Man Page analyzer.1


     analyzer -	GUI for	analyzing a program  performance  experi-


     analyzer [-j|--jdkhome jvm-path][-J jvm-options]
	      [-f|--fontsize size][-v|--verbose][experiment-list]

     analyzer -V|--version

     analyzer -?|-h|--help

     analyzer [-f|--fontsize size][-v|--verbose]  target [target-

     When the Analyzer is invoked on more than one experiment  or
     experiment	 group,	 it  will aggregate data from the experi-
     ments.  You may change the	mode to	compare	experiments.  See
     "COMPARISON MODE",	below, for more	information.


     Option    Meaning

     -j|--jdkhome jvmpath
	       Specify the path	to the Java[TM]	 virtual  machine
	       (JVM)  software	for  running  the  Analyzer.  The
	       default path is taken first by examining	 environ-
	       ment variables for a path to the	JVM, in	the order
	       JDK_HOME, and then JAVA_PATH.  If neither environ-
	       ment  variable  is set,	the version found on your
	       PATH    is    used.     If    none    is	   found,
	       /usr/java/bin/java  is  tried.	(The  terms "Java
	       virtual machine"	and "JVM" mean a virtual  machine
	       for the Java(TM)	platform.)

	       Specify JVM software options.  Multiple	-J  argu-
	       ments  can  be  supplied.   Note	 that there is no
	       space between the  -J  flag  and	 the  jvm-option.
     analyzer -J-d64 --	run the	64-bit analyzer
     analyzer -J-Xmx2G -- run with maximum JVM memory of 2 GB (Default,	1 GB)
     analyzer -J-d64 -J-Xmx8G -- run the 64-bit	analyzer with maximum JVM memory of 8 GB

     -f|--fontsize size
	       Specify the font	size to	be used	in the Analyzer.

	       Print version information and Java  runtime  argu-
	       ments before starting.

	       Print version information and exit.

	       Print usage information and exit.


     The Performance Analyzer is a graphical  data-analysis  tool
     that  analyzes  performance  data collected by the	Collector
     using the collect command,	or the IDE, or the collector com-
     mands in dbx.  The	Collector gathers performance information
     to	create an experiment during the	execution of  a	 process.
     The Performance Analyzer reads in such experiments, analyzes
     the data, and displays the	data  in  tabular  and	graphical
     displays.	 A command-line	version	of the analyzer	is avail-
     able as the er_print utility.

     To	start the Performance Analyzer,	type the following on the
     command line:

	  analyzer[ experiment-list]

     The experiment-list command argument  is  a  blank-separated
     list of experiment	names, experiment group	names, or both.

     Multiple experiments or experiment	groups can  be	specified
     on	 the  command line. If you specify an experiment that has
     descendant	experiments inside it, all descendant experiments
     are  automatically	 loaded,  but the display of data for the
     descendant	experiments is disabled.  To load individual des-
     cendant  experiments you must specify each	experiment expli-
     citly or create an	experiment group. To create an experiment
     group,  create a plain text file whose first line is as fol-

	  #analyzer experiment group

     Then add the names	of the experiments on  subsequent  lines.
     The file extension	must be	erg.

     You can also use the File menu in the Analyzer window to add
     experiments   or  experiment  groups.  To	open  experiments
     recorded on descendant processes, you  must  type	the  file
     name  in  the  Open Experiment dialog box (or Add Experiment
     dialog box) because the file chooser does not permit you  to
     open an experiment	as a directory.

     When the Analyzer	displays  multiple  experiments,  however
     they  were	 loaded,  data from all	the experiments	is aggre-

     You can preview an	experiment or experiment group for  load-
     ing  by  single-clicking  on  its	name  in  either the Open
     Experiment	dialog box or the Add Experiment dialog	box.

     You can also start	the Performance	 Analyzer  to  record  an
     experiment, from the command line as follows:

	  analyzer target[target-arguments]

     The Analyzer starts up with the Oracle Solaris  Studio  Col-
     lect  dialog box showing the named	target and its arguments,
     and settings for collecting an experiment.	  See  "Recording
     Experiments," below.

ANALYZER WINDOW -- Left hand tabs

     The Analyzer window has a menu bar, a tool	bar, and a  split
     pane  that	contains tabs for the various displays.	 The left
     pane contains tabs	for the	principal Analyzer displays.  The
     tabs  that	 are actually present in that pane are controlled
     by	a tabs directive in a .er.rc file, as well as  the  pres-
     ence or absence of	data in	the loaded experiments to support
     the tab.  The tabs	that can be shown, listed  in  the  order
     they would	appear,	are:

     o	  The MPI Timeline tab

     o	  The MPI Charts tab

     o	  The Races tab

     o	  The Deadlocks	tab

     o	  The Dual Source tab

     o	  The Functions	tab

     o	  The Callers-Callees tab

     o	  The Call Tree	tab

     o	  The Source tab

     o	  The Source/Disassembly tab

     o	  The Lines tab

     o	  The Disassembly tab

     o	  The PCs tab

     o	  The OpenMP Parallel Region tab

     o	  The OpenMP Task tab

     o	  The DataObjects tab

     o	  The DataLayout tab

     o	  Various MemoryObjects	tabs

     o	  Various IndexObjects tabs

     o	  The Timeline tab

     o	  The Leaklist tab

     o	  The Statistics tab

     o	  The Experiments tab

     By	default, the first visible tab	is  selected.  Only  tabs
     applicable	 to the	data in	the loaded experiments are shown.
     Most of the left-hand tabs	have a context	menu,  which  you
     open  by  right-clicking  on an item in the tab. You can use
     the context menu to set filters or	to set various options.

     The Set Data Presentation dialog box  contains  a	Tabs  tab
     that  shows  all  available regular tabs in one column, tabs
     for  IndexObject  tabs  in	 the  center,  and  all	  defined
     MemoryObject tabs in a third column, with checkboxes for all
     applicable	tabs.

     The right pane contains the MPI Timeline  Control	Tab,  the
     MPI Chart Control Tab, the	Summary	tab, the Timeline Details
     tab, the Leak tab,	the Deadlock Details tab,  and	the  Race
     Details  tab.   Only  those right-hand tabs corresponding to
     visible left-hand tabs are	shown.

     The toolbar contains a button for the Find	tool,  which  you
     can  use  to locate text or highlighted lines in the various
     tabs (see Finding Text and	Data, below).

     To	configure the split pane, you can drag the  splitter  bar
     to	 resize	 the  panes.  You can also click the zoom buttons
     (triangles) in the	splitter bar to	expand	a  pane	 to  full
     size  or restore it to the	default	size. The triangles point
     in	the direction the splitter bar moves when you click them.
     To	 select	the splitter bar from the keyboard, press F8. The
     arrow keys	move the splitter bar. Home  moves  the	 splitter
     bar all the way to	the left.  End moves the splitter bar all
     the way to	the right.

     To	reorder	the columns in any table, drag the column  header
     to	the desired location. To sort the tables in the	Functions
     and Callers-Callees tabs by  the  contents	 of  any  column,
     click the column header.
     The rightmost entry on the	Menu bar is a Help menu.  You can
     use it to display help on the Analyzer, including a descrip-
     tion of new features, a quick-reference guide, and	lists  of
     keyboard  shortcuts.   In	addition,  the	F1  key	 displays
     context-sensitive help for	the selected tab.

     The MPI Timeline Tab
	  The MPI Timeline tab shows a set  of	horizontal  bars,
	  one for each process in the MPI experiment, with diago-
	  nal lines connecting them  indicating	 messages.   Each
	  bar  has  regions colored according to the MPI function
	  they are in, or indicating  that  the	 process  is  not
	  within MPI (i.e., it is in elsewhere in the application
	  code).  Selecting a region of	a bar, or a message  line
	  shows	 detailed  information about the selection in the
	  MPI Timeline Controls	tab.

	  Dragging the mouse causes the	MPI Timeline to	 zoom  in
	  on  the  horizontal  (time) axis, or the vertical (pro-
	  cess)	axis, depending	on the predominant  direction  of
	  the drag.

     The MPI Chart Tab
	  The MPI Chart	tab shows charts of the	MPI tracing  data
	  seen in the MPI Timeline.  It	presents various plots of
	  data concerning MPI execution.   Selecting  an  element
	  from a chart shows more detailed information in the MPI
	  Chart	Controls tab.  Dragging	the mouse causes the  MPI
	  Chart	 to zoom in on the horizontal axis, or the verti-
	  cal axis, depending on the predominant direction of the

     The Races Tab
	  The Races tab	shows a	list of	data-races  in	the  pro-
	  gram,	 grouped by common callstack.  It is visible only
	  if data-race data is recorded	in a  loaded  experiment.
	  By  default  the  first  data-race in	the list of data-
	  races	is  selected.	For  more  information,	 see  the
	  tha(1) man page.

     The Deadlocks Tab
	  The Deadlocks	tab shows a list of deadlocks and  poten-
	  tial	deadlocks  in the program, grouped by common call
	  stack.  It is	visible	only if	deadlock data is recorded
	  in  a	loaded experiment.  By default the first deadlock
	  in the list of deadlocks is selected.	 For more  infor-
	  mation, see the tha(1) man page.

     The Dual Source Tab
	  The Dual Source tab shows two	panes, each corresponding
	  to  a	Source Tab, as described below.	 It shows the two
	  source locations, based on the selected Thread Analyzer
	  event.   It is loaded	by a selection in the Race Detail
	  or Deadlock Detail right-hand	 tabs  only;  it  is  not
	  affected by any other	selection from any other tab.

	  For a	selected data-race, it shows the source	locations
	  for  the two accesses	of the data-race, as shown in the
	  Race Detail tab.  For	a  selected  deadlock,	it  shows
	  the  two  accesses  corresponding  to	acquiring a first
	  lock,	and deadlocking	attempting to  acquire	a  second
	  lock,	 from  the thread selected in the Deadlock Detail
	  tab.	It is visible only if  Thread  Analyzer	 data  is
	  recorded in a	loaded experiment.  For	more information,
	  see the tha(1) man page.

     The Functions Tab
	  The Functions	tab shows a list consisting of	functions
	  and  their  metrics.	The  metrics are derived from the
	  data collected  in  the  experiment.	 Metrics  can  be
	  either   exclusive  or  inclusive.   Exclusive  metrics
	  represent usage within the function itself.	Inclusive
	  metrics represent usage within the function and all the
	  functions it called.	The list of available metrics for
	  each	kind of	data collected is given	in the collect(1)
	  man page. Only the functions that have non-zero metrics
	  are	listed.	  Time	metrics	 are  shown  as	 seconds,
	  presented to millisecond  precision.	 Percentages  are
	  shown	 to  a precision of 0.01 %.  If	a metric value is
	  precisely zero, its time and	percentage  is	shown  as
	  "0."	If  the	value is not exactly zero, but is smaller
	  than the precision, its value	is shown as  "0.000"  and
	  its  percentage as "0.00". Because of	rounding, percen-
	  tages	might not sum to exactly 100%.
	  Count	metrics	are shown as an	integer	count.

	  The metrics initially	shown are based	on the data  col-
	  lected  and  on  the default settings	read from various
	  .er.rc files (See DEFAULTS,  below).	 For  clock-based
	  profiling,  the  default  set	consists of inclusive and
	  exclusive User CPU  time.   For  synchronization  delay
	  tracing,  the	 default  set  consists	of inclusive syn-
	  chronization wait count and  inclusive  synchronization
	  time.	  For  hardware	 counter  overflow profiling, the
	  default set consists of inclusive and	 exclusive  times
	  (for	counters  that	count  in cycles) or event counts
	  (for other counters).	 For heap  tracing,  the  default
	  set  consists	 of heap allocations and bytes allocated.
	  Calls	to mmap	are treated as	memory	allocations  when
	  heap	tracing.   If more than	one type of data has been
	  collected, the default metrics for each type are shown.

	  The metrics that are shown can be changed using the Set
	  Data Presentation dialog box.
	  To reorder the columns  of  metrics,	drag  the  column
	  header to the	place you want it to appear.

	  To select the	sort metric, click the appropriate column
	  header.   The	 metric	 name  for  the	 sort  metric  is
	  displayed in bold  face,  and	 a  triangle  graphic  is
	  displayed in the header.

	  To search for	a function, use	the Find tool.

	  The context menu for the Functions Tab can be	 used  to
	  set  filters	either	for a specific function, or for	a
	  pattern matching the name of the selected function.  In
	  addition,  double-clicking on	any line in the	Functions
	  Tab will bring up the	Source Tab for that function.

     The Callers-Callees Tab
	  The Callers-Callees tab enables you to examine  metrics
	  for  a particular sequence of	function calls by select-
	  ing a	function and incrementally choosing which of  its
	  callers and callees you want to examine. Select a func-
	  tion of interest in another data tab such as the  Func-
	  tions	tab, then click	the Callers-Callees tab.

	  The Callers-Callees tab shows	the selected function  in
	  a  pane in the center, with callers of that function in
	  a pane above,	and callees of that function  in  a  pane
	  below, showing the attributed	metrics.

	  For  the  selected  function,	 the  attributed   metric
	  represents  the exclusive metric for that function. For
	  the callees, the attribute metric represents	the  por-
	  tion of the callee's inclusive metric	that is	attribut-
	  able to calls	from the center	 function.   The  sum  of
	  attributed  metrics  for  the	 callees and the selected
	  function should add up to the	inclusive metric for  the
	  selected function.

	  For the callers, the attributed metrics  represent  the
	  portion  of  the  selected  function's inclusive metric
	  that is attributable to calls	from the callers. The sum
	  of  the  attributed metrics for all callers should also
	  add up to the	inclusive metric for the  selected  func-

	  The metrics shown in the Callers-Callees tab are chosen
	  in  the  Set Data Presentation dialog	box. If	either an
	  inclusive  or	 an  exclusive	metric	is  chosen,   the
	  corresponding	  attributed   metric  is  shown  in  the
	  Callers-Callees tab.

	  To reorder the columns  of  metrics,	drag  the  column
	  header to the	place you want it to appear.

	  To select the	sort metric, click the appropriate column
	  header.   The	 metric	 name  for  the	 sort  metric  is
	  displayed in bold  face,  and	 a  triangle  graphic  is
	  displayed in the header. Attributed metrics can be used
	  only for sorting in the Callers-Callees tab.

	  To search for	a function, use	the Find tool.

	  Selecting a different	function in any	data tab  updates
	  the  Callers-Callees	tab  to	center it on the selected

	  The center area of  the  Callers-Callees  Tab	 contains
	  buttons to construct a callstack fragment by prepending
	  or appending callers or callees to the existing  center

	  The center area also includes	forward	and back  buttons
	  for navigating the Callers-Callees tab.

	  Double-clicking on a caller or callee	will  prepend  or
	  append the function to the center.

	  Right-clicking in the	Callers-Callees	tab will bring up
	  an option menu to manage the callstack fragment, or add
	  a filter, or navigate	forward	or backwards through  the

     The Call Tree Tab
	  The Call Tree	Tab shows the dynamic  callgraph  of  the
	  program  as  a  tree,	with hierarchical metrics on each
	  line.	 The dynamic callgraph consists	of all paths from
	  the  initial	function  (usually  _start)  to	all other
	  functions.  Nodes in the tree	can be expanded	 or  con-
	  tracted by clicking on the arrow next	to them.

	  The metric shown in the Call Tree Tab	is the attributed
	  metric for each path to that function.

     The Source	Tab
	  If available,	the Source tab shows the file  containing
	  the  source  code  of	 the selected function,	annotated
	  with performance metrics for each source line. The full
	  names	of the source file, the	corresponding object file
	  and the load object are given	in the column heading for
	  the  source  code.   In  the	rare  case where the same
	  source file is used to compile  more	than  one  object
	  file,	the Source tab shows the performance data for the
	  object file containing the selected function.
	  The Analyzer looks for the file containing the selected
	  function under the absolute pathname as recorded in the
	  executable.  If the file is  not  there,  the	 Analyzer
	  tries	 to  find  a  file  of	the  same basename in the
	  current working  directory.	If  you	 have  moved  the
	  sources,  or the experiment was recorded in a	different
	  file system, you can	put  a	symbolic  link	from  the
	  current  directory to	the real source	location in order
	  to see the annotated source.

	  When a function is selected in the  Functions	 tab  and
	  the  Source tab is opened, the source	file displayed is
	  the default  source  context	for  that  function.  The
	  default  source  context of a	function is the	file con-
	  taining the function's first instruction, which  for	C
	  code	is the function's opening brace. Immediately fol-
	  lowing the first instruction,	the annotated source file
	  adds	an index line for the function.	The source window
	  displays index lines as  text	 in  red  italics  within
	  angle	brackets in the	form shown below:

	    <Function: f_name>

	  A function might  have  an  alternate	 source	 context,
	  which	is another file	that contains instructions attri-
	  buted	to the function. Such instructions can come  from
	  include  files or from other functions inlined into the
	  selected function. If	there are  any	alternate  source
	  contexts,  the  beginning of the default source context
	  includes a list of extended index lines  that	 indicate
	  where	the alternate source contexts are located.

	    <Function: f, instructions from source file	src.h>

	  Double clicking on an	index line that	refers to another
	  source  context  opens  the file containing that source
	  context, at the location associated  with  the  indexed
	  function.  To	aid navigation,	alternate source contexts
	  also start with a list of index lines	that  refer  back
	  to  functions	defined	in the default source context and
	  other	alternate source contexts.

	  The source code is interleaved with any  compiler  com-
	  mentary that has been	selected for display. The classes
	  of commentary	shown can be set in the	Set Data  Presen-
	  tation  dialog box. The default classes can be set in	a
	  defaults file	(see DEFAULTS, below).

	  The metrics displayed	in the Source tab are  chosen  in
	  the Set Data Presentation dialog box.

	  Lines	with metrics  that  are	 equal	to  or	exceed	a
	  threshold  percentage	of the maximum of that metric for
	  any line in the source file are highlighted to make  it
	  easier  to find the important	lines.	The threshold can
	  be set in the	Set Data  Presentation	dialog	box.  The
	  default  threshold  can  be set in a defaults	file (see
	  DEFAULTS, below).

	  To search for	text and for highlighted lines,	 use  the
	  Find tool (see Finding Text and Data,	below).

	  To reorder the columns  of  metrics,	drag  the  column
	  header to the	place you want it to appear.

	  Double-clicking on any line  in  the	Source	Tab  will
	  bring	 up  the  Disassembly  Tab  at	or near	the first
	  instruction from that	source line

     The Lines Tab
	  The Lines tab	shows a	list consisting	of  source  lines
	  and  their  metrics.	Source lines are labeled with the
	  function from	which they came	and the	line  number  and
	  source  file	name.	If  no line-number information is
	  available for	a function, or the source  file	 for  the
	  function is not known, all of	the function's PCs appear
	  aggregated into a single entry for the function in  the
	  lines	 display.  PCs from functions that are from load-
	  objects whose	functions are hidden appear aggregated as
	  a  single  entry  for	 the  load-object  in  the  lines
	  display.  Selecting a	line in	the Lines tab  shows  all
	  the  metrics for that	line in	the Summary tab.  Select-
	  ing the Source or Disassembly	 tab  after  selecting	a
	  line	from  the  Lines tab positions the display at the
	  appropriate line.

	  Double clicking on a line in the Lines Tab  will  bring
	  up the source	display	at or near that	line.

     The Disassembly Tab
	  The Disassembly tab shows a disassembly listing of  the
	  object file containing the selected function,	annotated
	  with performance metrics for each instruction.

	  Interleaved within  the   disassembly	 listing  is  the
	  source  code,	if available, and any compiler commentary
	  chosen for  display.	The  algorithm	for  finding  the
	  source  file	in the Disassembly tab is the same as the
	  algorithm used in the	Source tab.

	  Just as with the Source tab, index lines are	displayed
	  in  Disassembly  tab.	 But unlike the	Source tab, index
	  lines	for alternate  source  contexts	 cannot	 be  used
	  directly for navigation purposes. Also, index	lines for
	  alternate source contexts are	displayed at the start of
	  where	the #included or inlined code is inserted, rather
	  than	just  being  listed  at	 the  beginning	 of   the
	  Disassembly  view.   Code  that is #included or inlined
	  from other files will	show as	raw disassembly	 instruc-
	  tions	 without  interleaving	the source code. However,
	  placing the cursor on	one  of	 these	instructions  and
	  selecting  the  Source  tab, opens the source	file con-
	  taining the #included	or inlined  code.  Selecting  the
	  Disassembly  tab  with  this	file  displayed	opens the
	  Disassembly view in the new  context,	 thus  displaying
	  the disassembly code with interleaved	source code.

	  The classes of commentary shown can be set in	 the  Set
	  Data	Presentation  dialog box. The default classes can
	  be set in a defaults file (see DEFAULTS, below).

	  The analyzer highlights lines	 with  metrics	that  are
	  equal	to or exceed a metric-specific threshold, to make
	  it easier to find the	important lines.   The	threshold
	  can be set in	the Set	Data Presentation dialog box. The
	  default threshold can	be set in a  defaults  file  (see
	  DEFAULTS, below).

	  To search for	text and for highlighted lines,	 use  the
	  Find tool (see Finding Text and Data,	below).

	  To reorder the columns  of  metrics,	drag  the  column
	  header to the	place you want it to appear.

     The Source/Disassembly Tab
	  The  Source/Disassembly  tab	shows  two   panes,   one
	  corresponding	 to the	Source Tab, and	one corresponding
	  to the Disassembly tab.  Both	panes are loaded  by  any
	  selection, just as the individual tabs are loaded.

     The PCs Tab
	  The PCs tab shows a list consisting of  PCs  and  their
	  metrics.   PCs are labeled with the function from which
	  they came and	the offset  within  that  function.   PCs
	  from	functions  that	are from load-objects whose func-
	  tions	are hidden appear aggregated as	 a  single  entry
	  for  the  load-object	 in the	PCs display.  Selecting	a
	  line in the PCs tab shows all	the metrics for	 that  PC
	  in  the Summary tab.	Selecting the Source or	Disassem-
	  bly tab after	selecting a line from the PCs  tab  posi-
	  tions	the display at the appropriate line.

	  Double clicking on a PC in the PCs Tab  will	bring  up
	  the Disassembly Tab at or near that PC.

     The OpenMP	Parallel Region	Tab

	  The OpenMP Parallel Region tab shows the list	of OpenMP
	  parallel regions with	their metrics.	The tab	is appli-
	  cable	only to	experiments recorded with the OpenMP  3.0

     The OpenMP	Task Tab
	  The OpenMP Task tab shows the	list of	OpenMP tasks with
	  their	 metrics.   The	tab is applicable only to experi-
	  ments	recorded with the OpenMP 3.0 collector.

     The DataObjects Tab
	  The DataObjects tab shows the	list of	data objects with
	  their	 metrics.  The tab is applicable only to hardware
	  counter experiments where the	 aggressive  backtracking
	  option was enabled, and for source files that	were com-
	  piled	with the -xhwcprof option in the C compiler.   It
	  shows	hardware counter memory	operation metrics against
	  the various data structures and variables in	the  pro-

	  The DataObjects tab can be made visible only if one  or
	  more	of  the	 loaded	 experiments contains a	dataspace

     The DataLayout Tab
	  The DataLayout tab shows the annotated dataobject  lay-
	  outs	for  all  program  data	objects	with data-derived
	  metric data. The layouts appear in the  tab  sorted  by
	  the  data  sort  metrics  values for the structure as	a
	  whole.  The tab shows	each aggregate data  object  with
	  the  total metrics attributed	to it, followed	by all of
	  its elements in offset order.	Each  element,	in  turn,
	  has  its  own	 metrics and an	indicator of its size and
	  location in 32-byte blocks.

	  As with the DataObjects tab, the DataLayout tab can  be
	  made	visible	only if	one or more of the loaded experi-
	  ments	contains a dataspace profile.

     The MemoryObjects Tabs
	  Each MemoryObjects tab  shows	 the  metric  values  for
	  dataspace  metrics,  attributed  to  the memory objects
	  (cache-lines,	pages, etc.) for that tab.  Any	number of
	  MemoryObjects	Tabs can be made visible, but as with the
	  DataObjects tab, the MemoryObjects  tabs  can	 be  made
	  visible  only	 if one	or more	of the loaded experiments
	  contains a dataspace profile.

	  Various MemoryObjects	tabs are predefined, and a button
	  in the Tabs tab of the Set Data Presentation dialog box
	  can be used  to  define  a  custom  memory  object,  by
	  assigning  it	 a  name,  and giving an index expression
	  used to map the recorded Physical or Virtual Address to
	  an  object  index.   One or more memobj_define commands
	  can be included in a .er.rc file  to	predefine  custom
	  memory  objects.  See	the er_print(1)	man page for more

	  Each MemoryObjects tab has radio buttons  allowing  the
	  selection  of	 either	 a  Text  display  or a	Graphical
	  display.  The	 Text  display	is  very  much	like  the
	  DataObject Tab, and uses the same metric settings.  The
	  Graphical display shows a graphical  representation  of
	  the  relative	 values	 for  each  memory object, with	a
	  separate histogram for each metric.  The  histogram  is
	  sorted by the	data sort metric.

     The IndexObjects Tabs
	  Each IndexObjects tab	shows the metric values	 for  all
	  metrics,   similar   to   the	 MemoryObjects	tabs  for
	  dataspace metrics.

	  Several  IndexObjects	 tabs  are  predefined:	 Threads,
	  CPUs,	 Samples,  and Seconds.	 A button in the Tabs tab
	  of the Set Data Presentation dialog box can be used  to
	  define  a  custom index object, by assigning it a name,
	  and giving an	index expression used to map the recorded
	  parameters of	an event to an object index.  One or more
	  indxobj_define commands can be  included  in	a  .er.rc
	  file	to  predefine  custom  index  objects.	 See  the
	  er_print(1) man page for more	information.

	  Each IndexObjects tab	has radio  buttons  allowing  the
	  selection  of	 either	 a  Text  display  or a	Graphical
	  display.  The	Text display is	very much like the  Func-
	  tions	 Tab,  but  shows only exclusive metric	settings.
	  The Graphical	display	shows a	graphical  representation
	  of  the  relative  values for	each index object, with	a
	  separate histogram for each metric.  The  histogram  is
	  sorted by the	data sort metric.

	  One of the Index Object Tabs,	the Threads tab,  has  an
	  additional  radio button option specifying a chart view
	  of the data.	By default, a chart of	"Load  Imbalance"
	  will	be  shown.  Other charts can be	selected from the
	  Threads Chart	Controls tab on	the right side.

     The Timeline Tab
	  The Timeline tab shows a chart of the	 events	 and  the
	  sample  points  recorded by the Collector as a function
	  of time. Data	is displayed in	horizontal bars. For each
	  experiment  there is a bar for sample	data and a set of
	  bars for each	LWP, thread, or	CPU, or	one set	 for  the
	  entire  experiment.	Each such set consists of one bar
	  for each data	 type  recorded:  clock-based  profiling,
	  hardware  counter  overflow  profiling, synchronization
	  tracing, heap	tracing, and MPI tracing.

	  The bars that	contain	sample data  show  a  color-coded
	  representation of the	time spent in each microstate for
	  each sample. Samples are displayed as	a period of  time
	  because  the	data  in  a  sample point represents time
	  spent	between	that point and the previous point. Click-
	  ing  a  sample displays the data for that sample in the
	  Timeline Details tab.

	  The profiling	data or	tracing	data bars show	an  event
	  marker  for each event recorded. The event markers con-
	  sist of a color-coded	representation of the call  stack
	  recorded  with the event, as a stack of colored rectan-
	  gles.	 Clicking an event marker selects the correspond-
	  ing  event and displays the data for that event and its
	  call stack in	the Timeline Details tab. Double-clicking
	  a  frame  in	the  call  stack opens the Function Color
	  Chooser dialog box, which enables  you  to  change  the
	  colors for any function displayed in the timeline.

	  For some kinds of data, events might overlap and not be
	  visible.   Whenever  there  are  two	or more	events at
	  exactly the same position, only one is drawn;	if  there
	  are  two  or	more events within one or two pixels, all
	  are drawn, although they might not be	visually  distin-
	  guishable.   In  either  case,  a  small  gray tickmark
	  appears below	the drawn events indicating the	overlap.

	  The Timeline tab of the Set  Data  Presentation  dialog
	  box  allows  you  to change the types	of event-specific
	  data that are	shown; to select the  display  of  event-
	  specific data	for threads, LWPs, or CPUs, or aggregated
	  for the entire experiment; to	choose to align	the  call
	  stack	representation at the root or at the leaf; and to
	  choose the number of levels of the call stack	that  are
	  displayed.   You  can	 use  the buttons in the Timeline
	  Details tab to step  horizontally  between  events  and
	  vertically  between bars, to zoom in or out on the time
	  axis or to reset the display to full	width.	 You  can
	  also zoom in by dragging over	a region.  You can change
	  the color that is mapped to the selected function using
	  the  color  chooser  which is	brought	up by clicking on
	  the Color Chooser icon on the	tool bar.

	  In the color chooser,	you can	also set a color for  all
	  functions,  or for those functions whose name	matches	a
	  particular string  pattern.	The  color  chooser  also
	  allows  you to set the color for clock-profiling events
	  representing microstates other than  User  CPU,  or  to
	  hide	such  events. The color	chooser	also has a legend
	  giving the color for each function.

	  The Timeline preferences also	allow  the  selection  of
	  either  a  thread-state or event-count graph underneath
	  each bar.

	  Experiments are selected for display using  the  Manage
	  Filters dialog box.

     The LeakList Tab
	  The  LeakList	 tab  shows  two  lines,  the  upper  one
	  representing	leaks,	and  the  lower	 one representing
	  allocations.	Each contains a	call  stack,  similar  to
	  that	shown  in  the Timeline	tab, in	the center with	a
	  bar above proportional to the	 bytes	leaked	or  allo-
	  cated,  and  a  bar below proportional to the	number of
	  leaks	or allocations.

	  Selection of a leak or allocation displays the data for
	  the  selected	 leak  or allocation in	the Leak tab, and
	  selects a frame in the call stack, just as it	 does  in
	  the Timeline tab.

	  The LeakList Tab can be made visible	only  if  one  or
	  more	of  the	 loaded	 experiments  contains heap trace
	  data.	 You can use the Leak Tab toolbar  to  step  hor-
	  izontally  between  leaks or allocations, or vertically
	  to switch from leaks	to  allocations	 and  vice-versa.
	  You  can  also  change  the color that is mapped to the
	  selected function using  the	color  chooser	which  is
	  brought up by	clicking on the	Color Chooser icon in the
	  tool bar.

     The Statistics Tab
	  The Statistics tab  shows  totals  for  various  system
	  statistics  summed  over  the	 selected experiments and
	  samples. The totals are followed by the statistics  for
	  the  selected	 samples of each experiment. For informa-
	  tion on the statistics presented, see	the getrusage(3C)
	  and proc(4) man pages.

     The Experiments Tab
	  The Experiments tab is divided into two panels. The top
	  panel	 contains a tree that contains nodes for the load
	  objects in all the experiments  loaded,  and	for  each
	  experiment   load.   When  the  Load	Objects	 node  is
	  expanded, it shows the list of all  load  objects,  and
	  various messages about their processing.

	  When the node	for an experiment is expanded,	it  shows
	  two areas: a Notes  area and an Info	area.
	  The Notes  area displays the	contents  of  any  notes
	  file in the experiment. The notes can	be edited by typ-
	  ing directly in the Notes area. The Notes area includes
	  its  own  toolbar with buttons for saving or discarding
	  the notes and	for undoing or redoing	any  edits  since
	  the last save.

	  The Info  area contains information about  the  experi-
	  ments	 collected  and	 the load objects accessed by the
	  collection target,  including	 any  error  messages  or
	  warning messages generated during the	processing of the
	  experiment or	the load objects.

	  The bottom panel lists error and warning messages  from
	  the analyzer session.

ANALYZER WINDOW -- Right hand tabs

     The right hand tabs are used to  show  detailed  information
     about an item selected from one of	the left hand tabs.

     The Summary Tab
	  The Summary tab shows	all the	recorded metrics for  the
	  selected  function  or  load object, both as values and
	  percentages, and information on the  selected	 function
	  or  load  object. The	Summary	tab is updated whenever	a
	  new function or load object is selected in any tab.  It
	  is  raised on	any selection from the Functions, Caller-
	  callee, Lines	or PCs tab.  It	is loaded, but not raised
	  on selection from the	Source or Disassembly tabs.

     The Timeline Details Tab
	  The Timeline Details tab shows detailed  data	 for  the
	  event	 that  is selected in the Timeline tab,	including
	  the event type, leaf function, LWP, thread IDs, and CPU
	  IDs.	 Below the data	panel the call stack is	displayed
	  with the color coding	for each function in  the  stack.
	  Clicking  a  function	 in  the  call stack makes it the
	  selected function.

	  When a sample	is selected  in	 the  Timeline	tab,  the
	  Timeline Details tab shows the sample	number,	the start
	  and end time of the sample, and  the	microstates  with
	  the  amount  of  time	 spent in each microstate and the
	  color	coding.

	  The Timeline Details tab has a toolbar, which	 is  used
	  to  step  between  events, to	zoom the timeline, and to
	  bring	up the color chooser.

	  This tab is raised whenever a	selection is made in  the
	  Timeline tab.

     The Leak Tab
	  The Leak tab shows detailed data for the selected  leak
	  or  allocation  in  the  Leaklist  tab.  Below the data
	  panel, the Leak tab shows the	 callstack  at	the  time
	  when	the  selected  leak  or	 allocation was	detected.
	  Clicking a function in the  call  stack  makes  it  the
	  selected function.

	  The Leak tab has a  toolbar,	which  is  used	 to  step
	  between events, and to bring up the color chooser.

	  This tab is visible only when	the Leaklist tab is visi-
	  ble in the left pane.	It is raised whenever a	selection
	  is made in the Leaklist tab.

     The MPI Timeline Controls Tab
	  The MPI  Timeline  Controls  tab  supports  zoom,  pan,
	  event-step, and filtering for	the MPI	Timeline tab.

	  MPI filtering	causes data outside the	current	field  of
	  view to be eliminated	from the data set used in the MPI
	  Chart	tab.  A	filter is applied by clicking the  Filter
	  button.   The	 back-filter  button  is used to undo the
	  last filter; the forward-filter button is used to reap-
	  ply  a  filter.  MPI Filters are shared between the MPI
	  Timeline tab	and  the  MPI  Chart  tab,  but	 are  not
	  currently applied to other tabs.

	  The MPI Timeline Controls tab	is also	used to	show  the
	  details  for	a  function or message selection from the
	  MPI Timeline tab.

     The MPI Chart Controls Tab
	  The MPI Chart	Controls tab has a set of drop-down lists
	  to  control the type of chart, the parameters	for the	X
	  and Y	axes, and for the Metric  and  Operator	 used  to
	  aggregate the	data to	specify	the chart.

	  The MPI Chart	Controls Tab allows for	presenting of  X-
	  or  Y-Histograms,  or	 a  2-D	chart.	It allows showing
	  data either for functions or	messages.   The	 "Metric"
	  setting  allows  selection  of  Time,	Duration, Process
	  (MPI Rank), and Byte counts.	A Metric setting  of  "1"
	  is used to cound numbers of events.  The Chart Controls
	  also allow  setting  an  operator,  governing	 how  the
	  metric  values  are  combined	 in the	chart.	It allows
	  selecting Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, or Fair.  The
	  Fair operator	selected a representative value.

	  See the Help menu  and  the  Performance  Analyzer  MPI
	  Tutorial for further information.
	  MPI filtering	causes data outside the	current	field  of
	  view	to  be	eliminated from	the data set shown in the
	  MPI Timeline tab.  A filter is applied by clicking  the
	  Filter  button.  The back-filter button is used to undo
	  the last filter; the forward-filter button is	 used  to
	  reapply a filter.

	  The MPI Chart	Controls tab is	also  used  to	show  the
	  details for a	selection from the MPI Chart tab.

     The Race Details Tab
	  The Race Details Tab has a toolbar that can be used  to
	  step	through	the Races while	examining the Race Source
	  context for each race.

	  This tab is visible only when	the Races tab is  visible
	  in  the left pane. It	is raised whenever a selection is
	  made in the Races tab.  For more information,	 see  the
	  tha(1) man page.

     The Deadlock Details Tab
	  The Deadlock Details tab shows detailed  data	 for  the
	  selected deadlock in the Deadlock tab.

	  The Deadlock Details Tab has a toolbar that can be used
	  to  step through the Deadlocks while examining the Race
	  Source context for each deadlock.

	  This tab is visible only when	the Deadlock tab is visi-
	  ble in the left pane.	It is raised whenever a	selection
	  is made in the Races tab.  For  more	information,  see
	  the tha(1) man page.

  Selecting the	Data Presentation Options
     You can control the presentation of data from the	Set  Data
     Presentation  dialog  box.	To open	this dialog box, click on
     the Set Data Presentation button in the  toolbar  or  choose
     Set  Data	Presentation  from  the	 View menu.  The Set Data
     Presentation dialog box has a tabbed pane with eight tabs.

     The Metrics tab shows all of the  available  metrics.   Each
     metric has	check boxes in one or more of the columns labeled
     Time, Value and %,	depending on the type of metric.

     Alternatively, instead of setting	individual  metrics,  all
     metrics  can  be set at once by selecting or deselecting the
     check boxes in the	bottom row of the  dialog  box	and  then
     clicking on the Apply to all metrics button.

     The Sort tab shows	the order of the metrics  presented,  and
     the choice	of metric to sort by.

     The Source/Disassembly tab	presents  a  list  of  checkboxes
     that  you	can  use  to select the	information presented, as

     o	       The compiler  commentary	 that  is  shown  in  the
	       source listing and the disassembly listing

     o	       The threshold for highlighting important	lines  in
	       the source listing and the disassembly listing

     o	       The interleaving	of source code in the disassembly

     o	       The metrics on the source lines in the disassembly

     o	       The display of instructions in hexadecimal in  the
	       disassembly listing.

     The Formats tab presents a	choice for the long  form,  short
     form,  or mangled form of C++ function names and Java method
     names.  In	addition, selecting the	Append SO name	to  Func-
     tion  name	checkbox adds the name of the shared object where
     the function or method is located to the end of the function
     or	method name.

     The Formats tab also presents a  choice  for  View	 Mode  of
     User,  Expert,  or	 Machine.  The View Mode setting controls
     the processing of Java experiments	and  OpenMP  experiments.
     It	 also  contains	 a setting for enabling	or disabling com-
     parison mode.  See	"COMPARISON MODE", below, for more infor-

     The Timeline tab presents choices for the	types  of  event-
     specific  data that are shown; an event-state or event-count
     graph; the	display	of event-specific data for threads, LWPs,
     CPUs,  or	experiments;  the  alignment  of  the  call stack
     representation at the root	or at the leaf;	and the	number of
     levels of the call	stack that are displayed.

     The Search	Path tab allows	you to manage a	 list  of  direc-
     tories to be used for searching for source	and object files.
     The special name "$expts" refers to the experiments  loaded;
     all other names should be paths in	the file system.

     The Pathmap tab allows you	to manage a list of pathmappings,
     as	 an  alternative to Search Path	to find	source and object
     files.  Each pathmap has a	from-prefix and	a to-prefix.   If
     the  full	path of	a file begins with the from-prefix, a new
     path replacing that prefix	with the to-prefix will	be tried.
     Multiple  mappings	 can  be  used,	and they will be tried in

     The Tabs tab allows you to	select	which  of  the	available
     tabs  should  be  shown  in the main display.  It also has	a
     list of MemoryObjects and IndexObjects Tabs that are  prede-
     fined, and	has a button to	allow you to add custom	MemoryOb-
     jects or IndexObjects tabs.

     You must click OK or Apply	to  apply  your	 changes  to  the
     current  session. The Set Data Presentation dialog	box has	a
     Save button with which you	can store the  current	settings,
     including	any  custom-defined  memory objects. The settings
     will then be used in future sessions.

     Note:  Since the defaults for the Analyzer, er_print utility
	    and	 er_src	 utility are set by a common .er.rc file,
	    output from	er_print utility and  er_src  utility  is
	    affected  as  a  result  of	 saving	 changes  in  the
	    Analyzer's Set Data	Preferences dialog box.

  Finding Text and Data
     The Analyzer has a	Find tool available through the	 toolbar,
     with  two	options	 for  search  targets that are given in	a
     drop-down list.  You can search for text in the Name  column
     of	 the  Function tab or Callers-Callees tab and in the code
     column of the Source tab and Disassembly tab. You can search
     for  a  high-metric  item	in the Source tab and Disassembly
     tab. The metric values on the lines  containing  high-metric
     items  are	highlighted in yellow. Use the arrow buttons next
     to	the Find field to search up or down.

  Showing or Hiding Functions
     By	default, all functions in each load object are	shown  in
     the  Function  tab	and Callers-Callees tab. You can hide all
     the functions in a	load object or show only those	functions
     representing   the	 API  into  the	 load  object  using  the
     Show/Hide Functions dialog	box. The dialog	box can	be opened
     from the toolbar or the View menu.

     When the functions	in a load object are  hidden,  the  Func-
     tions  tab	 and  Callers-Callees  tab  show  a  single entry
     representing the aggregate	of all functions  from	the  load
     object.   Similarly, the Lines tab	and PCs	tab show a single
     entry aggregating all PCs from all	functions from	the  load

     When only the API functions in a load object are shown, only
     those  functions  representing  calls  into  the library are
     shown, and	all calls below	those functions,  whether  within
     that  load	 object,  or  into  other load objects,	including
     callbacks,	are not	shown. The Callers-Callees tab will never
     show callees from such functions.

     The settings for load objects can be preset with command  in
     a .er.rc file (See	DEFAULTS, below).

     In	contrast to filtering, metrics	corresponding  to  hidden
     functions	 are  still  represented  in  some  form  in  all

  Filtering Data
     By	default, data is shown in each data tab	for all	functions
     in	 all experiments, all samples, all threads, and	all CPUs.
     You can select a subset of	data by	using predefined  context
     filters  in  the  following  data	tabs: Functions, Callers-
     Callees, Call Tree, Timeline,  Experiments,  Threads,  CPUs,
     Samples,  and  Seconds. Select an item of interest	in one of
     these tabs, then right-click with the mouse to select a con-
     text  filter.   The filter	is immediately applied across the
     data tabs that support filtering.	Context	filters	are ANDed
     together  so  that	each context filter selected further nar-
     rows down the displayed data. The data must  match	 all  the
     filters in	order to be shown.

     You can also filter data by using the Manage Filters  dialog
     box, which	you open by clicking the Manage	Filters	button in
     the toolbar, or choosing Manage Filters from the View  menu,
     or	by selecting Manage Filters from the context menu.

     The Manage	Filters	dialog box has three tabs:
     Experiments, General, and Custom.	The Experiments	and  Gen-
     eral  tab	operate	together, but independently of the Custom

     Experiments tab
	  The Experiments tab of the Manage  Filters  dialog  box
	  shows	 a  list  of  loaded experiments.  You can select
	  experiments whose data you want to see by clicking  the
	  check	boxes next to their names. Select or deselect all
	  the experiments at once by clicking  the  Enable  check
	  box at the top of the	list.

     General tab
	  The General  tab  of	the  Manage  Filters  dialog  box
	  enables  you to select samples, threads, and CPUs whose
	  data you want	to include in the Analyzer data	tabs. The
	  items	 are identified	by numbers that	are also shown in
	  the Samples, Threads,	and CPUs tabs, and in  the  Time-
	  line	tab. To	add tabs to the	Analyzer display, use the
	  Set Data Presentation	dialog box.

	  The General tab works	 together  with	 the  Experiments
	  tab.	The  experiments  selected in the Experiments tab
	  determine the	numbers	of  samples,  threads,	and  CPUs
	  shown	 in  the General tab.  Each of the items are num-
	  bered	from 1 to N, where N is	 dynamically  determined,
	  based	on the selected	experiment.

	  You can specify any set of each item (samples, threads,
	  and  CPUs)  by  typing  in each text box a list of item
	  numbers separated by spaces or commas, or  ranges  such
	  as  1-5.   To	 include all the items from a set, select
	  "all"	in the combo-box menu for that set.

	  The selections made in the Experiments and General tabs
	  are  combined	 for  filtering;  data must match all the
	  selections made in these tabs	to  be	included  in  the
	  data tabs.

     Custom tab
	  The Custom tab of the	Manage Filters dialog box shows	a
	  Filter  Specification	 that contains the filter expres-
	  sions	that are created by the	Analyzer in  response  to
	  predefined  filter  selections  made in data tabs.  The
	  predefined filters and Custom	filters	are separate from
	  the filters applied through the Experiments and General

	  The text of the Filter Specification box  is	editable;
	  you  can  customize it as you	like and click "Apply" or
	  "OK" to filter the data according to the filter expres-
	  sions	displayed.

	  If the filter	is incorrectly specified, an  error  will
	  be posted, and the old filter	setting	will remain.

	  The syntax for filter	expressions shown in  the  Filter
	  Expression  box  is the same as that used for	filtering
	  with the er_print  command  and  is  described  in  the
	  er_print(1) man page,	under the filters command.

	  All changes within the Custom	tab, including	undo  and
	  redo,	 take  effect  only  after  "Apply"  or	 "OK"  is

	  The Custom tab has a button "Show Keywords", which will
	  bring	 up  a	popup  window that shows all the keywords
	  that can be used in composing	filters	for  the  experi-
	  ments	 as  loaded.  That popup also includes any labels
	  set by er_label.

	  The Custom tab also has undo and redo	buttons	for undo-
	  ing  or redoing changes to the filters, whether made by
	  hand,	or by context menu operations.	Those buttons  do
	  not  immediately  undo or redo filters.  You must click
	  on "OK" or "Apply" to	have the changes take effect.

     Setting filters from a context menu
	  When a context menu item for filtering is selected, the
	  filter  is  immediately  ANDed with any existing filter
	  and applied.	An event must satisfy all filters  to  be

	  The context menu also	supports undoing the last  filter
	  applied.  The	undo operation takes place immediately.

	  For further managing the filters, you	can use	the  Cus-
	  tom  filter  tab, and	edit the filter	expression as you

  Recording Experiments
     When the Analyzer is invoked with a target	name  and  target
     arguments,	 it starts up with the Oracle Solaris Studio Col-
     lect dialog box open, allowing you	to record  an  experiment
     on	 the  named target.  When the Analyzer is invoked with no
     arguments,	or with	an experiment list, you	can also record	a
     new  experiment by	opening	the Oracle Solaris Studio Collect
     dialog box	by clicking the	Collect	Experiment button in  the
     toolbar or	choosing Collect Experiment from the File menu.

     The Oracle	Solaris	Studio Collect dialog box has three tabs,
     one to describe the experiment, a second to specify the data
     to	be collected, and a third for the output from collect and
     the process.

     The first tab is labeled "1. Collect  Experiment",	 and  has
     fields to name the	target,	its arguments, the experiment and
     its group and directory, as  well	as  the	 current  working
     directory.	  It  also  has	 fields	 allowing  you to specify
     environment variables, and	naming	a  launcher  process,  as
     would  be	used for MPI runs.  It also has	options	governing
     the data size limit, a time limit for the run, and	 archive,
     descendant	 process,  and	signal	controls.   These options
     correspond	to the options available in the	collect	 command,
     as	 described in the collect(1) man page.	Immediately below
     the panel is a Preview Command button,  and  a  text  field.
     When the button is	pressed, the text field	is filled in with
     the collect command that would be used when the  Run  button
     is	 pushed.   At  the bottom of the tab is	a set of buttons,
     allowing you to launch the	run; send Pause, Resume, and Sam-
     ple  signals  to  the process during the run (enabled if the
     corresponding signals are specified); terminate the run; and
     close the dialog box.

     The second	tab is labeled "2. Data	to Collect", and contains
     controls  for clock and HW	counter	profiling, for synchroni-
     zation and	heap tracing, and various other	data options.  It
     also has the same preview button and field, and run controls
     as	the first tab.

     The third tab is labeled  "3.  Input/Output",  and	 has  two
     panes,  one for the output	from collect itself, and a second
     for output	from the process.  It also has the  same  preview
     button and	field, and run controls	as the first tab.

     If	the panel is closed while an experiment	is  in	progress,
     the  experiment  continues.  If  the  panel is reinvoked, it
     shows the experiment in progress, as if  it  had  been  left
     open  during  the	run.  If you attempt to	exit the Analyzer
     while an experiment is in progress, a dialog box opens  ask-
     ing  whether  you want the	run terminated or allowed to con-

  Generating Mapfiles and Function Reordering
     Mapfile generation	is obsolete and	no longer supported.

  Other	Capabilities
     The Analyzer provides in the File menu the	 ability  to  add
     experiments  or  experiment groups	to the current set, or to
     drop experiments from the set.

     The Analyzer provides an item in the File menu to	create	a
     new  window.  When	invoked, it opens a duplicate window with
     the same settings as the original window. Once the	window is
     open,  you	 can  change  settings	in  either window without
     affecting the other.

     A few settings are	shared by all windows.	 They  share  the
     set  of  experiments, so adding or	dropping an experiment in
     one window	affects	all windows.  The search path setting  is
     common to all windows.


     The Analyzer processes directives from a .er.rc file in  the
     current  directory,  if  present; from a .er.rc file in your
     home directory, if	present; and from  a  system  er.rc  file
     installed with the	product.

     These .er.rc files	can contain default  settings  for  which
     tabs  are	visible	 (tabs), when the Analyzer is brought up.
     The  tabs	are  named  by	the  er_print  command	for   the
     corresponding  report, except for the Experiments Tab, named
     headers, the Timeline Tab,	named timeline,	the  Dual  Source
     Tab,  named  dsrc,	 and  the  Source/Disassembly  tab, named

     The .er.rc	files  can  also  contain  default  settings  for
     metrics,  sorting,	 and  for  specifying compiler commentary
     options and highlighting thresholds for source and	disassem-
     bly  output.   The	 files	also  specify a	path for C++ name
     demangling	for other compilers, as	well as	default	 settings
     for  the  Timeline	tab, and for name formatting, and setting
     View Mode (viewmode).

     The  .er.rc  files	 can  also  contain  a	setting,  en_desc
     {on|off}  to  control  whether or not descendant experiments
     are selected and read when	the founder experiment is read.

     The .er.rc	files can also contain directives to control  the
     search path for source and	object files.

     The .er.rc	files can  also	 contain  directives  to  control
     showing and hiding	functions from load objects.

     In	the Analyzer, an .er.rc	file can be saved by clicking  on
     the  Save	button	in  the	Set Data Presentation dialog box,
     which you can open	from the View menu. Saving an .er.rc file
     from  the	Set Data Presentation dialog box affects not only
     subsequent	 invocations  of  the  Analyzer,  but  also   the
     er_print utility and er_src utility.  See the description of
     these directives and files, and  their  processing,  in  the
     er_print(1) man page.

     The Analyzer puts a message  into	its  Errors/Warning  logs
     areas  naming  the	user .er.rc files it processed,	including
     any processing message generated when any tab is loaded.


     When the Analyzer is invoked on more than one experiment  or
     experiment	 group,	 it normally will aggregate the	data from
     all the experiments.  If you put compare  on  in  a   .er.rc
     file  it  will  come up in	comparison mode.  Comparison mode
     may also be set or	reset from a context menu  in  the  Func-
     tions tab,	or from	the Set	Data Presentation Dialog.

     In	comparison mode, the function  list  will  show	 separate
     columns of	metrics	for each experiment or group, so that the
     data may be compared.  The	 columns  will	have  color-coded
     headers  to  distinguish  the  experiments.  Comparison mode
     works in the Function Tab,	the Caller-Callee  Tab,	 and  the
     Source  and Disassembly Tabs.  The	Summary	Tab will only get
     data from the first experiment.  The current  implementation
     is	 a prototype, and the functionality is expected	to change
     for the next release.


     Analyzer  will only work on experiments  recorded	with  the
     current  version  of the tools.  It will report an	error for
     experiments recorded with any other version.  You should use
     the  version  of  Analyzer	 from  the release with	which the
     experiment	was recorded.


     collect(1), collector(1), dbx(1),	er_archive(1),	er_cp(1),
     er_export(1),  er_mv(1),  er_print(1),  er_rm(1), er_src(1),
     tha(1), libcollector(3), the  Performance	Analyzer  manual,
     and the Performance Analyzer MPI Tutorial.