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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Discover and Uncover User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Introduction

2.  Memory Error Discovery Tool (Discover)

3.  Code Coverage Tool (Uncover)










command examples, index iconExamples
coverage report, generating, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
creating the coverage data directory in a specified directory, index iconInstrumenting the Binary
limitations, index iconLimitations When Using Uncover
-a, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
index iconInstrumenting the Binary
index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
-d, index iconInstrumenting the Binary
-e, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
-H, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
-h, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
-m, index iconInstrumenting the Binary
-n, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
-o, index iconInstrumenting the Binary
-t, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
-V, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
-v, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
overview, index iconCode Coverage Tool (Uncover)
requirements for using, index iconRequirements for Using Uncover
running in verbose mode, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
turning on reporting of execution counts for instructions, blocks, and functions
index iconInstrumenting the Binary
index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
turning thread-safe profiling on and off, index iconInstrumenting the Binary
writing data to directory for use by the Code Analyzer, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
writing the instrumented binary file to a specified file, index iconInstrumenting the Binary
Uncover ASCII coverage report, index iconUnderstanding the ASCII Coverage Report
generating, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
Uncover coverage report for the Performance Analyzer, index iconUnderstanding the Coverage Report in the Performance Analyzer
Disassembly tab, index iconThe Disassembly Tab
Functions tab, index iconThe Functions Tab
Block Covered % counter, index iconThe Block Covered % Counter
Function Count counter, index iconThe Function Count Counter
Instr Covered % counter, index iconThe Instr Covered % Counter
Instr Exec counter, index iconThe Instr Exec Counter
Uncoverage counter, index iconThe Uncoverage Counter
generating, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report
Inst-Freq tab, index iconThe Inst-Freq Tab
Source tab, index iconThe Source Tab
Uncover HTML coverage report, index iconUnderstanding the HTML Coverage Report
saving, index iconGenerating and Viewing the Coverage Report