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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Overview of the Performance Analyzer

2.  Performance Data

3.  Collecting Performance Data

4.  The Performance Analyzer Tool

Starting the Performance Analyzer

Analyzer Command Options

Java Options

-j | --jdkhome jvm-path


Control Options

-f | --fontsize size

-v | --verbose

Information Options

-V | --version

-? | --h | --help

Analyzer Default Settings

Performance Analyzer GUI

The Menu Bar

The Toolbar

Analyzer Data Displays

Data Tabs in Left Pane

The MPI Timeline Tab

MPI Chart Tab

The Races Tab

The Deadlocks tab

The Functions Tab

The Callers-Callees Tab

The Call Tree Tab

The Dual-Source Tab

The Source/Disassembly Tab

The Source Tab

The Lines Tab

The Disassembly Tab

The PCs Tab

The OpenMP Parallel Region Tab

The OpenMP Task Tab

The Timeline Tab

The LeakList Tab

The DataObjects Tab

The DataLayout Tab

The Inst-Freq Tab

The Statistics Tab

The Experiments Tab

The Index Objects Tabs

The Threads Tab

The Samples Tab

The CPUs Tab

The Seconds Tab

The Processes Tab

The Experiment IDs Tab

The MemoryObjects Tabs

Tabs in Right Pane

The MPI Timeline Controls Tab

The MPI Chart Controls Tab

The Summary Tab

The Timeline Details Tab

The Threads Chart Controls Tab

The Leak Tab

The Race Detail Tab

The Deadlock Detail Tab

Setting Data Presentation Options

Metrics Tab

Sort Tab

Source/Disassembly Tab

Formats Tab

Timeline Tab

Search Path Tab

Pathmaps Tab

Tabs Tab

Finding Text and Data

Showing or Hiding Functions

Filtering Data

Using Context Filters

Managing Filters

Using Custom Filters

Using Labels for Filtering

Recording Experiments from Analyzer

Default Settings for Analyzer

Saving Performance Analyzer Settings

Settings in the .er.rc File

Comparing Experiments

Enabling Comparison Mode By Default

5.  The er_print Command Line Performance Analysis Tool

6.  Understanding the Performance Analyzer and Its Data

7.  Understanding Annotated Source and Disassembly Data

8.  Manipulating Experiments

9.  Kernel Profiling


Filtering Data

The Performance Analyzer offers several ways to filter data so you can focus on areas of interest in your program. When you filter, you specify criteria for the data you want to view. When the filter is applied, the data that does not meet the criteria is removed from view in all the Analyzer tabs that support filtering.

When you first open experiments in the Performance Analyzer, you see data for all functions in all loaded experiments, and for all threads and CPUs for each experiment, and for the complete time period covered by the experiment.

You can filter by the following:

You can filter from multiple locations:

When you set a filter, the data is filtered in all the Analyzer tabs. You can combine filters to display metrics from highly specific areas of your program's run.

Note - The filters described here are independent of the MPI filtering described in The MPI Timeline Controls Tab and The MPI Chart Controls Tab. These filters do not affect the MPI Timeline tab and the MPI Chart tab.

Using Context Filters

Context filters are context-specific filters that are available in several data tabs in the Performance Analyzer. You access them by right-clicking with the mouse or by pressing Shift-F10 on the keyboard. When you select a context filter, the data is immediately filtered.

In general, you use context filters by selecting one or more items in the tab that you want to focus on, right-clicking the mouse, and selecting the appropriate filter. For most data tabs the filters enable you to include or not include the data that meets the criteria named in the filter. This enables you to use the filters to either focus on data from a particular area of your program, or exclude data from a particular area.

Some ways you can use context filters include:

Managing Filters

You can use the Manage Filters dialog box to perform simple filtering on experiments, threads, CPUs, and samples. This filtering can be used together with context filters.

The Manage Filters dialog box can be accessed in multiple ways:

The Manage Filters dialog box enables you to do general filtering to select data to display from particular experiments, sample points, threads, and CPUs. You use the Experiments tab and the General tab together to specify the items whose data you want to display. The selections made in the Experiments and General tabs are combined for filtering using a logical AND (the && operator). Data must match all the selections made in these tabs to be included in the data tabs.

The Analyzer help includes instructions for using the Manage Filters dialog box.

The dialog box also provides a Custom tab that you can use to customize filters. See the following section for more information.

Using Custom Filters

The Custom tab enables you to type in your own filter expressions or edit previously applied filters to create custom filters. The filters in the Custom tab are separate from the filters applied through the Experiments and General tabs of the Manage Filters dialog box.

When you select context filters in Performance Analyzer data tabs, filter expressions are generated and are immediately applied to filter the data. The generated filter expressions are also added to a text box in the Custom tab, where you can use them as a beginning point for creating custom filters.

You can edit the filters, and use the arrow buttons above the Filter Specification panel to undo and redo your edits. You can also press Ctrl-Z to undo and Shift-Ctrl-Z to redo as you would in a text editor.

Filter expressions use standard C relational operators (==, >=, &&, ||, and so on) along with keywords that are specific to the experiment. To see the keywords that you can use in an experiment that is open in the Analyzer, click the Show Keywords button in the Custom tab.

The filter expression syntax is the same as that used for filtering with er_print. See Expression Grammar for information about filter expressions.

The edited filters do not affect the data tabs until you click OK or Apply. If you click Apply, the Custom tab remains open. If you select context filters in the Analyzer data tabs, you can see the filter expressions generated by your selections as they are added to the Filter Specification text box. Each new filter is placed on a new line beginning with &&, the logical "and" operator. Experiment data must match the first filter and the second filter and the third filter, and so on, in order to be displayed. You can change && to || if you want data to match the first filter or the second filter, for example.

You can also use the Custom tab to filter using labels as explained in the following section.

Using Labels for Filtering

Labels are names you can assign to a portion of an experiment. Using the er_label command, you can assign a label name to a period of time in an experiment and the label persists with the experiment. You can use the label to filter the experiment data with the er_print command or the Performance Analyzer to include or exclude the data collected during the labelled time period.

See Labeling Experiments for information about how to use the er_label utility to create labels.

In the Performance Analyzer you can filter data from the labeled time period in the Custom tab of the Manage Filters dialog box. Type the label name in the Filter Specification panel and click Apply to filter the data specified by the label. You do not need to use any numerical comparison because the label acts as a nickname for a filter expression that uses a numerical comparison with the TSTAMP keyword. You can combine the label with other filters in the Custom tab by adding it on a separate line preceded by &&.

You can see if there are labels assigned to an experiment that is open in the Performance Analyzer by clicking the Show Keywords button in the Custom tab. You can also use the er_print -describe command to see the same information. Labels are listed first in the display and include the actual filter expression with the TSTAMP keyword that is implemented by the label.

After applying a label filter, you can click the Timeline tab to see data is removed in the intervals that were defined by the label. The data is also filtered in other tabs that support filtering.