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Oracle® Fusion Applications Installation Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)

Part Number E16600-03
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6 Deinstalling an Applications Environment

This chapter describes the actions necessary to remove an existing Oracle Fusion Applications environment from your system. It includes step-by-step instructions and provides important information about the ramifications of taking this action.

This chapter includes the following sections:

6.1 Introduction to Deinstalling Environments

During the deinstallation process, components that were installed using the Provisioning Wizard are removed. The database and the LDAP are not removed.

Note the following characteristics of the deinstallation process:


You cannot partially deinstall an environment by selecting specific components to deinstall.

6.2 Before You Begin

Always use the provisioning deinstall option (the Provisioning Wizard option or the command line) rather than simply deleting the APPLICATIONS_BASE, APPLICATIONS_CONFIG, and the oraInventory directories manually. This is especially important for the web tier. Two of its instances share the same oraInventory location.

Before you begin the deinstallation process, complete these tasks:

  1. Stop any processes that are running in the environment.

  2. Shut down all Managed Servers, the Administration Server, and the Node Manager on all hosts. If the servers are configured as Windows services, stop the services before deinstalling the software. See "Stopping an Oracle Fusion Applications Environment" in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

  3. Stop Oracle HTTP Server with this command: WT_CONFIG_HOME/bin/opmnctl shutdown.

  4. Stop the Oracle Business Intelligence components that are controlled by OPMN with this command: BI_CONFIG_HOME/bin/opmnctl shutdown. See "Using the OPMN Command Line to Start, Stop, Restart, and View the Status of System Components" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g for more information.

  5. Shut down Global Order Promising (GOP) (if provisioned): (UNIX) gop_instance_base/bin/opmnctl shutdown. To remove the Windows service, run: sc delete GlobalOrderPromisingServer1.

  6. Stop the Java EE components using Oracle Enterprise Manage Fusion Middleware Control. See "Starting and Stopping Java EE Applications Using WLST" in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

  7. Shut down Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) (if provisioned) by running these commands in the order listed:

    1. APPLICATIONS_BASE/informaticaIR/bin/idsdown

    2. APPLICATIONS_BASE/informaticaIR/bin/lidown

See "Starting and Stopping Components in the Oracle Fusion Applications Environment" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for more information.

6.3 Deinstallation Using the Wizard

To perform a deinstallation using the Provisioning Wizard, start the wizard and complete the deinstallation interview screens.

6.3.1 Start the Provisioning Wizard

To start the Provisioning Wizard, do the following:

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK location in the provisioning repository, for example:


    export JAVA_HOME=repository_location/jdk6

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


    set JAVA_HOME=repository_location\jdk6

    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

  2. Run the following command on the primordial host:


    cd framework_location/provisioning/bin



    cd framework_location\provisioning\bin


6.3.2 Wizard Interview Screens and Instructions

Table 6-1 shows the steps necessary to deinstall an Oracle Fusion Applications environment with the Provisioning Wizard. For help with any of the interview screens, see Appendix F or click Help on any Provisioning Wizard interview screen.

Table 6-1 Deinstalling an Applications Environment

Screen Description and Action Required


No action is required on this read-only screen.

Click Next to continue.

Installation Options

Presents a list of valid installation actions that you can perform using the Provisioning Wizard. Select Deinstall an Applications Environment.

Enter the directory path in the Provisioning Plan field to the plan associated with the environment you want to deinstall. Or click Browse to navigate to the plan location.

Click Next to continue.


Displays the application and middleware components to be deinstalled. The processes associated with these components must be shut down manually. See Section 6.2 for details.

Click Deinstall to begin deinstalling the applications and middleware components.

Deinstallation Progress

The deinstallation process runs on the primordial host. You must deinstall from the command line on any primary or secondary hosts provisioned in your environment. See Section 6.4 for more details.

The following symbols help track the deinstall progress:

  • Block: Processing has not yet started on this host for the named phase.

  • Clock: Performing the build for a phase.

  • Check mark: The build was completed successfully.

  • x mark: The build has failed for this phase. You must correct the errors before you can continue.

  • Restricted symbol: The validation process has stopped due to a failure within another process.

Click an x or a Restricted symbol to display information about failures. Select the icon in the Log column to view host-level details. If there is a Log file icon beside a build message, you can select that file to see the details of that build.

If the deinstallation fails, a Retry button is enabled, allowing you to try the deinstall again. See Section 5.5.3 for information about retry, cleanup, and restore actions.

Click Next to continue.

Deinstallation Complete

Review the list of components removed from this environment. Click Save to create a text file that contains the details.

See Section 6.5 for information about manual tasks necessary to complete the deinstallation process.

Click Finish to dismiss the screen.

6.4 Deinstallation Using the Command Line

If you have provisioned a primary or secondary host, you must run the deinstall on those hosts from the command line, using the same procedure that you used during provisioning. If the primordial host is no longer available, the entire deinstall process must be run from the command line.

Run the deinstall command as root (with administration privileges) as follows:

(UNIX) -plan plan_location -target deinstall

(Windows) runProvisioning.bat -plan plan_location -target deinstall

If the web tier has been deployed in a DMZ, you must run the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) manually on that host to deinstall. See Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide.

6.5 Postdeinstallation Tasks

The remaining cleanup tasks are as follows:


  1. Remove the Entries from Services.

  2. Remove the Entries from the inetd.conf file.

  3. Clean up or remove the APPLICATIONS_BASE directory


  1. Remove Program Groups. You must also remove Program Groups from the Start Menu\Programs folder.

  2. Reboot your system after you have finished removing all programs.