11 Including Attachments and Comments in Reports

This chapter contains the following topics:

11.1 Understanding Attachments and Comments

You can include attachments and comments in reports and batch versions. You add attachments to the report template or version. You add comments to an individual field of the report or batch version.

Both attachments and comments can be used to include detail that is important to you or another report designer. Attachments typically contain information that is relevant to the entire report. Comments include information that is specific to the field to which it is attached.

11.1.1 Attachments

Add attachments to the report template or version using the Attachments tab at the top of the Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid (RDA) workspace. Use attachments to explain unique features of the report template. For example, you create a report template using two detail sections. You attach a different business view to each detail section and join the sections on common key fields. On the Attachments tab, explain that you used a subsection join to create the report. Indicate the business view that is attached to each section.

The Attachments workspace is split into two panes. The left pane is the icon pane, and the right pane is the viewer pane. These attachment types are available in the icon pane:

  • Text

  • Image

  • OLE

    These files conform to the OLE standard.

  • Shortcut

  • URL/File

You can use attachments to provide generic help text for reports that need to be company specific or to document changes that you made to a report. You cannot print attachments with a report; you can only view the attachments in RDA. Attachments are saved as media objects. For example, attachments are beneficial in explaining that the format of a report uses a subsection join to present all of the required information.


Comments are text only and are added to individual fields of the report or batch version. To add comments to a field, right-click the field and select Insert Comment. Use comments to explain unique features of the field. For example, you create two calculation fields in an employee salary report, New Salary and Raise Amount. The new salary is calculated by multiplying the annual salary by a percent. The raise amount is calculated by subtracting the annual salary from the new salary. Insert comments on the New Salary and Raise fields to indicate how these fields were calculated.

Comments can be added to constants, variables, and column headings. When a field includes a comment, a small red triangle appears in the upper-right corner of the field as a visual indicator.

Comments are added to individual fields of the report or batch version. Right-click a field that includes a comment to select:

  • Show Comment

    Displays the comment in the RDA workspace. If the comment is already presented, Hide Comment appears on the menu.

  • Edit Comment

    Enables you to edit the text of the comment.

  • Delete Comment

11.2 Adding Attachments and Comments

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

  • Add and delete attachments.

  • Add, modify, and delete comments.

11.2.1 Prerequisites

Before you begin adding attachments and comments, ensure that you:

  • Create a batch application object.

  • Complete the design of the report template.

11.2.2 Adding and Deleting Attachments

Open a report template in RDA.

  1. Select the Attachments tab at the top of the RDA workspace.

  2. To add text, type the desired text in the viewer pane.

    Use the formatting tools at the top of the viewer pane to format the text.

  3. To add an object, right-click in the icon pane.

  4. From the pop-up menu, select New, and then select an appropriate option.

  5. To remove an object, right-click the object's icon in the icon pane, and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

11.2.3 Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Comments

Open a report template in RDA.

  1. Right-click the object to which you want to attach the comment, and select Insert Comment.

  2. Enter the text, and then click anywhere in the design workspace to close the text window.

  3. Right-click the object and modify, delete, show, or hide the comment.