12 Oracle MobileApps Telnet Listener

This chapter provides information about the metrics defined for the Oracle MobileApps Telnet Listener target.

12.1 MobileApps Dispatcher Port Listening Status

This metric category provides information about the MobileApps Dispatcher port.

12.1.1 Listening Status

This metric displays the listening status of the dispatcher port.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All Versions Every 5 Minutes Not Defined Not Listening Dispatcher Port (%port%) is not in Listening Status

12.1.2 Port

This metric displays the port number of the dispatcher port.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 5 Minutes

12.1.3 Process Name

This metric displays the process name of the dispatcher process.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 5 Minutes

12.1.4 Process Status

This metric displays the status of the dispatcher process.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All Versions Every 5 Minutes Not Defined Not Running Dispatcher Process (%process_name%) is not running

12.2 MobileApps Telnet Ports Listening Status

This metric category provides information about the MobileApps Telnet port.

12.2.1 Listening status

This metric displays the listening status of the dispatcher port.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All Versions Every 5 Minutes Not Defined Not Listening Telnet Port %port% is not in Listening Status

12.2.2 Port

This metric displays the port number of the dispatcher port.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 5 Minutes

12.3 Response

This metric category provides information about the status of the target.

12.3.1 Status

This metric displays the status of the selected target, that is, whether the target is up and running.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 5 Minutes