17 Troubleshooting

This chapter discusses:

17.1 Using the PORTTEST Checklist

If the PORTTEST program fails to run, use this checklist to diagnose the problem before calling Global Customer Support. Please have the answers to these questions as well as copies of error messages, your Enterprise Server , and any error logs, such as JDE.log or JDE_xx.log.

PORTTEST may fail if replication, security server, or transaction processing have been installed incorrectly. If problems occur after the installation of one or more of these services, check the setup of those services for incorrect parameters.

Additionally, if PORTTEST reports warnings that indicate data dictionary or company constants are invalid, it may be because the F0010 table is empty. As is true with the full JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation, this is a normal condition in Pristine and Production environments.

General Issues Yes\No
Is the user logged on with administrator privileges?  
Is the printqueue directory concatenated by the installation?  
Can you verify there are no shares on any Enterprise Server directories?  
Are all the environment variables set?  
Is the C compiler installed with the Unicode module?  
Is the correct version of the C compiler installed?  
Is ODBC set up (where one ODBC setup applies for all data sources)?  
Is there an ODBC set up for each data source?  
Is ODBC set up for each of these UDB data sources?
  • JDE910 for shared DB (Central Objects, OL, DD, SY)

  • JDE_DEV for Business Data and Control Tables - Test

  • JDE_CRP for Business Data and Control Tables - CRP

  • JDE_PROD for Business Data and Control Tables - Prod

  • JDE_P910 for Business Data and Control Tables - PS910

Can you query the database on the Enterprise Server?  
Is a PostScript or PCL printer connected to this machine?  
Are the printer drivers for this printer installed?  
Is this printer configured as the default printer?  
Have the read-only attributes been turned off for all directories and files?  

JDE.INI Issues Yes\No
Is your JDE.INI located in the correct directory?  
Is your JDE.INI located in the correct IIS Directory?  
Does your JDE.INI have the correct permissions?  
Are these JDE.INI parameters set properly?
[Network Queue Settings] 
Default Printer OUTQ=your_printer


Note: If you use PostScript, is the correct filter set up in the [UBE] section?

[DB System Settings] 

Note: You should verify all parameters in the [DB System Settings] section, but especially these:

Default Env=your_default_environment 
Default Pathcode=your_default_path_code

serviceNameConnect=port number

For example: z:\JDEdwardsPPack\E910 /u01/jdedwardsppack/e910)

Communications Issues Yes\No
Are you using DHCP?  
If not, does an entry exist in the host file for your host?  
Can you ping your host by name?  
Can you ping from your host to the workstation by name?  
If you run Netmon, can you see the host and the workstations?  
Do the workstations and server agree on the IP address of the server?  

Other Issues Yes\No
Were your server map tables F98611 and F986101 edited properly?  
Run the Verify OCM application and verify:  
Do only host databases exist?  
No entries for batch applications exist.  
Are JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables accessible to the host?  
Can you query the F0902 table?  
Does the PORTTEST program run without error for each valid path code?  
Does the user name match that of a valid Release 9.1 account?

Remember that the user name is case sensitive.

Is the password valid for the given Release 9.1 account?  
Does the environment name match a valid Release 9.1 environment?

Remember that the environment name is case sensitive.

Does JDENET start and stop properly?  
After rebooting, do the services start and stop properly?  
Can you kill the runaway services with Visual C++ debug?  
If your printer is on a network, are your services running under a network (not a system) account?  
Are your services running in the administrator group?  

If you answered no to any of these questions, your batch application might not run. If you answered yes to all the questions, submit a batch application now.

If your batch application does not run correctly, turn on error logging and resubmit the batch. This log helps Global Customer Support diagnose the exact problem.

17.2 Resolving Data Errors

If you are receiving data warnings against the F0010 table in the Pristine or Production environments, the table might be empty. This is how it is delivered. You can ignore these warnings, load demo data, or load your own data.

17.3 Planner Update Special Instructions

The Electronic Software Update (ESU) for the Planner Update Special Instructions was created with special features that updates the Planner pathcode on the Deployment Server. It includes all fixes for Release 9.1 installation and upgrade process.

You must run the specialInstrs.bat file to copy certain table records from the ESU database to the Planner databases on the Deployment server.

  1. On the Deployment server, browse to this directory:


  2. Run the batch file specialInstrs.bat. Note any success or failure messages that appear in the command window.

    Review the SpecialInstrs.log file that is created in the same directory for details.

17.4 Orphan Users

When you run the orphan user script, you must execute the script first from the master database, and then from each delivered database which could include:



  • DV910

  • PS910

  • PD910

  • JDE_PRIST910


  • PY910

To troubleshoot database connection errors that are reported by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne:

  1. Access Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer and login to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database as the JDE user.

    If there are database connections problems, an error message appears.

    The error is caused by the introduction of a database whose logins do not match those defined within the SQL Server instance as they are defined by a SQL Server internal number or identifier. You must run the following provided script to correct the condition.

  2. From the Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer, click File, Open and navigate to the folder contain the orphan user script.

    Typically the file is found in this location:

  3. Select this script:

    orphan user with cursor.sql 
  4. Click the Open button.

  5. Set the database to master.

  6. Click the Execute Query button.