-- Test data script for Cohort Explorer v1.0 prompt Delete Cohort Explorer v1.0 Sample Test Data from HDWF prompt Created on Friday, July 08, 2011 set feedback off set define off /* WARNING: This script deletes all the data from multiple HDWF tables. You must run this script before running the associated insert script WARNING: This script does not COMMIT by default. If you want to commit DELETE DML statements, issue the COMMIT command explicitly after running the Delete script. */ prompt Deleting HDM_SUBST_HX... delete from HDM_SUBST_HX; prompt Deleting HDM_SUBADMN... delete from HDM_SUBADMN; prompt Deleting HDM_RELTD_INTVN... delete from HDM_RELTD_INTVN; prompt Deleting HDM_PT_HX... delete from HDM_PT_HX; prompt Deleting HDM_PRTY_ADDR... delete from HDM_PRTY_ADDR; prompt Deleting HDM_LOC... delete from HDM_LOC; prompt Deleting HDM_INTVN_SUBST... delete from HDM_INTVN_SUBST; prompt Deleting HDM_INTVN_OBSV... delete from HDM_INTVN_OBSV; prompt Deleting HDM_OBSV... delete from HDM_OBSV; prompt Deleting HDM_SPCMN... delete from HDM_SPCMN; prompt Deleting HDM_INTVN... delete from HDM_INTVN; prompt Deleting HDM_IND_PRTY_RC... delete from HDM_IND_PRTY_RC; prompt Deleting HDM_IND_PRTY_ETHN... delete from HDM_IND_PRTY_ETHN; prompt Deleting HDM_CNSNT... delete from HDM_CNSNT; prompt Deleting HDM_CNRN_ANATSITE... delete from HDM_CNRN_ANATSITE; prompt Deleting HDM_CNRN... delete from HDM_CNRN; prompt Deleting HDM_PT... delete from HDM_PT; prompt Deleting HDM_IND_PRTY... delete from HDM_IND_PRTY; prompt Deleting HDM_PRTY... delete from HDM_PRTY; prompt Deleting HDM_CD_REPOSITORY_CD_TYP... delete from HDM_CD_REPOSITORY_CD_TYP; prompt Deleting HDM_CD_TYP... delete from HDM_CD_TYP; prompt Deleting HDM_CD_HIER... delete from HDM_CD_HIER; prompt Deleting HDM_CD_REPOSITORY... delete from HDM_CD_REPOSITORY; prompt Deleting HDM_CD_SYS... delete from HDM_CD_SYS; set feedback on set define on prompt Done deleting data. set pagesize 999 select * from ( select (select count(*) from hdm_cd_sys ) as hdm_cd_sys, (select count(*) from hdm_cd_typ ) as hdm_cd_typ, (select count(*) from hdm_cd_repository ) as hdm_cd_repository, (select count(*) from hdm_cd_repository_cd_typ) as hdm_cd_repository_cd_typ, (select count(*) from hdm_cd_hier ) as hdm_cd_hier, (select count(*) from hdm_prty ) as hdm_prty, (select count(*) from hdm_ind_prty ) as hdm_ind_prty, (select count(*) from hdm_ind_prty_rc ) as hdm_ind_prty_rc, (select count(*) from hdm_ind_prty_ethn ) as hdm_ind_prty_ethn, (select count(*) from hdm_loc ) as hdm_loc, (select count(*) from hdm_prty_addr ) as hdm_prty_addr, (select count(*) from hdm_pt ) as hdm_pt, (select count(*) from hdm_cnsnt ) as hdm_cnsnt, (select count(*) from hdm_spcmn ) as hdm_spcmn, (select count(*) from hdm_pt_hx ) as hdm_pt_hx, (select count(*) from hdm_subst_hx ) as hdm_subst_hx, (select count(*) from hdm_cnrn ) as hdm_cnrn, (select count(*) from hdm_cnrn_anatsite ) as hdm_cnrn_anatsite, (select count(*) from hdm_intvn ) as hdm_intvn, (select count(*) from hdm_subadmn ) as hdm_subadmn, (select count(*) from hdm_intvn_subst ) as hdm_intvn_subst, (select count(*) from hdm_obsv ) as hdm_obsv, (select count(*) from hdm_intvn_obsv ) as hdm_intvn_obsv, (select count(*) from hdm_reltd_intvn ) as hdm_reltd_intvn from dual) unpivot (recs for "TABLE" in (hdm_cd_sys, hdm_cd_typ, hdm_cd_repository, hdm_cd_repository_cd_typ, hdm_cd_hier, hdm_prty, hdm_ind_prty, hdm_ind_prty_rc, hdm_ind_prty_ethn, hdm_loc, hdm_prty_addr, hdm_pt, hdm_cnsnt, hdm_spcmn, hdm_pt_hx, hdm_subst_hx, hdm_cnrn, hdm_cnrn_anatsite, hdm_intvn, hdm_subadmn, hdm_intvn_subst, hdm_obsv, hdm_intvn_obsv, hdm_reltd_intvn) ); prompt This script does not COMMIT by default. prompt If you want to commit the data then perform the COMMIT manually. --commit;