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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Overview of the Performance Analyzer

2.  Performance Data

3.  Collecting Performance Data

Compiling and Linking Your Program

Source Code Information

Static Linking

Shared Object Handling

Optimization at Compile Time

Compiling Java Programs

Preparing Your Program for Data Collection and Analysis

Using Dynamically Allocated Memory

Using System Libraries

Using Signal Handlers

Using setuid and setgid

Program Control of Data Collection

The C and C++ Interface

The Fortran Interface

The Java Interface

The C, C++, Fortran, and Java API Functions

Dynamic Functions and Modules



Limitations on Data Collection

Limitations on Clock-Based Profiling

Runtime Distortion and Dilation with Clock-profiling

Limitations on Collection of Tracing Data

Runtime Distortion and Dilation with Tracing

Limitations on Hardware Counter Overflow Profiling

Runtime Distortion and Dilation With Hardware Counter Overflow Profiling

Limitations on Data Collection for Descendant Processes

Limitations on OpenMP Profiling

Limitations on Java Profiling

Runtime Performance Distortion and Dilation for Applications Written in the Java Programming Language

Where the Data Is Stored

Experiment Names

Experiment Groups

Experiments for Descendant Processes

Experiments for MPI Programs

Experiments on the Kernel and User Processes

Moving Experiments

Estimating Storage Requirements

Collecting Data

Collecting Data Using the collect Command

Data Collection Options

-p option

-h counter_definition_1...[,counter_definition_n]

-s option

-H option

-M option

-m option

-S option

-c option

-I directory

-N library_name

-r option

Experiment Control Options

-F option

-j option

-J java_argument

-l signal

-t duration


-y signal [ ,r]

Output Options

-o experiment_name

-d directory-name

-g group-name

-A option

-L size

-O file

Other Options

-P process_id

-C comment





Collecting Data From a Running Process Using the collect Utility

To Collect Data From a Running Process Using the collect Utility

Collecting Data Using the dbx collector Subcommands

To Run the Collector From dbx:

Data Collection Subcommands

profile option

hwprofile option

synctrace option

heaptrace option

tha option

sample option

dbxsample { on | off }

Experiment Control Subcommands





sample record name

Output Subcommands

archive mode

limit value

store option

Information Subcommands



Collecting Data From a Running Process With dbx on Oracle Solaris Platforms

To Collect Data From a Running Process That is Not Under the Control of dbx

Collecting Tracing Data From a Running Program

Collecting Data From MPI Programs

Running the collect Command for MPI

Storing MPI Experiments

Collecting Data From Scripts

Using collect With ppgsz

4.  The Performance Analyzer Tool

5.  The er_print Command Line Performance Analysis Tool

6.  Understanding the Performance Analyzer and Its Data

7.  Understanding Annotated Source and Disassembly Data

8.  Manipulating Experiments

9.  Kernel Profiling


Collecting Data From a Running Process With dbx on Oracle Solaris Platforms

On Oracle Solaris platforms, the Collector allows you to collect data from a running process. If the process is already under the control of dbx, you can pause the process and enable data collection using the methods described in previous sections. Starting data collection on a running process is not supported on Linux platforms.

If the process is not under the control of dbx, the collect –P pid command can be used to collect data from a running process, as described in Collecting Data From a Running Process Using the collect Utility. You can also attach dbx to it, collect performance data, and then detach from the process, leaving it to continue. If you want to collect performance data for selected descendant processes, you must attach dbx to each process.

To Collect Data From a Running Process That is Not Under the Control of dbx

  1. Determine the program’s process ID (PID).

    If you started the program from the command line and put it in the background, its PID will be printed to standard output by the shell. Otherwise you can determine the program’s PID by typing the following.

    % ps -ef | grep program-name
  2. Attach to the process.

    From dbx, type the following.

    (dbx) attach program-name pid

    If dbx is not already running, type the following.

    % dbx program-name pid

    Attaching to a running process pauses the process.

    See the manual Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Debugging a Program With dbx for more information about attaching to a process.

  3. Start data collection.

    From dbx, use the collector command to set up the data collection parameters and the cont command to resume execution of the process.

  4. Detach from the process.

    When you have finished collecting data, pause the program and then detach the process from dbx.

    From dbx, type the following.

    (dbx) detach

Collecting Tracing Data From a Running Program

If you want to collect any kind of tracing data, you must preload the Collector library, , before you run your program. To collect heap tracing data or synchronization wait tracing data, you must also preload and, respectively. These libraries provide wrappers to the real functions that enable data collection to take place. In addition, the Collector adds wrapper functions to other system library calls to guarantee the integrity of performance data. If you do not preload the libraries, these wrapper functions cannot be inserted. See Using System Libraries for more information on how the Collector interposes on system library functions.

To preload, you must set both the name of the library and the path to the library using environment variables, as shown in the table below. Use the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to set the name of the library. Use the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 to set the path to the library. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used if the _32 and _64 variants are not defined. If you have already defined these environment variables, add new values to them.

Table 3-2 Environment Variable Settings for Preloading,, and

Environment Variable

If your Oracle Solaris Studio software is not installed in /opt/solarisstudio12.3, ask your system administrator for the correct path. You can set the full path in LD_PRELOAD, but doing this can create complications when using SPARC V9 64-bit architecture.

Note - Remove the LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings after the run, so they do not remain in effect for other programs that are started from the same shell.