3 Configuring the Server jde.ini File for Z Events Only: Step 2


Make sure that NT services are stopped until after you make the requisite changes to the jde.ini file on Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server.

You must configure the jde.ini file on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server with these settings:

Parameter Description
maxKernelRanges=27 This value represents the total number of JDENET kernel types. When the MQ kernel_def type is added, you must increment this value by one so that JDENET knows to include and start this added kernel.
[JDENET_KERNEL_DEF18] You must update the DEF value to the next number. For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, this value is 18.
krnlName=MSMQ Kernel  
numberOfAutoStartProcesses=1 This value can be set for 1 through n, where n is the number of processes you have defined. When this value is 1 or more, the MSMQ kernel automatically starts when JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is initialized. You must use this setting when you use the MSMQ adapter with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

If the value of this setting is 0, the MSMQ kernel does not automatically start upon initialization of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.


QInboundName=<computer name>\inbound

QErrorName=<computer name>\error

QOutboundName=<computer name>\outbound

The name of the queues can be any name, but the name in the jde.ini file must match the name you specify in the MSMQ queue setup.


MSMQ direct queue format is also supported.

MaxBufferLength=204800 The value of this parameter is measured in bytes. The maximum value that you can set for the MaxBufferLength setting is 2,000,000. You should not use the maximum value, as this can cause performance issues. You can use the MSMQ tools to determine the average size of a message and then set the MaxBuffereLength value based on your needs.
OWHostName=jde You must specify a host_name for the OWHostName= parameter. The name you specify is the machine used to create the net message to trigger the outbound adapter. This is the server on which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne resides.
QOutboundEncoding=Unicode The following values are valid for this parameter:

Unicode. This value is used if a Unicode code set is required for messaging. Typically used by clients who use languages other than English only.

ASCII. This value is used if an ASCII character set is required for messaging. Typically used by clients who have data that is only in English.

BizTalk=0 If the consumer of outbound messages is BizTalk, set BizTalk=1.

If you use the MSMQ direct format queue to directly access queues, use the naming conventions provided by Microsoft. Use this link to access the Microsoft Direct Format for Message Queuing Web page.
