7 Working with Tokens

This chapter contains the following topics:

7.1 Understanding Tokens

In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW, Object Librarian objects use tokens to minimize the possibility of one user overwriting another user's changes. Each object has a single token, and it is associated with a project when the object is checked out. Checking in the object does not release the token; instead, the token is released when the status of the project changes to a level determined by your system administrator. At that time, another developer can check out the object and receive the token.

These three actions are allowed while your project holds the token:

  • Allow another project to inherit the token. This action forces both projects to be advanced together as if they were one project and allows multiple corrections to a project to be applied to a single object. No matter how many projects have inherited the token, however, only one user at a time can check out the object. For a project to successfully inherit a token, the target project must be at the same status as the source project.

  • Switch the token to another project. After the token is switched, the project that loses the token will be placed in the token queue as the first project that is waiting for the token. When you configure JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW, token switching should be restricted to a specific user role so that you can maintain object security.

  • Release the token. A project owner can give up the token and allow the next project in the queue to receive it.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW might have been configured to release tokens for different object types at different project status levels. Therefore, all object types might not give up their tokens during the same change in project status.

7.2 Viewing the Token Queue

This section provides an overview of the token queue and discusses how to view the token queue.

7.2.1 Understanding the Token Queue

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW attempts to acquire a token for an object when you check out an object. If the token is unavailable, the information window displays information about the token, such as which project currently holds it, the user who checked it out, and when the user checked it out. You can join the token queue so that you are notified when the token is released and your project is assigned the token. Projects in the token queue are assigned the token in the order in which the users requested the token. In addition to joining the token queue, you can select to inherit the token.

When a project has a token, the token stays with that project until the project advances to a status that is configured in the activity rules for release of the token or until it is switched or released manually. When the token is released, the next project in the token queue is notified and assigned the token. Each Object Librarian object has one token per release.

If you join a token queue and then decide later that you do not need the token, remove the object from your project to relinquish your position in the queue.

7.2.2 Viewing the Token Queue

Access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW.

  1. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW, click an object in the project window.

  2. From the Row menu, select Advanced, and then select Token Queue.

    The View Object's Token Queue form appears. The form shows which project currently holds the token and which projects, in order, are in the queue.

See Also:

7.3 Inheriting Tokens

This section provides an overview of token inheritance and discusses how to inherit tokens.

7.3.1 Understanding Token Inheritance

Token inheritance can be useful when developers have the same object in multiple projects for which they would like to implement changes simultaneously, without having to wait for other projects that are holding the token to progress through the project life cycle.

To inherit tokens, both the project holding the token and the inheriting project must be at the same project status. After a token is inherited, these projects will be linked and will automatically advance in project status together until the token is released. Therefore, if the project status of one project is advanced, the project status of its linked projects also advances. If one or more projects are linked through token inheritance, ensure that all development in the linked projects is complete before you advance the projects. The user who is attempting to advance the project must be assigned a role that permits this action in all of the linked projects, or the advance attempt will fail.

All project advancement requirements must be met for all projects that are linked through token inheritance; if one project fails to advance, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW does not advance any of the other linked projects. If an advancement failure occurs, review the logs for all of the linked projects to determine where the errors occurred.

7.3.2 Inheriting Tokens

Access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW.

  1. Attempt to check out an object for which another project holds the token.

    The system asks you whether you wish to enter the token queue for the object or inherit the token.

  2. Select to inherit the token, and then click OK.


    If you have inherited the token but cannot check out the object, the object is already checked out by another user. You cannot check out the object until the other user checks it in or until checkout is erased. This action prevents you from overwriting changes when you inherit the token.

7.4 Switching Tokens

This section provides an overview of token switching, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to switch tokens.

7.4.1 Understanding Token Switching

A project owner whose role allows switching tokens may take the token from the project that currently holds it and assign it to another project. Switching tokens might be necessary when you need to make an emergency change. If a change in another project needs to be implemented to an object in your project, you can switch the token to the other project to allow the change.


After the token is returned, the user from whom the token was taken can save the object, check the object out, and then restore the object to return the object to its previous state before switching. However, the user must manually implement any changes made during the switch.

To switch a token, you must be an owner in both the holding and the requesting projects. Your role in both projects must be one that enables you to switch tokens at the current status of the project and for the object type.

7.4.2 Prerequisite

The token requester should attempt to check out the object and then join the token queue.

7.4.3 Switching Tokens

Access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW.

  1. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW, select the object that has the token that you want to switch.

  2. Click the Switch Token button on the central column.

  3. In Project Token Queue Search and Select, click Find.

    A list of projects in the token queue appears.

  4. Select the project to which you want to give the token, and then click Select.

    The current token owner should save the object before you switch the token.

7.5 Releasing Tokens Manually

This section provides an overview of token release and discusses how to release tokens manually.

7.5.1 Understanding Token Release

You can release a token manually if you decide you do not need to modify an object. Additionally, you can release the token if you want to allow the next person in the token queue to check out the object for development. If you have made changes to an object and checked it in, another developer in another project must refrain from checking in the object until after your project has been promoted to a status where the system transfers the object to the next path code, or your changes will not be transferred.

See Also:

7.5.2 Releasing Tokens Manually

Access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW.

  1. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW, either erase the check out or check in the object that has the token that you want to release, if appropriate.

  2. Select the object, and then click the Release Token button in the center column.