20 Working with Flat File Encoding

This chapter contains the following topics:

20.1 Understanding Flat File Encoding

Because JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software uses Unicode and not all third-party software does, there is a preprocessing and postprocessing intercept of all flat files. During the intercept, the software converts the flat file into the Unicode character set or back into the original character set. You can assign the conversion character set applied to a flat file—based on the user or role, the program ID, the program version, and the environment—by adding and activating a flat file encoding record.

Using Unicode Flat File Encoding Configuration (P93081), you create records for a table that specifies what character sets are used for programs. The character sets are based on the user or role, the program ID, program version, and the environment. When the pre- or post-processing intercept occurs, the intercept program calls the table, searches it, and applies the record. The search is from more specific records to less specific records.

The primary users of Unicode Flat File Encoding Configuration are power users and system administrators. The business manager can provide the character set that is used to encode the third-party flat file.

Before setting up a flat file encoding record, you need to know the encoding of the flat file being transferred. You also need to know the user or role, program, program version, and environment that is calling the flat file.

To ensure that all files are encoded to the primary character set, set up a default flat file encoding record for the primary character set, and then add any exceptions. The system applies the more specific records before the more general records, so the default record is only used if no other records apply to the incoming flat file. If you do not add and activate a flat file encoding record, the default record is UCS2, UTF16_BE/UTF16_LS, which is a Unicode character set.

This table displays the character sets, from user defined code H95/FE, that are currently supported:

Code Description .ini Setting
BIG5 Chinese, Traditional TC_BIG5
CP1250 WIN-Latin2, Central Europe EE_CP1250
CP1251 WIN-Cyrillic RS_CP1251
CP1252 WIN-Latin 1, Western European WE_ISO88591
CP1253 WIN-Greek GR_CP1253
CP1254 WIN-Latin5, Turkish TK_CP1254
CP1256 Win-Arabic AR_CP1256
GB2312 Chinese, Simplified SC_GB


Chinese, National Standard


Table conversions can now export and import flat files in GB18030 encoding.

IBM-935 EBCDIC-Simplified Chinese SC_EBCDIC
IBM-937 EBCDIC-Traditional Chinese TC_EBCDIC
IBM-37 EBCDIC-Latin 1 or Western Euro US_EBCDIC
KSC-5601 Korean KO_KSC
IBM-858 # PC Latin 1 with Euro  

20.1.1 Example: Setting Up Flat File Encoding Records

The example company primarily uses the flat file encoding character set CP1252, WIN-Latin 1, Western European. However, the Sales Order Entry program (P42101) uses the UTF8, Unicode character set, except when user JL5534221 runs version JDE0001 in the PDEVCLA environment; then the program uses the CP1250, WIN-Latin2, Central Europe character set. The same program occasionally, but not currently, uses the character set CP1254, WIN-Latin5, Turkish for environment PDEVASD2.

This table presents the information for the encoding records that the example company needs in the flat file encoding table:

User/Role Application Name Application Version Name Environment Encoding Name Status
All All All All CP1252 Active
All P42101 All All UTF8 Active
JL5534221 P42101 JDE0001 PDEVCLA CP1250 Active
All P42101 All PDEVASD2 CP1254 Inactive

These steps provide instructions on how to set up flat file encoding records for the previous example:

Access the Work With Flat File Encoding form. In Solution Explorer, select the System Administration Tools, System Administration Tools, User Management, User Management Advanced and Technical Operations, Unicode Flat File Encoding Configuration.

  1. On the Work With Flat File Encoding form, click Add.

  2. On the Flat File Encoding Revisions form, complete these fields, and then click OK:

    • User / Role

      *PUBLIC includes all users and roles.

    • Environment

      *ALL includes all environments.

    • Program ID

      *DEFAULT includes all programs.

    • Version

      *DEFAULT includes all program versions.

    • Encoding Name

      Enter the following value: CP1252.

  3. Repeat the previous step to add the following records to the table:

    User/Role Environment Program ID Version Encoding Name
    JL5534221 PDEVCLA P42101 JDE0001 CP1250

  4. Click Cancel to return to Work With Flat File Encoding.

  5. Click Find to display all of the flat file encoding records.

  6. Select the first record and from the Row menu, select Change Status to activate the recode.

  7. Repeat the previous step to activate the currently active records.

    This table displays the final configuration:

    User/Role Environment Program ID Version Encoding Name Status
    JL5534221 PDEVCLA P42101 JDE0001 CP1250 AV

20.2 Work with Flat File Encoding Records

This section discusses how to:

  • Add a flat file encoding record.

  • Activate a flat file encoding record.

20.2.1 Forms Used to Work with Flat File Encoding Records

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Flat File Encoding W93081A System Administration Tools (GH9011), Unicode Flat File Encoding Configuration. Access the form to add a flat file encoding record. Locate the defined flat file encoding files.
Flat File Encoding Revisions W93081B On the Work With Flat File Encoding form, click Add. Enter the information for a flat file encoding record.

20.2.2 Adding a Flat File Encoding Record

To define the character set that is applied to a flat file during the pre- or post-processing intercept, add a flat file encoding record. You can apply a flat file encoding file based on the user, the user role, the program ID, the program version, and the environment.

After you add the flat file encoding record, you must activate it.

Access the Work With Flat File Encoding form.

  1. Click Add.

  2. On the Flat File Encoding Revisions form, complete these fields, and then click OK:

    • User / Role

      The default user/role is *PUBLIC, which includes all users. By specifying a user or role, you can limit flat file encoding to only programs running under that user or role.

    • Environment

      The default environment is *ALL, which applies the character set encoding to all environments. By specifying an environment, you can limit the flat file encoding to only programs running under that environment.

    • Program ID

      The program ID identifies the batch or interactive application to which to apply the flat file encoding. The default value, *DEFAULT, applies flat file encoding to all programs.

    • Version

      A version is a set of user defined specifications that determines how a batch or interactive application runs. A program version identifies the batch or interactive application version to which to apply the flat file encoding. The default version, *DEFAULT, applies the flat file encoding file to all versions.

    • Encoding Name

      The encoding name identifies the character set used by the incoming or outgoing flat file. You must specify an encoding name.

20.2.3 Activating a Flat File Encoding Record

After adding a flat file encoding record, you must activate it before it will be applied to incoming and outgoing flat files.

Access the Work With Flat File Encoding form.

  1. Click Find to display the defined flat file encoding files.

  2. Select the flat file encoding file to activate or deactivate.

  3. From the Row menu, select Change Status.

    The status of the flat file encoding becomes active (AV) or inactive (NA).