Gateway. For more details, see Connecting to the Enterprise Gateway.

To start the Enterprise Gateway and the Policy Studio on Linux/Solaris systems, complete the following instructions:

  1. Open a shell at the /posix/bin directory of your Enterprise Gateway installation.
  2. To start the Enterprise Gateway, run the file from this directory. For example:

    prompt# ./enterprisegateway

  3. If you are using an encryption passphrase, you are prompted for this passphrase. Enter the correct encryption passphrase and press Return. For more details, see Setting Passphrases.
  4. When the Enterprise Gateway has successfully started up, run the file in your Policy Studio installation directory:

    prompt# cd /usr/home/policystudio
    prompt# ./policystudio

Connecting to the Enterprise Gateway
When starting up the Policy Studio, you are prompted for details on how to connect to the Enterprise Gateway. These include details such as the server session, host, port, user name, and password. The default connection URL is:


where HOST points to the IP address or hostname of the machine on which the Enterprise Gateway is running. For more information on configuring these settings, see Connection Details.

Start in Service Mode

The Enterprise Gateway can also be started in service mode as a Windows service, or as a daemon on Linux and Solaris systems.

The following instructions describe how to install, start, stop, and remove the Enterprise Gateway as a Windows service. The following examples refer to the directory in which you installed the Enterprise Gateway as INSTALL_DIR.

You can install and start the Enterprise Gateway as a Windows Service from the Enterprise Gateway Windows Program Group. You can also stop and remove the Service from this group. The Enterprise Gateway Program Group is available from the following location:
Start -> All Programs -> Enterprise Gateway -> Service

The following options are available from this group:

  • Install:
    Installs the Enterprise Gateway as a Service.
  • Start:
    Starts the Enterprise Gateway as a Service. You must install the Enterprise Gateway as a Windows Service using the Install option before you can start the service.
  • Stop:
    Stop the Enterprise Gateway as a Service.
  • Remove
    Removes the Enterprise Gateway as a Windows Service.

Important Note:
You can encrypt all sensitive Enterprise Gateway configuration data with an encryption passphrase. For example, you can specify this passphrase in your Enterprise Gateway configuration file, or on the command line when the Enterprise Gateway is starting up. For more details on configuring this passphrase, see Setting the Encryption Passphrase.

The instructions in this section describe how to stop and start the Enterprise Gateway as a daemon on Linux and Solaris systems. Open a shell at the INSTALL_DIR/posix/bin directory, where INSTALL_DIR refers to the root of your Enterprise Gateway installation.

Start as a Daemon Process:

prompt# ./enterprisegateway -d

Kill the Daemon Process:

prompt# ./enterprisegateway -k