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StorageTek SL150/SL500/SL3000/SL8500 SNMP Reference Guide
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Summary of Changes

The following is a summary of changes for this document.

E35317-03, September 2013

The following updates are in this edition and relate to SNMP updates version 2.15 May 20, 2013 and version 2.13 November 27, 2012:

  • Added to slCap: slCapSerialNumber, slCapCodeVer, slCapVersion, slCapFirmwarever

  • Adde to slElevator: slElevatorGetFails, slElevatorPutFails, slElevatorGetTotals, slElevatorPutTotals

  • Added to slPtp: slPtpMoveFails, slPtpMoveTotals

  • Added slMVDrive table and its variables

  • Increased size of slTrapLibrarySerialNumber, slTrapDeviceId, slTrapConfigLibrarySerialNumber and slTrapConfigDeviceId to 32 to be compatible with SL150 identifier formats

Revision Summary

The following contains a list of previous revisions.

Version Date Revisions
E35317-02 November 2012 This edition's updates reflect the recent MIB changes (version 2.12, September 10, 2012 and version 2.11, April 25, 2012).
  • Addition of drive tray serial number

  • slTrapSvcEvent variable slTrapSvcDeviceEventFscCode changed to TrapSvcDeviceEventResultCode

  • Addition of slTrapSvcLocalization to slTrapSvcEvent variables

E35317-01 July 2012 This edition of Oracle's StorageTek Modular Libraries SNMP Reference Guide has a new Oracle document part number and revision number: E35317-01. Sun part numbers 316194703, 316194501 and 316191602 have been retired. Updates include:
  • Updates to the recent MIB (version 2.10, April 4, 2012)

  • Reformatting of information to be task-oriented

  • Updates to the recent MIB (version 2.10, April 4, 2012)

  • Reformatting of information to be task-oriented

  • Updating of screen captures for obtaining the MIB through the SL Console

  • Addition of type definitions table

316194703 Revision C (SNMP SL8500) April 2010 Updates to this edition include:
  • Engineering updates

  • New command line interface (CLI) layout

  • Oracle branding

316194703 Revision B (SNMP SL8500) September 2009 Updates included adding object identifiers.
316194501 Revision B (SNMP SL3000) September 2009 Updates to this revision included the following additional object identifiers (OIDs: slCap, slDrive, slLibVersion, slPowerSupply, slRobot, slStorage
316191602 Revision B (SNMP SL500) September 2009 Updates to this revision included the following additional object identifiers (OIDs):
  • Engineering updates

  • New command line interface (CLI) layout

  • Oracle branding

316194703 Revision A (SNMP SL8500) April 2008 Initial document release.
316194501 Revision A (SNMP SL3000) April 2008 Initial document release.
316191602 Revision B (SNMP SL500) April 2008 Initial document release.