3 Working with Batch Versions

This chapter contains the following topics:

3.1 Understanding Batch Versions

Batch versions follow the same process as other Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects for check in, check out, and erasing checkouts. Use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Object Management Workbench (P98220) to control the movement of versions between the workstation and the server. However, unlike other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects, you can submit batch version specifications to the server directly from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Batch Versions application.

Just like master report specifications, when you create a batch version on the Microsoft Windows client, the specification records for that version exist only on the workstation. To make the version available to other users, you must check in the version. When you check in batch versions, the system copies the version specifications to the central objects data source (server) according to the path code of the current environment. However, when you create batch versions on the web client, you do not have to check them in because they are automatically updated to the central objects for you.

Once a version is in the central objects data source (server), anyone who installs and runs the version is ensured of having the updated version. After you check in the batch version, you can still make certain changes to the version without checking it out. For example, when you make changes to the processing options, these changes are effective immediately, even if you have not checked in the local version. This is because the processing options for versions are stored as a field in the server Versions List (F983051) table.

A version cannot be checked out by more than one user. The Version Detail form identifies the user that has a version checked out.

You can create a new batch version based solely on the associated report template. For example, you might create a new version because you do not want to use the layout or data selection of an existing version.

You can create a batch version based on an existing version. If you copy a version, the copied version inherits the same overrides as the version that is copied, such as data selection and data sequencing.

If you make changes to a report template, the system automatically pushes these changes to all of the associated versions that exist for that report. The exception to this rule is batch versions that contain overrides to the specific section modified in the report template.

3.2 Submitting Batch Versions

This section discusses:

  • Batch version submission.

  • The Work With Batch Versions form.

3.2.1 Batch Version Submission

If batch versions are associated with a form in an interactive application, you can access the versions for viewing and printing from the Reports menu of the form. Batch versions of those reports are available on menus.

In most cases, you submit batch versions to an enterprise server, which can more efficiently handle the processing. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment that you log on to specifies where the batch versions run, although you can override this location when you submit the batch version. When you submit the batch job to the server, you can preview the report and use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Work With Servers (P986116) application to monitor the progress of the job in the queue.

When you submit a batch version to the enterprise server, if the report specifications do not currently reside on the workstation, the central objects data source (server) performs a Just-In-Time Installation (JITI) to copy the specifications to the workstation. After the JITI, the workstation continues with the submission of the report to the enterprise server.

3.2.2 Work With Batch Versions Form

The Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form is the entry point to managing batch versions. This table describes the methods of accessing the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form:

Access Description
From any menu that includes a batch application Select the batch application and then select Prompt for Versions from the Edit menu.

Right-click the batch application and select Prompt for Versions from the pull-down menu. If no versions are associated with the batch application, you must copy or add a version and run that version as explained in this section.

From the Microsoft Windows client From JD Edwards Solution Explorer, select Report Versions from the Tools menu.
From the web client From the EnterpriseOne Menu, select Submit Job

3.3 Changing Processing Options for the Batch Versions Application

This section provides an overview of processing options for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Batch Versions application on the Microsoft Windows client (P98305) and the Batch Versions application on the web client (P98305W) and discusses how to change processing options for these applications.

3.3.1 Understanding Processing Options for the Batch Versions Application

Not all applications have processing options attached. If an application has processing options, and you have permissions to do so, you can change the processing option values by right-clicking an application task to access the Prompt For menu. If the Values option on the Prompt For menu is not active, either you do not have permissions to modify the processing options, or no processing options exist for the application.

There are different processing options for the Batch Versions application on the Microsoft Windows client (P98305) and the Batch Versions application on the web client (P98305W).

3.3.2 Processing Options for the Batch Versions Application on the Microsoft Windows Client

Processing options for the Batch Versions application on the Microsoft Windows client (P98305) enable you to specify default processing for batch versions and report definitions. Process

1. Confirmation Box

Enter a value to enable or disable the overwrite/delete location specifications confirmation box. If you enable the confirmation box, it appears when JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is about to overwrite or delete specifications on the local machine. For example, when enabled, the confirmation box appears when you check out a batch version.

Y: Enable Confirmation Box

1: Enable Confirmation Box

N: Disable Confirmation Box

0: Disable Confirmation Box

2. Schedule Job

Enter a value (or leave the field blank) to indicate whether users are allowed to schedule their batch version jobs. If users are not allowed to schedule their batch jobs, the jobs run as soon as they submit their batch versions.

0: Do not allow scheduling of Batch Job

1: Schedule Batch Job when submitting

2: Always schedule Batch Job when submitting

Blank: Do not allow scheduling of Batch Job

3. Push Specs

Enter a value (or leave the field blank) to indicate whether the user can push version specifications from the Work With Batch Versions form.

1: Allow for the pushing of version specifications from the Work With Batch Versions form.

Blank: Do not allow the user to push version specifications from the Work With Batch Versions form. Report Definition

1. Report Definition Submission Advanced Options Security

Enter a value (or leave the field blank) to indicate which options on the Advanced Options form are available to users when they submit report definitions.

Blank or 0: Allow users to override the option to submit the version with a report definition.

1: Do not allow users to override the option to submit the version with a report definition.

Blank or 0: Allow users to select the option to choose a report definition from a list of all available report definitions for the version being submitted.

1: Do not allow users to select the option to choose a report definition from a list of all available report definitions for the version being submitted.

3.3.3 Changing Processing Options for the Batch Versions Application on the Microsoft Windows Client

In JD Edwards Solution Explorer, select the Report Management menu (GH9111) and locate Batch Versions.

  1. Right-click Batch Versions, select Prompt For, and then select Values.

  2. On the Processing Options template, complete the selections on the Process tab.

  3. Complete the selections on the Report Definition tab and click OK.

3.3.4 Processing Options for the Batch Versions Application on the Web Client (P98305W)

Processing options for the Batch Versions application on the web client (P98305W) enable you to specify default processing for batch versions and report definitions. Report Definition

1. Report Definition Submission Advanced Options Security

Enter a value (or leave the field blank) to indicate which options on the Advanced Options form are available to users when they submit report definitions.

Blank or 0: Allow users to override the option to submit the version with a report definition.

1: Do not allow users to override the option to submit the version with a report definition.

Blank or 0: Allow users to select the option to choose a report definition from a list of all available report definitions for the version being submitted.

1: Do not allow users to select the option to choose a report definition from a list of all available report definitions for the version being submitted. Process

User Action Tracking using Object Management Workbench (OMW) Logging

1. OMW Tracking Enabled

Blank or 0 : No user action tracking using OMW

1: Enable user action tracking using OMW

2. OMW Project

If Action Tracking through OMW logging selected:

Project Name: Enter the OMW Project to which the Batch Version should be added.

Blank: The Batch Version should be added to the Users Default project.


OMW integration occurs automatically when using the Batch Versions application on the Microsoft Windows client (P98305). For this reason, processing options for OMW Action Tracking are not necessary for the Microsoft Windows version of the application.

3.3.5 Changing Processing Options for the Batch Versions Application on the Web Client

In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu, select the Report Management menu (GH9111) and locate Batch Versions.

  1. Right-click Batch Versions, select Prompt For, and then select Values.

  2. On the Processing Options template, complete the selections on the Report Definition tab.

  3. Complete the selections on the Process tab and click OK.