This chapter describes an abbreviated upgrade method that can be used if the customer has made no software modifications that need to be brought forward to the new release of the software. In this method, only customer business data is preserved, and all other changes that might have been made to the software are overwritten. Basically, the process is a new installation of the software for everything except the business data. The business data is then converted to the new release by running table conversions on this data source only.
In this abbreviated method, you can skip many of the tasks required for a normal upgrade. In some cases, you might need to slightly modify normal upgrade tasks as well.
For the data-only upgrade, the term business data refers to application tables only. Changes to control tables, such as user-defined codes (UDCs), menus, and data dictionary are merged, and additions to the Object Librarian are populated when you run the Environment Workbench. However, changes to the specification tables (including Versions List) are not merged into the new release. Custom or modified tables, business functions, and applications are also not preserved in this process.
This section includes these tasks:
These procedures do not apply to a data-only upgrade because control table changes and customizations are not carried forward to the new release.
Skip the following steps which are in the Chapter 2, "Before You Begin the Upgrade" section of this guide:
Instead of refreshing the existing user defined code and menu tables, delete them to ensure that they will be reloaded at the new release level when you run the Installation Workbench. Do not delete the F0002 and F00021 tables; these control tables must match the business data tables in order for the Next Numbers to be correct. Alternatively, you can save the control tables (menu, UDC, and data dictionary tables) and run the Control Table merge to update the tables with the new software release information.
See Also
Section 2.6.3, "Verifying Custom Changes in Master Control Tables" in the Chapter 2, "Before You Begin the Upgrade" section of this guide.
Install the Deployment Server as instructed in the upgrade guide for your platform. You must then load central objects for the environment that you are installing (for example, if you are upgrading the production environment, run the loaded or reloaded executable program).
When defining the plan, do the following:
Verify that the Upgrade Environment and Table Conversions options are turned on.
Set up the plan to upgrade the chosen environment.
Do not turn on Specification Merges.
If you choose not to delete the control tables, set the Control Tables Merges to merge.
Once you have defined your plan, go back to Work with Installation Plans. Highlight your plan and click Expand, and then choose the table conversion section and click Select.
Because you need to run only the vertical application table conversions, delete any of the following table conversion records that are in your plan. The records listed in your plan will depend on the version of the software from which you are upgrading. Some records might be listed multiple times.
F9210 (R8989210)
F98741 (R89IDVAR)
F98741 (R8998741)
F9210 (R899210)
F98761 (R8998761)
F98761 (R8998763)
Run Installation Planner as you normally would for an upgrade, and complete all of these Installation Workbench tasks:
Section 6.13.4, "Verifying the Table Conversion Process" (for business data only)
Do not perform the following chapter if you do not need to distribute customizations:
When testing the new release, use one of the delivered standard packages, because no modifications are carried forward.
If you are upgrading the production environment, follow the instruction for creating a production plan. Keep in mind the notes for Installation Planner, and repeat the steps above for removing the listed tables from the Table Conversion Planner.