1 Introduction

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Pack for Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, which hereafter in this document referred to as the JDE AppPack and Cloud Control, respectively.

The JDE AppPack allows you to use the graphical user interface of Cloud Control to monitor and manage your JD Edwards Server products. This product leverages the existing JD Edwards Server Manager functionality that monitors all entities constituting an EnterpriseOne installation. For example, Server Manager collects real time data for user sessions, Java memory usage, JDBj connection cache, EnterpriseOne kernel specific metrics, and prepared statement configurations.

Examples include:

  • Service level management

  • History and trending (usage, server metrics, uptime)

  • Enhanced graphics and dashboards for administrators

  • Reporting capabilities

  • Single view of an organization's complete system topology, including JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, database, operating systems, non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications

  • Enhanced alerts for CPU and memory usage on a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server, database usage, and overall application server usage

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Kernel Specific Metrics

This chapter contains the following topics:

1.1 Additional Information

The JDE AppPack runs within the framework of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Therefore, as you install and use the features of Cloud Control, you may require additional information outside of what is provided in this guide.

1.1.1 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is Oracle's single, integrated solution for managing all aspects of the Oracle Grid and the applications running on it. Cloud Control also allows you to manage single instances of Oracle Database, Application Server, or Collaboration Suite using standalone consoles. For documents related to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Patch Sets, such as Patch Set Notes and Bug List, refer to My Oracle Support.

The complete suite of Cloud Control guides is available at this link:


1.1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Server Manager Guide

Server Manager for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is a web based application used to manage the complete lifecycle of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products, specifically including the installation, configuration, and management of JD Edwards server products.

To access the Server Manager Guide for Tools Release 9.1, refer to the Install library at this link on the Oracle Technology Network:


1.2 Certifications (formerly known as Minimum Technical Requirements)

Customers must conform to the supported platforms for the release as detailed in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Minimum Technical Requirements. In addition, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne may integrate, interface, or work in conjunction with other Oracle products. Refer to the following link for cross-reference material in the Program Documentation for Program prerequisites and version cross-reference documents to assure compatibility of various Oracle products.


The JD Edwards Application Management Pack and Agent are supported on the same platforms where Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g is released and supported. Refer to certification information in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Cloud Control Certification Checker on My Oracle Support. Patch sets are available on My Oracle Support or Oracle Technology Network.

For additional information on using Certifications, refer to this document on My Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com):

  • Certifications FAQ for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne [Article ID 1525328.1]

1.3 JDE AppPack Installer Versions

Releases and versioning of the installer for the JDE AppPack are scheduled to closely follow the releases and versions of Cloud Control; however, the releases of cumulative patches will occur with each update release of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. A full installer is provided for each version of the JDE AppPack.

When you install the full JDE AppPack, or upgrade it with a cumulative patch, you must ensure that your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Manager is at the same release level as the JDE AppPack.

1.4 Obtaining Oracle Software Components from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud

All Oracle software components are downloaded from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at this link:


1.5 Compatible JDE AppPack and Cloud Control Versions

The JDE AppPack for Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c depends on and coincides with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.98.4 or greater of Server Manager. The JDE AppPack is scheduled to be versioned with new versions of Cloud Control.

1.6 Overview Server Manager for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Server Manager for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is a web based application used to manage the complete lifecycle of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products. The JDE AppPack leverages the existing JD Edwards Server Manager functionality. Server Manager is required for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installations running Tools Release 8.97 and later.

For the JD Edwards domain, only the combination of Server Manager 8.98.4 or greater and Tools Release 8.98.4 or greater is fully certified to support the JDE AppPack. Although not certified, it is expected that the JDE AppPack (running Server Manager and Tools Release 8.98.4 or greater) will also be functional with downstream targets running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.97. However, due to changes in configuration settings and some internal structures between releases, there may be some functionality that is not common or supported across targets running JD Edwards Tools Releases 8.97, 8.98, and 9.1.


Server Manager must be used for the daily administration of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers. This is especially true in the area of runtime and configuration settings because Server Manager natively presents these settings in a different (user-friendly) manner than what can be displayed by the JDE AppPack. That is, although the native settings are translated into user-friendly settings by Server Manager, they are passed to Cloud Control untranslated. You can use the Server Manager Guide Appendix B: Reference - Server Configuration Settings to determine the correlation between a literal configuration setting and that displayed by the Server Manager user interface.

1.7 Features at a Glance

The JDE AppPack:

  • Discovers and registers JD Edwards EnterpriseOne targets.

  • Monitors metrics for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne targets.

  • Displays configuration data in a graphical user interface that is driven by metadata.

  • Creates a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system in Cloud Control that enables you to see how all the targets in the system are related to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application database.

  • Allows the user to create a graphical topology that displays the relationships between targets and allows you to execute selected actions on targets from this view.

  • Allows the user to create a service that simulates a transaction, such as login and logout, to monitor the availability of an application. Using the Cloud Control Service Level Monitoring feature, you can also check the availability of a system or a feature of an application.

  • Additional Cloud Control functions can be added or referenced. Refer to the Cloud Control Advanced Configuration Guide at this link:


1.8 Features of Server Manager That Are Not Supported by Cloud Control

Below is a listing of a subset of Server Manager functionality that is beyond the scope of standard functionality supported by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. That is, while this information is captured and displayed within Server Manager, there might be an equivalent capture and display from within Cloud Control depending on the targets types available to your grid installation.

1.8.1 jdelog.properties Logging

The display of logging for jdelog.properties is not supported in Cloud Control for any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server.

1.8.2 Java Environment

The display of Java Environment properties is not supported in Cloud Control for these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers:

  • HTML Server

  • DAS Server


Although not available in the base installations of Cloud Control, this feature could be exposed depending on what Management Packs or Plug-ins are installed in Cloud Control. For example, the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware and the Diagnostic Pack for Oracle Database. Also various Host Server Packs and Plug-ins are available depending on host type.

1.8.3 Kernel Ranges

The display of Kernel Ranges is not supported in Cloud Control for this JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server:

  • Enterprise Server

1.8.4 Disk Space Usage

The display of Disk Space Usage is not supported in Cloud Control for this JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server:

  • Enterprise Server


Although not available in the base installations of Cloud Control, this feature could be exposed depending on what Management Packs or Plug-ins are installed in Cloud Control. For example, the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware and the Diagnostic Pack for Oracle Database. Also various Host Server Packs and Plug-ins are available depending on host type.

1.9 Limitations

1.9.1 Cloud Control Web App Services

In order to provide complete functionality, Cloud Control assumes an Management Agent is installed on each target. The function of the agent enables a wide range of Cloud Control-defined services and functionality to run within the Cloud Control framework. However, for the JDE AppPack, since the Management Agent is not required to be installed on each JD Edwards EnterpriseOne target, only a subset of Cloud Control Services is supported. That subset is confined to the Web App Services of Cloud Control.

1.9.2 Microsoft Windows Collection

The initial release of the JDE AppPack was developed and certified on the Linux platform. While the design goal is for complete compatibility on Microsoft Windows systems, it is possible that some metric collection issues may be encountered when Cloud Control and the JDE AppPack are run on Microsoft Windows systems.

1.10 Network Performance Considerations

If your network uses DHCP servers to manage network IP addresses, and your Cloud Control and Server Manager machines are not on the same local subnet, for performance reasons you may want to consider adding explicit IP addresses into the IP address mapping is available in the DNS database, the Hosts or Lmhosts file, or the WINS database. You may need to reboot any machine on which you modify an IP address file.

1.11 Glossary of Terms

This section describes common terms used in this guide.

1.11.1 Administrator Account

Administrator accounts provide users permission to perform administrative tasks and access administrative information. You can set up each administrator account to have its own roles, privileges, and notification rules. There are two types of administrator accounts: Super Administrator and Administrator.

1.11.2 Alerts

Indicates a potential problem; either a warning or critical threshold for a monitored metric has been crossed. An alert can also be generated for various target availability states. Cloud Control provides various options to respond to alerts. Administrators can be automatically notified when an alert triggers and can set up corrective actions to resolve an alert condition automatically.

1.11.3 Beacon

A special target installed on an agent that runs a defined service test and reports the results to the Oracle Management Service to determine the status and performance of a service.

1.11.4 Corrective Actions

Corrective actions allow you to specify automated responses to alerts and policy violations.

1.11.5 Dashboard

Presents information using intuitive icons and graphics that let you spot recent changes and quickly identify and respond to problems.

1.11.6 Discovery Process

The discovery process identifies and registers targets in Cloud Control so that they can be monitored and managed from the Cloud Control console. Targets are discovered one host at a time.

1.11.7 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c is a web-based user interface for centrally managing your entire computing environment. From the Cloud Control, you can monitor and administer your entire computing environment from one location on the network. All the services within your enterprise, including hosts, databases, listeners, application servers, HTTP Servers, and Web applications, are easily managed as one cohesive unit.

1.11.8 Management Agent

The Management Agent is responsible for monitoring all targets on the host, for communicating that information to the middle-tier Management Service, and for managing and maintaining the host and its targets.

1.11.9 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne System

A group of targets that are associated with one JD Edwards EnterpriseOne domain.

1.11.10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Global Unique Identifier (GUID)

A unique identifier that ties each target together and defines it as a system. The GUID is generated and resides at the database layer. During the discovery process, the application server connects to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application database and retrieves the GUID.

1.11.11 Managed Targets

Management Agents monitor and perform administrative functions on managed targets in your enterprise. Targets include but are not limited to Databases, Application Servers, Listeners, and Third-party Applications.

1.11.12 Management Repository

This is an Oracle database that contains all the available information about administrators, targets, and applications managed within Cloud Control. Captured data is uploaded to the repository through the Oracle Management Service. The Repository organizes the data and makes it available for data retrieval-allowing the data to be shared between any administrators accessing the Cloud Control console.

1.11.13 Oracle Management Agent (OMA)

A process deployed as binaries on each of the monitored hosts. It is responsible for monitoring all targets in the host, communicating the information to the middle-tier management service, and managing and maintaining the host and its targets.

The Oracle Management Agent on a host collects host configuration information for the host and database configuration information for the Oracle Databases on the host and client configuration information and communicates that information over HTTPS to the Oracle Management Service, which stores it in the Oracle Management Repository.

1.11.14 Oracle Management Service (OMS)

A web application (J2EE-compliant) that renders the user interface for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console. It works with all JDE AppPack Agents to process monitoring and job information, and uses the Management Repository as its data store. The Oracle Management Service resides in the layer above an Oracle WebLogic Server. Therefore, when the Oracle Management Service is installed, it also installs the application server.

1.11.15 Policies

Define the desired behavior or characteristics of systems. By using preconfigured or custom policies, automated assessments of systems and applications are performed. Through alerts, you are notified of any deviations, such as inappropriate settings or incorrect system configurations.

1.11.16 Preferred Credentials

Simplify access to managed targets by storing target login credentials in the Management Repository. With preferred credentials set, users can access a target that recognizes those credentials without being prompted to log in to the target's host machine. Preferred credentials are set on a per user per target basis, thus ensuring the security of the environment.

1.11.17 Roles

Enable you to group Cloud Control system and target privileges, and grant these to administrators or to other roles. Privileges give the administrator rights to perform management actions within Cloud Control. Creating roles is an easy way to grant a predefined set of privileges to a group of administrators. If you change a role, the changes are automatically propagated to all administrators who are assigned that role.

1.11.18 Service

An entity that models a business process or application. Examples of services are CRM applications, online banking, and email services. You can define services by creating one or more service tests that simulate common end-user functions. Using these service tests, you can measure the performance and availability of critical business functions, receive alerts when there is a problem, identify common issues, and diagnose causes of failures.

1.11.19 System

A set of targets (hosts, databases, application servers, and so on) that function together to host one or more applications or services.

1.11.20 Super Administrator Account

Can manage all other administrator accounts and set up all administrator credentials. In addition, the super administrator can:

  • Create privileges and roles

  • Perform the initial setup of Cloud Control

  • Add targets to Cloud Control

  • Perform actions on targets in the system


Cloud Control is installed with a default super administrator account named SYSMAN. You use the SYSMAN account for the initial login to Cloud Control. Then, create new super administrator accounts as needed in your system.

1.11.21 Topology Viewer

Enables you to view the relationships between targets within the context of a system. You can perform some management actions from this view.

1.12 Deployment Architecture

This architectural diagram shows a conceptual view of the deployment architecture for the various operational components required to integrate existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne functionality of Server Manager with Cloud Control:

Figure 1-1 Deployment Architecture Example

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 1-1 Deployment Architecture Example''