This figure includes seven rectangles and arrows that connect some of the rectangles.

At the top of the figure are three rectangles organized horizontally. From left to right, the labels for these rectangles are:

An arrow that starts from the SOA Infrastructure Start rectangle points to the Synchronize with MDS rectangle, and an arrow that starts from the Synchronize with MDS rectangle points to the New Deployment rectangle.

Below these three rectangles are three additional rectangles organized horizontally. From left to right, the labels for these rectangles are:

An arrow starts from the New Deployment rectangle above and points to the Notify all members in the cluster rectangle. An arrow labeled "fail" starts from the Notify all members in the cluster rectangle and points to the Wait for confirmation on deployment succeeded from members rectangle. An arrow starts from the Roll Back All rectangle and points to the New Deployment rectangle above it.

Below these three rectangles is a single rectangle labeled "Send notification to start composite." An arrow labeled "succeed" starts from the Wait for confirmation on deployment succeeded from members rectangle above and points to the Send notification to start composite rectangle.