Man Page tcov.1


     tcov - source code	test coverage analysis	and  source  line


     tcov [ -a ] [ -n ]	[ -o filename ]	[ -p oldpath newpath ]
	  -x profile_directory source_files ...


     tcov analyzes test	coverage of compiled programs. tcov takes
     source  files  as arguments and produces test coverage list-
     ings annotated with execution counts as  output.	Execution
     counts  in	test coverage listings are associated with "basic
     blocks" of	 compiled  code,  where	 a  "basic  block"  is	a
     sequence  of  consecutive	instructions that are always exe-
     cuted from	start to finish.

     Each source line beginning	a new  basic  block  of	 compiled
     code  (or	each  source line if the tcov option -a	is speci-
     fied) is prefixed in the  test  coverage  listing	with  the
     number of times that the source line's first basic	block has
     been executed.  Source lines beginning a  basic  block  that
     has  not  been  executed  are  prefixed  in the listing with

     To	use tcov, one or  more	programs  must	be  compiled  and
     linked	    with	the	   compiler	   option
     -xprofile=tcov[:profile_directory],   where   the	 optional
     profile_directory specifies the UNIX pathname of a	directory
     in	which profile data are to be stored  at	 execution  time.
     If	 compilation  and linking are done in separate steps, the
     program should be linked using  the  same	-xprofile  option
     used  in  the  compilation	 step;	ld  should  not	 be  used

     Each      time	 a	program	      compiled	     with
     -xprofile=tcov[:profile_directory]	 is  executed,	execution
     profile counters are updated in a profile	directory,  which
     is	either created at compilation time or the first	time that
     the program is executed, depending	on whether  the	 optional
     argument  profile_directory  was  specified  at  compilation

     When a change in an object	file  is  detected  at	execution
     time, profile counters for	the changed object file	are reset
     to	0.  The	extent of the set of profile counters reset to	0
     upon  detection  of  a  changed  object file can be modified
     using the environment variable SUN_PROFDATA_REPLACE. Details
     on	SUN_PROFDATA_REPLACE can be found in the manual	pages for
     cc(1), CC(1), or f95(1).

     After	  a	    program	    compiled	     with
     -xprofile=tcov[:profile_directory]	  has  been  executed  at
     least once, tcov can be run with a	specified profile  direc-
     tory  and one or more source files. tcov creates a	test cov-
     erage listing  annotated  with  execution	counts	for  each
     source  file,  using  data	 from the profile directory.  The
     test  coverage  listing  is  written   to	 a   file   named
     source_file.tcov,	where  source_file  is	the source file's
     UNIX basename.

     The location of a profile directory containing valid profile
     data  must	 be specified using the	tcov -x	profile_directory
     option, optionally	 qualified  by	setting	 the  environment
     variable SUN_PROFDATA_DIR.	See ENVIRONMENT	below.


     -a	  Display an execution count for each source line; if  -a
	  is  not specified, an	execution count	is displayed only
	  for the first	source line of each basic block	of code.

     -n	  Display table	of the line numbers of the  n  most  fre-
	  quently  executed  source  lines  and	 their	execution

     -o	filename
	  Direct the output to filename	instead	of file.tcov.  If
	  filename is "-", then	direct the output to the standard
	  output instead of file.tcov.	This option overrides any
	  directory  specified by either of the	environment vari-

     -p	originalpath newpath
	  The -x option	can get	confused when  the  source  files
	  have	a  different path when you run tcov than they had
	  when you compiled them. This frequently happens because
	  you  are  using  two	different machines that	have dif-
	  ferent mount	points	for  the  same	directory.   This
	  option  allows  you  to tell tcov that all source files
	  that had a path prefix of originalpath at compile time,
	  now  have a path prefix of newpath at	tcov runtime. You
	  may specify as many -p options as you	wish.

     -x	profile_directory
	  This option specifies	a  profile  directory  containing
	  test	coverage  data	accumulated  by	running	a program
	  compiled  with  the	-xprofile=tcov	 compiler   flag.
	  profile_directory  is	 the  name of the  directory con-
	  taining test coverage	data.  Typically,  this	 will  be
	  program.profile/  where program is the name of the com-
	  piled	executable file. (For example, a.out.profile).


     The following example  creates  a	profile	 directory  named
     /var/demo/data.profile when the program a.out is compiled:

     demo% cc -xprofile=tcov:/var/demo/data.profile alpha.c beta.c gamma.c
     demo% ./a.out
     demo% tcov	-x /var/demo/data.profile alpha.c beta.c gamma.c
     demo% cat alpha.c.tcov beta.c.tcov	gamma.c.tcov

     The following example creates a profile directory named
     a.out.profile in the current working directory when the
     program a.out is run for the first	time:

     demo% cc -xprofile=tcov alpha.c beta.c gamma.c
     demo% ./a.out
     demo% tcov	-x a.out.profile alpha.c beta.c	gamma.c
     demo% cat alpha.c.tcov beta.c.tcov	gamma.c.tcov


     TCOVDIR   Same as SUN_PROFDATA_DIR	below.

	       If SUN_PROFDATA_DIR is set,  its	 value	specifies
	       the  UNIX  pathname  of	the  directory where tcov
	       looks for the profile directory	and  writes  test
	       coverage	 listing  files.   If SUN_PROFDATA_DIR is
	       not set,	tcov looks for the profile directory  and
	       writes  test coverage listing files in the current
	       working directory.

	       If both TCOVDIR and SUN_PROFDATA_DIR are	 set,	a
	       warning is issued and SUN_PROFDATA_DIR is used.

	       If SUN_PROFDATA is set, its  value  specifies  the
	       name  of	 the  profile directory	of a program com-
	       piled using  -xprofile=collect  or  -xprofile=tcov
	       without	 a   specified	 profile  directory.   If
	       SUN_PROFDATA is not set,	the name of  the  profile
	       directory is program.profile, where program is the
	       program's UNIX basename.

	       Setting SUN_PROFDATA has	no effect on tcov itself.


	       name of	profile	 directory  of	program	 compiled
	       without specifying a profile directory at compila-
	       tion time

	       test coverage listing file; includes  source  file
	       suffix, for example:  alpha.c.tcov
     See   also	  SUN_PROFDATA_DIR   and   SUN_PROFDATA	 environ-
     ment variables above.


     cc(1), CC(1), f95(1) gprof(1), prof(1), and exit(2)


     "no data for source file in profile_directory"
	  Issued for source files for which the	specified profile
	  directory contains no	data.


     Programs that do not call exit(), return from main(), or use
     asynchronous  profile  collection	will  not accumulate test
     coverage data.  Asynchronous profile collection is	discussed
     in	the manual pages for cc(1), CC(1), and f95(1).