15 Working with Logs

This chapter contains the following topics:

15.1 Understanding Object Management Logging

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW contains an object management logging application. Project and object logs provide an excellent way to review the development history of projects or objects. Furthermore, you can view log details for any log record currently appearing on your monitor. From the Work With Log Detail form, you can bring up the actual log entry in the View Full Log Text window.

This application also allows you to rearrange log fields to customize software development reporting. You can view all logs, view sorted logs, or show only the last logging action for an object or project. These two tasks must be performed together to produce customized project and object development reports:

  • Reorder log record fields

  • Print logs

15.2 Using Logs

This section discusses how to:

  • View project or object logs.

  • Locate object logs.

  • Locate project logs.

  • View detail logs.

  • Reorder log record fields.

  • Print logs.

  • Print Event Rules

15.2.1 Forms Used with Object Management Logging

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work with Object Management Logs W98210A Select Application Development (GH902), Object Management (P98230), then Object Management Logging (P98210). Used to work with object management logs.
Work with Project Logs W98210B In Object Management Logging, click the Work with Project Logs button. Used to work with project logs.
Work with Object Logs W98210C In Object Management Logging, click the Work with Object Logs button. Used to work with object logs.
View Full Log Text W98210D In Object Management Logging, click the View Full Log Text button. Used to view full log text.
View Error Codes W98210F In Object Management Logging, click the View Error Codes button. Used to view error codes.

15.2.2 Viewing Project or Object Logs

Access the Work with Object Management Log form.

  1. In Work With Object Management Log, perform one of these actions:

    • Click Find to view logs for all projects and their objects in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW.

    • Enter sorting criteria in the Query by Example cells to filter search results, and then click Find.

    • Select the Show Only Last Action option to show only the last logging action for a given project or object.

  2. Click Close.

15.2.3 Locating Object Logs

Access the Work with Object Management Log form.

  1. In Work With Object Management Log, click Form and then click Object Logs.

  2. In Work With Object Logs, you can do these tasks:

    • Click Find to show all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW object logs.

    • Enter data in the Query by Example cells to narrow your search and click Find.

    • Select the Show Only Last Action option to show only the last logging action.

    • Click the Check for Attachments button to check for object attachments.

  3. Click Close.

15.2.4 Locating Project Logs

Access the Work with Object Management Log form.

  1. In Work With Object Management Log, click Form and then click Project Logs.

  2. In Work With Project Logs, you can perform these functions:

    • Click Find to show all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW project logs.

    • Enter data in the Query by Example cells to narrow your search, and then click Find.

    • Select the Show Only Last Action option to show only the last logged action for the selected project.

    • Click the Check for Attachments button to check for attachments.

  3. Click Close.

15.2.5 Viewing Detail Logs

Access the Work with Object Management Log form.

  1. Double-click any log record you want to research. Or, click the desired log record row to highlight it, and then click Select.

  2. Click Find.

    The detail log record for the selected log appears. All sequence details for the selected Log record appear in ascending numerical order.

  3. To view the full text of the Description field, click it and then click Select.

    The View Full Log Text window appears, showing the actual log entry.

  4. Click the Previous and Next buttons to move between detail logs.

  5. Click Close.

15.2.6 Reordering Log Record Fields

Access the Work with Object Management Log form.

  1. In Work With Object Management Log, click Sequence.

  2. Click the first column you want to sort in the Columns Available window.

  3. Click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the Columns Sorted window on the right.

  4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as required until all the columns you want to view are in the correct sort order.

    If you make an error, you can move columns back to the Columns Available window for resorting. Select the column to be resorted and the left-pointing arrow.

  5. Click OK in the Select Grid Row Sort Retrofire to reorder the log columns.

15.2.7 Printing Logs

Access the Work with Object Management Log form.

  1. In Work with Object Management Log, click File and then Print Screen.

  2. Modify print settings as required.

  3. Click OK in the Print form.

15.2.8 Printing Event Rules

Access the Search Event Rule Objects form.

  1. Select one of the following options:

    • Show Application Objects

    • Show Report Objects

    • Show NER Business Function Objects

  2. Click Find.

  3. Select an object in the grid.

  4. Click Print ER.

    The event rules associated with the object you select display in a printable format in a text editor.