3 Maintaining the System

This chapter describes settings to perform various maintenance tasks, such as backing up a RUEI deployment, and improving Reporter GUI performance.

In general use the following procedure:

  1. Stop processing by entering the following command as the RUEI_USER user:

    project -stop
  2. Perform the maintenance as described in the relevant section.

  3. Restart processing by entering the following command as the RUEI_USER user:

    project -start

3.1 Disabling Modification to Administrators' Properties

By default, users with Administrator permissions can change the properties of other Administrators, as well as create and delete Administrator user accounts. If this is not consistent with your security requirements, you can disable this functionality by issuing the following commands:

execsql config_set_value wi_core user_mgmt_admin_edit_admins 0

3.2 Increasing the Linux Socket Memory Allocation Limit

The underlying Linux socket interface used by the Collector for monitoring traffic has a memory allocation limit of 20KB. This limit can be exceeded when a large number of network filters (or VLAN definitions) are configured. If so, the following error is reported in the Event log:

linux.c, 326,cap_dev_set_filter()]: setsockopt(): Cannot allocate memory

In order to increase this limit, do the following:

  1. Logon to the required Collector system as the root user.

  2. Issue the following command to increase the underlying limit:

    /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.optmem_max=65535 
  3. To make this setting persistent across reboots, add the following line to the /etc/sysctl.conf file:


3.3 Improving GUI Performance

Within the Reporter user interface, the performance of queries (such as refreshing a dashboard or retrieving data within the Data Browser) is heavily influenced by the specified Degree of Parallelism (DOP) setting. This regulates the maximum number of parallel queries that may be made to the database. By default, this is two. In the case of deployments where the Reporter system has substantially more cores than this default, or where a dedicated database server is being used, a considerable user interface performance improvement can be realized by increasing the DOP setting.

The DOP is controlled by the db_gui_dop entry within the c_config table. Upon installation, this entry does not exist in the database. Issue the following command to obtain the setting's current value:

execsql config_get_value wi_core db_gui_dop

Use the following command to change the setting's value:

execsql config_set_value wi_core db_gui_dop dop

where dop specifies the degree of parallelism used for queries within the Reporter interface. Note that this should be less than the number of cores within the database system.

3.4 Backing up a RUEI Deployment

RUEI does not provide dedicated database backup and recovery functionality. Instead, it relies on standard Oracle database functionality. This is described in the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide, available at the following location:



Regardless of the backup method you use, it is strongly recommended that you first stop RUEI data processing. Unless you do so, the integrity of the backed up data cannot be guaranteed. To do so, issue the following command as the RUEI_USER user:

project -stop

Be advised that this procedure may take several minutes, and any data being processed at the time of the stop command will be lost. However, traffic monitoring continues, and is written to log files that will be committed to the database once processing is resumed.

After backup creation, processing can be restarted with the following command:

project -start

3.4.1 Backing up RUEI Configuration Data

In addition to the database, RUEI configuration data should also be backed up. The procedure described below extracts configuration data from both the database as well as the file system, and writes it to the file system where it can be picked up for further backup to a suitable storage device.

  1. Logon to the Reporter system as the RUEI_USER user, and issue the following command:

    project -save 

    By default, this stores backup data to the RUEI_DATA/processor/backup. An alternate location can be specified using the –file directive. For example, to store to the location /tmp/backup, use the following command:

    project -save --file=/tmp/backup/backup.tar.gz 
  2. To restore an earlier backup, issue the following command:

    project -restore /tmp/backup/backup.tar.gz 

3.4.2 Backing up Session Diagnostic Data

One of the major strengths of RUEI is its ability to diagnose individual user sessions for slow performance or problem pages. This functionality relies on log files that are stored outside of the RUEI database. In order to allow access to Session Diagnostics functionality, this data also needs to be available during a restore. Backup the contents of the RUEI_DATA/processor/data directory.

Replay content is the data required to replay error pages or the full content of a session. Backup of this data depends on your requirements. That is, if there is a need to replay session content on a regular basis. Replay content can be easily backed up from the file system. The relevant directories are $APPSENSOR_HOME/*/REPLAY. The default location is RUEI_DATA/collector/wg/REPLAY. Note that the entire directory (and all sub-directories) should be backed up.

Note that the directories indicated above must be backed for each required Collector system. In a distributed environment, that means that the backup may have to be performed on multiple systems.

3.4.3 Restoring a RUEI Deployment Backup

To restore a RUEI deployment from scratch, do the following:

  1. Install the RUEI software. The procedure do this is fully described in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight Installation Guide.

  2. Restore the database content following the instructions in Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for the selected backup approach.

  3. Restore the RUEI configuration information using the following command:

    project -restore --all backup-file-location

    where backup-file-location specifies the location of the backed-up data.

  4. Restore the RUEI Session Diagnostics information by restoring the contents of the RUEI_DATA/processor/data directory.

  5. For each required Collector system, restore the replay content to the location $APPSENSOR_HOME/*/REPLAY. Note that the Collector must be stopped before performing a restore. To stop the Collector, issue the following command as the RUEI_DATA user:

    appsensor stop wg

    To restart the Collector, issue the following command as the RUEI_USER user:

    appsensor start wg

3.5 Moving RUEI Datafiles to a New Location

You may need to move the database datafiles to a new location. For example, because the current mount point or directory is running out of space. Note that the following procedure assumes that the database is running on the Reporter system, and the default installation paths are being used. This is fully described in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight Installation Guide.

Do the following:

  1. Logon to the Reporter system as the RUEI_USER user.

  2. Stop the database and processing by issuing the following commands:

    project -stop/etc/init.d/oracledb stop
  3. Prepare the new mount using the following commands:

    mkdir -p /oradata/ux/
    chown oracle:oinstall -R /oradata
  4. Copy the datafiles as the oracle user by issuing the following commands:

    cd /u01/app/oracle/oradata
    mv ux/* /oradata/ux
    rm -f ux
    ln -s /oradata/ux ux
  5. Restart the database and processing by issuing the following commands:

    # /etc/init.d/oracledb start
    # su - RUEI_USER$ 
    project -start

3.6 Managing Users

The roles and responsibilities assigned to users within RUEI are explained in chapter 14 of the Oracle Real User Experience Insight User's Guide. This also explains the creation and management of user accounts via the Reporter interface.

Creating Users

To create a new user account, issue the following commands:

set serveroutput on
exec dbms_output.put_line (uxs_users.create_user('name', 'full-name', 'mail-address', 'authentication', 'access-level', [ADM|SEC|EM_ACCESS => 1]));


  • name specifies the user name by which the user will be known within the RUEI installation.

  • full-name specifies the user's full name.

  • mail-address specifies the user's E-mail address. This is the address to which reports and E-mail alerts will be sent. Ensure that this is correct.

  • authentication specifies whether the user is authenticated against a configured LDAP (ldap) or Oracle SSO (osso) server.

  • access-level specifies the Business and IT access-level permissions to be assigned to the user. This must be 0 (Full), 1 (Analytical), 2 (Inquiry), 3 (Overview), or 4 (None).

  • Optionally, additional privileges can be assigned to the user. These are ADM (Administrator), SEC (Security Officer), or EM_ACCESS (Oracle Enterprise Manager access).

For example:

exec dbms_output.put_line(uxs_users.create_user('Jan', 'Jan Janssen', 'jan.janssen@test.com', 'ldap', '0', ADM => 1, SEC => 1));

The command will report an error message with the return code -1 if addition of the user account failed; 1 if successful.

Updating Users

To update a user account, issue the following commands:

set serveroutput on
exec dbms_output.put_line(uxs_users.update_user('current_name','new_name','new_full_name', 'new_mail-address', 'new_authentication' ,'new_access-level',  [ADM|SEC|EM_ACCESS => 1])); 

exec dbms_output.put_line (uxs_users.create_user('name', 'full-name', 'mail-address', 'authentication', 'access-level', [ADM|SEC|EM_ACCESS => 1]));


  • current_name specifies the user name of the existing user that you want to update.

  • new_name specifies the modified user name by which the user will be known within the RUEI installation.

  • new_full-name specifies the user's full name.

  • new_mail-address specifies the user's E-mail address. This is the address to which reports and E-mail alerts will be sent. Ensure that this is correct.

  • new_authentication specifies whether the user is authenticated against a configured LDAP (ldap) or Oracle SSO (osso) server.

  • new_access-level specifies the Business and IT access-level permissions to be assigned to the user. This must be 0 (Full), 1 (Analytical), 2 (Inquiry), 3 (Overview), or 4 (None).

  • Optionally, additional privileges can be assigned to the user. These are ADM (Administrator), SEC (Security Officer), or EM_ACCESS (Oracle Enterprise Manager access).

The command will report an error message with the return code -1 if update of the user account failed; 1 if successful.

Deleting Users

To delete a user, use the following command:

exec dbms_output.put_line(uxs_users.delete_user('name'));

where name specifies the user name by which the user is known within the RUEI installation.