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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Installation Guide Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library |
2. Installing the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Software
3. Uninstalling the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Software
A. Command-Line Options for the Installer,Uninstaller,and install_patches Utility
Adding Swap Space on a Linux System
C. Oracle Solaris 12.3 Components and Packages
D. Patch Identification Numbers and Descriptions
E. Version Numbers of the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Components
% su Password: root-password
mkfile number[m|k|b] /directory/swap-file-name
where number is an amount of swap space, followed by either m for megabyte, k for kilobyte, or b for block. The directory is a directory in which you have permission to add swap space. The swap-file-nameis the name of the swap file you are creating.
For example, to create a 16-megabyte swap file named 16mswapin the foodirectory, type the following:
mkfile 16m /foo/16mswap
See the mkfile(1M) man page for more information.
ls -l /directory/swap-file-name
The new file appears in the directory. For example:
ls -l /foo/16mswap -rw------T 1 root other 16777216 Dec 12 14:24 /foo/16mswap
swap -a /directory/swap-file-name
swap -s
The output shows the allocated swap space. For example:
swap -s total: 289336k bytes allocated + 27008k reserved = 316344k used, 298336k available