11 Configuring Self Update

Self Update Icon Self Update is a feature available via the Self Update Console, a common dashboard used to obtain information about new updates and a common workflow to review, download and apply the updates. The Self Update Console frees you from having to monitor multiple channels to get informed about new updates that are available from Oracle. The Self Update Console automatically informs you whenever new updates are made available by Oracle. Only those updates that are applicable to your site are shown, eliminating the need to wade through unrelated updates. For example, you can periodically check the availability of plug-ins and download them from the Enterprise Manager Store, via the Self Update Console. Configure Self Update so that you check the availability of new updates released by Oracle, and download and apply them as needed.

Step 1: Enable Online Mode Step 2: Register My Oracle Support Credentials Step 3: Configure Software Library
  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Self Update.
  2. In the Status section, click the value set for Connection Mode.

  3. Select Online.

See Configuring My Oracle Support See Configuring Software Library