19 Understanding Data Source Charts

This chapter discusses these data sources:

19.1 Business Data

This chart lists the characteristics of the Business Data data source.

Field Valid Value for Oracle
Data Source Name (list includes possible sources) Business Data - PROD

Business Data - CRP

Business Data - TEST

Business Data - PS910

Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Database Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Advanced Exit Selected
Clustered Blank
Unicode Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Support for Locking Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
Use Table Owner Selected
LOB Data Type Support Selected
Object Owner ID (list includes possible owner Ids) PRODDTA




Database Name (list includes possible databases) Connect string for the database
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Selected

19.2 Central Objects

This chart lists the characteristics of the Central Objects data source.

Field Oracle
Data Source Name (list includes possible sources) Central Objects - PROD

Central Objects - CRP

Central Objects - TEST

Central Objects - PS910

Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Object Owner ID (list includes possible owner IDs) PD910




Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name (list includes possible databases) Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Selected

19.3 Control Tables

This chart lists the characteristics of the Control Tables data source.

Field Oracle
Data Source Name (list includes possible sources) Control Tables - Prod

Control Tables - CRP

Control Tables - Test

Control Tables - PS910

Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Object Owner ID (list includes possible owner IDs) Control Tables - Prod

Control Tables - CRP

Control Tables - PS910

Control Tables - Test

Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name (list includes possible databases) Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Selected

19.4 Data Dictionary

This chart lists the characteristics of the Data Dictionary data source.

Field Oracle
Data Source Name Data Dictionary - 910
Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Object Owner ID DD910
Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Selected

19.5 Logic

This chart lists the characteristics of the Logic data source.

Field Oracle
Data Source Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Data Source Use SVR
Data Source Type Blank
Object Owner ID SVM910
Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Selected
IBM i BLOB Data Source Blank

19.6 Object Librarian

This chart lists the characteristics of the Object Librarian data source.

Field Valid Value for Oracle
Data Source Name Object Librarian - 910
Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Object Owner ID OL910
Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Selected

19.7 Language

This chart lists the characteristics of the Language data source, which applies to the Oracle tablespace on the Deployment Server.

Field Valid Value for Oracle
Data Source Name (list includes possible sources) Language

Language – 910

For example, French – 910.

Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type N
Object Owner ID (list includes possible owner IDs) Blank
Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name (list includes possible databases) Language


Server Name Local
Platform LOCAL
Use Table Owner Blank
Use Julian Dates Blank
Use Decimal Shift Blank
Support for Updates Blank
OCM Data Source Blank
IBM i BLOB Support Blank

19.8 Local

This chart lists the characteristics of the Local data source, which applies to the Oracle tablespace on the Deployment Server.

Field Valid Value for Oracle
Data Source Name (list includes possible sources) Local

JDELocal - DV910

JDELocal - PS910

JDELocal - PD910

JDELocal - PY910

Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type N
Object Owner ID (list includes possible owner IDs) dbo
Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name (list includes possible databases) JDELocal








Server Name Local
Platform LOCAL
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Blank

19.9 Server Map

This chart lists the characteristics of the Server Map data source.

Field Valid Value for Oracle
Data Source Name machinename - 910 Server Map
Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Object Owner ID SVM910
Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
DDL Name Blank
Database Name Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Selected
LOB Data Source Selected

19.10 System

This chart lists the characteristics of the System data source.

Field Valid Value for Oracle
Data Source Name System - 910
Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Object Owner ID SY910
Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Selected

19.11 Versions

This chart lists the characteristics of the Versions data source.

Field Valid Value for Oracle
Data Source Name (list includes possible sources) Versions - PD910

Versions - PY910

Versions - DV910

Versions - PS910

Data Source Use DB
Data Source Type O
Object Owner ID (list includes possible owner IDs) PD910




Library Name Blank
Library List Name Blank
Database Name (list includes possible databases) Connect string for the database
Server Name Name of the machine where your database resides
Platform Platform type
Use Table Owner Selected
Use Julian Dates Selected
Use Decimal Shift Selected
Support for Updates Selected
OCM Data Source Blank
LOB Data Source Selected