
Use the showService command to show the structure of the service specified by the friendly name, qualified name, or URL of any endpoint for this service. You can also specify a single version of the service (-version) or the display of more detailed information (-verbose).

The non-verbose output includes: the version number, the qualified name of the service, its friendly name, its binding, who it is managed by and its full URL.

Command Syntax

btmcli showService -n friendlyName  | -qname qname| -e endpointUrl 
                                                               | -wwsdlUrl
                   [-V version] [-v] 
                   -s sphereUrl -l username:password
Name Long Name Description
-n -name The friendly name of the service for which information is sought. You can qualify the name using the-versionflag. Otherwise, information about all the services with the friendly name is displayed.
-qname -- The qualified name of the service for which information is sought. The qualified name has the form WSDLtargetNamespace:serviceName. For example:
-e -endpointUrl The URL of any endpoint of the service. If multiple services define endpoints at this location, information about all these services is displayed.
-w -wsdlUrl The URL of the WSDL file that defines one or more of the service endpoints.
-V -version The version of the service for which information is displayed.

Use the "-" string to represent the default, unnamed version.

-v -verbose Display additional information for each endpoint.
-s -sphereUrl The URL of the sphere. http://hostname:port/btmcentral/sphere/

This flag is not required if you have set the AP_SPHERE_URL environment variable for your sphere.

-l -userLogin The username and password associated with the sphere, in the format: username:password. This set of credentials must belong to a user in the btmadmin role.

See Security Options in Accessing CLI Commands for information on furnishing login credentials.

You can encrypt passwords using the encryptPassword command.

The following shows the output to some sample commands.

btmcli showService -n OrderService

OrderService (Version -)

   Name: OrderServiceSOAP  Binding: SOAP/HTTP   Managed by: Monitored by Observer

btmcli showService -qname 

AP_Sphere_Service (Version

   Name: AP_Sphere_Service_SOAP Binding: SOAP/HTTP 
                                      Managed by: AmberPoint AP_Core_Service


The following example uses the showService command to display information for the service defined by the specified wsdl:

btmcli showService 
  -s http://localhost:8080/btmcentral/sphere -l admin:abracadabra