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Oracle® Fusion Applications Enterprise Contracts Implementation Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)
Part Number E20371-02
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21 Enterprise Contracts: Define File-Based Data Import

This chapter contains the following:

Importing Contracts: Explained

Files, Import Objects, Mapping, and Import Activity Components: How They Work Together

File-Based Import Processing: How it Works

File-Based Import Objects: Explained

File-Based Import Mapping: Explained

Import Activity Source File Options: Explained

Import Activity Attachment Options: Explained

Import Activity Import Options: Explained

Import Activity Field Mapping: Explained

File-Based Import Monitoring: Explained

Frequently Asked Questions for File-Based Data Import

Importing Contracts: Explained

You can import contracts into the application from a source file using file-based import. To initially set up file-based import for importing contract data, select the Manage File Import Objects and Manage File Import Mappings tasks. To schedule your contract imports, select the Manage File Import Activities task. These tasks are available by selecting Setup and Maintenance from the Tools menu and searching on the task name.

File-based import supports the import of data from an external text or xml file to interface tables and then from interface tables to target application tables.

This topic describes:

What You Can Import

Contracts for import can be in Draft, Active, or Expired status but must not have lines. The import file can use names as well as IDs to identify data, for example, Party ID or Party Name. You can import only one version for each contract, with the following data:

You can import new contracts, but you cannot update or delete existing contracts through imports.

Interface Table

The application uses the following database table for importing contracts:




The interface table used to load contract data from external systems. This table maps to logical contract data: contract header, contract party, contract party contact, contract terms, and contract attachments.

Details about the fields and valid values for import are available from the Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.

Importing Contracts From a Source File

To import contracts, use the file-based import feature and upload contract data into the interface table. To access this feature, select the Manage File Import Activities task, available by selecting Setup and Maintenance from the Tools menu and searching on the task name. A detailed description of how to import data using file-based import is described in a related topic.


An import mapping, which details the mapping between source file columns and contract attributes, is provided in the Edit Import Activity: Map Fields page for your use, but you can define additional import mappings if required.

Files, Import Objects, Mapping, and Import Activity Components: How They Work Together

File-based import supports the import of data from an external text or xml file to interface tables and then from interface tables to target application tables.

Overview of File-Based Data Import

File-based import includes the following:

Source Files

External data can be obtained in various ways and formatted in a text or xml file. The source file data is mapped to interface table columns using a Mapping. The source file is identified on an Import Activity, along with other import processing details. The file processing component of the file-based data import consists of reading the source file, parsing the data, and inserting the data into the appropriate interface tables.


Import objects are defined where interface tables exist and external files can be used to import data into the interface tables. Import Object definitions for Oracle objects that support file-based import are predefined and can be accessed with the appropriate security privilege. Individual object attributes represent the interface table columns and are used to map source file data or constant values in Mappings and Import Activity definitions. Use the Import Object definition to manage the display of attributes that can be mapped, to indicate required mappings, and to set site level default values as required.


Import mapping enables you to predefine a mapping between the columns provided in a source file and the attributes pertaining to the objects being imported. Once you create a mapping, it can be reused in the Import Activity definition.

Manage Import Activities

An Import Activity definition provides the instructions for the import processing. It includes the source file or file location and mapping, plus import processing options and schedule. You can monitor the progress of the Import Activity processing and view completion reports for both successful records and errors.

File-Based Import Processing: How it Works

The file-based data import process includes processing the source file data and inserting it into the interface tables, moving the interface table data into the destination application tables, and then processing the attachments for the imported objects. Processing factors are subject to the settings defined for the Import Activity, Mapping, and Import Object. You can monitor the processing steps and view process reports for each Import Activity.

This topic describes the following:

Inserting Data in the Interface Tables

Data exists in various sources and in various formats. The file import processing starts with reading the source data, parsing the data, and inserting into the appropriate interface tables. The source of the data comes from the following:

Interface Table Data Validation and Error Counts

The data is initially validated against the predefined Import Mapping and the Import Object settings as the interface tables are being populated by the initial file import process. The interface table data is validated again before importing into the destination application tables.

Interface Table to Destination Application Table Processing

The import process orchestrates the import for each of the component objects that make up the overall main objects of the Import Activity.

Importing Attachments

Once the objects have imported successfully, the attachments are processed. The import process matches the source file attachment name to the file name included in the compressed file entered on the Import Activity. The attachment file is imported into Universal Content Manager and then associated as an attachment to the imported object.

Viewing Import Results

You can monitor all file-based Import Activities that are currently scheduled to run, have completed successfully, or failed with errors. For each Import Activity, you can view the details pertaining to each underlying process. Once an Import Activity process has completed, the following processing reports are added as attachments to the process:

File-Based Import Objects: Explained

Import objects represent the application and attribute information for business objects that can be imported using external source files.

This topic describes the following:

Import Object Management Options

A single import object can have multiple associated components that are considered objects by themselves. An object and associated objects that can be imported within the same source file are grouped together within the application module class.


Each object includes the Import Activity object (MktImpJobs1). The Import Activity object is a required component of the application module but is not mapped to a source file. All values for this object are derived from the Import Activity definition. Consequently, do not update the Map, Required, and Default Value settings for the Import Activity object.

The following table includes information about the import object:




A view-only listing of object attributes that represent each column in the interface table for the object.


A view-only listing of widths for the columns in the interface tables. If the source file values for the attribute have more characters than the attribute length, the source file row will not be imported.

Default Value

Optionally, specify an attribute value to use if a value is not available from the source file or Import Activity constant value.


Enable the list of attributes that can be mapped to a source file or constant value in the Import Mapping and Import Activity Map Fields step.


Specify the list of attributes that must be mapped to source file columns. Consequently, if you have selected an attribute as required, you must also enable the Map option for that attribute.

When mapping the external source file, the required target attribute defined for the object are displayed with an asterisk.

Custom Objects

To use the file-based import feature for custom objects, you must first generate the artifacts required for import. You generate these required artifacts within Oracle Fusion CRM Application Composer, after making your object model extensions.

File-Based Import Mapping: Explained

Import mapping enables you to predefine a mapping between the columns provided in a source file and the attributes pertaining to the objects being imported. Once you create a mapping, it can be reused in the Import Activity definition.

This topic contains the following sections:

Import Options

The following attributes pertain to the import mapping.




The business object to be imported.


The name that identifies the mapping in the Import Mapping and Import Activity UIs. If the mapping was initially created while mapping fields directly in the Import Activity user interface and automatically saved without providing a user-defined mapping name, the mapping name is derived from the Import Activity name and date.

Decimal Separator

The format of the fractional portion of numerical values in columns mapped to attributes with a decimal attribute type.

Date Format

The format of values in columns mapped to attributes with a date attribute type.

Timestamp Format

The format of values in columns mapped to attributes with a time stamp attribute type.


If selected, prevents any user, other than the creator of the mapping, from editing the mapping.

Source File Options

Map each column that the source file is expected to contain with a specific attribute.

The following table describes the details pertaining to columns provided in the source file:

Source Column



The sequence number in which the columns are expected to be provided in the source file. Two rows cannot have the same sequence number.

Column Name

The column name expected in the source file if a header row is included, or more generic values such as Column A, Column B, and so on, if the header row is not included for Text file types.

The tagging structure is represented for XML file types.

Column Width

Use when the delimiter value is fixed width for Text file types only.


Ignore the source file column to exclude the data from being imported.


If selected, a value must exist in the source file or the row will not be imported.

Target Options

The following table describes the details pertaining to corresponding attributes in the target application table:

Target Attributes



The group of import objects that represent the components of the business object being imported.


The attribute name that represents the corresponding interface table column for the object.

Duplicate Validation

If selected, the attribute, along with other selected attributes, determines what constitutes a duplicate object when comparing objects in the interface tables and existing objects in the target application tables. For example, to validate the uniqueness of an object in the target application tables by the combination of an object's name and date, select Duplicate Validation for both attributes in the mapping.

Import Activity Source File Options: Explained

The Import Activity consists of a step by step guided process to assist you with creating an import activity for a given object.

This topic describes the source file options defined in the Import Activity that are used by the import process to locate and parse the source file data.

Source File Data

Enter attribute details pertaining to the source file as follows:



File Type

Source file must be either Text or XML.

Data Type, Delimiter, and Header Row Included

A Text file type can further be defined based on how the data is delimited and if the source file is expected to include a row of headings for each column.

Import Mapping

Displays a list of predefined mappings for the object selected for this import activity. The selected mapping will be used as the basis for mapping your source file in the next Import Activity step.

Source File Location

The following outlines the options that are available to you when locating your source file for import.



File Selection

Select from the following file selections:

  • Specific file

    Enables you to upload a specific source file from a local file system, such as your desktop, a URL address, or from a network path. A file name is required for this option.

  • Most recent file

    Enables you to schedule repeating import activities without having to select a new file every time. This selection is only available when you select Network from the Upload From options.

    You need to copy the new file to the specified network path for repeating import activities. You do not need to enter a file name for this option and can only upload your source file from a network path. The asterisk wildcard is supported for multiple characters. The question mark wildcard is supported for a single character.

Upload From

You can upload the source file from three locations:

  • Desktop

  • URL

  • Network

If you select Desktop, a File Name field with an associated Update button is displayed. Click Update and browse to search for and select the file you want to upload.

If you select URL, enter the address location as in the following example format:

If you select Network, enter the file name path as in the following example format: \ComputerName\SharedFolder\Resource\


If you selected the Specific File as your file selection option, then you will have to include the file name for both URL and Network file path locations.

Import Activity Attachment Options: Explained

Many objects can have multiple documents attached to it. The File Import Activity process allows you to import the documents attached to a specific object.

In the Summary section enter an import activity name and description and the primary object for which you want to import data from a source file. The list of objects displayed is controlled by your data security privileges. This topic describes how to define the attachment options pertaining to the import activity.


As part of the file attachment import process setup, you must:

Selecting Documents

You define the parameters for the import activity to include the primary object for which the data is included in the source file. If the object being imported has attachments, you will need perform an additional step of selecting documents that serve as attachments for each record being imported in the Attachments section. Select the Multiple Files option and then click on Browse to display the Universal Content Manager (UCM). From here you can select individual documents that serve as attachments or a single file that contains all these documents as follows:

Browse through the file system and select multiples files from across various folders. You must select all attachments in one operation. For example, you cannot select a few files now and then return later to select more attachments files.

Import Activity Import Options: Explained

The File Import Activity consists of a step by step guided process to assist you with creating an import activity for a given object.

This topic describes the import options defined in the Import Activity that are used by the import process to interpret source file data and import interface table data into the target application tables.

Source File Data Transformation

The following options are used to identify the formatting of source file data so the data can be correctly interpreted and transformed by the import process:



Decimal Separator

The format of the fractional portion of numerical values in columns mapped to attributes with a decimal attribute type.

Date Format

The format for values in columns mapped to attributes with a date attribute type.

Time Stamp Format

The format for values in columns mapped to attributes with a time stamp attribute type.

File Encoding

The overall encoding of the characters within the file.

Interface to Target Import Options

The following options are used when importing the interface table information to the target application tables:



Import Mode

Determines if the Import Activity process should create new records or update existing records.

If updating existing records, the record IDs must be provided in the source file. If an existing record is not found, a new record is created. Update mode is not supported for all import objects. Consequently, the Import Mode is set to Create and is not updatable for those objects.

If creating new records, the import process evaluates the data in the interface tables with existing objects in the target application tables for possible duplicates. Customer Data Management objects are evaluated using the rules defined in the set of Matching Configurations. All other objects are evaluated using the combination of attributes selected for duplicate validation in the predefined Import Mapping.

Allowable Error Count

An error count above the threshold will stop the import process for all records. If the error count is below the threshold, records without errors are imported. In either case, records with errors will be reported in the Error and Exception files.

Validation errors include:

  • Missing required values

  • Values that exceed the attribute length

  • Invalid identifiers and lookup codes

  • Duplicates to existing records in the destination tables based on the combination of attributes selected for duplicate validation in the predefined Import Mapping

Duplicates found using matching configurations for Customer Data Management objects do not contribute to the error count.

Notification E-Mail

The e-mail of the intended recipient of import processing notifications.

Customer Data Management Duplicates

Consumer, customer, and legal entity objects imported by themselves or as components of another object are subject to duplicate verification. The duplicates are determined using the following matching configurations:

  • Batch Location Basic Duplicate Identification

  • Batch Person Basic Duplicate Identification

  • Batch Organization Basic Duplicate Identification

You can select from one of the following:

  • Do Not Import Duplicate Records

    If the main object of the Import Activity is a consumer, customer, or a legal entity object, rows that are matched to existing records will not be imported. These duplicates records are reported in the Exception and Error reports.

    If the Customer Data Management objects are components of another object and one or more matches are found, the existing duplicate records are evaluated to determine the most recent record. The most recent record will be associated with the main object being imported.

    For example, when importing a marketing response object, the consumer object is also a component of the response. If the consumer is matched to an existing record, the consumer in the interface tables is not imported. However, the response object will import and the most recent existing consumer record will be associated to the response.

  • Import Duplicate Records

    The Customer Data Management objects will be imported even if matched records exist.

  • Import Duplicate Records and Create Resolution Request

    The Customer Data Management objects will be imported even if matched records exist. In addition, a duplicate resolution request is created and displayed in the Customer Data Management, Duplicate Resolution work area.

Duplicate Look Back Days

This option applies only to the Lead import object. Only existing leads created within the period determined by the look back days value are evaluated for duplicates based on the attributes selected for duplicate validation in the predefined import mapping. If a duplicate is found, the lead will not be imported and the duplicate record will be reported on the Exception report. Duplicate leads are included in the calculation of the allowable error count threshold.

Import Activity Field Mapping: Explained

After entering your import options, the second step of the import activity process is to map fields in the source file to the corresponding target attributes.

This topic explains:

Map Fields

The Map Fields section can be subdivided into source file columns and target attribute columns.

The source column header value is derived from one of the following:

The following table outlines the source columns:

Source Column


Column Header

Represents the column header for Text file types and the tagging structure for XML file types.

Example Value

Values are derived from the first source file saved with the predefined mapping. If you did not select a predefined mapping, the example values are taken from the first data row in the source file selected in the first step of the Import Activity definition.


Select this option if you do not want to import the source file data in that column.

The following table outlines the target columns:

Target Column



The group of import objects that represent the components of the business object being imported.


The attribute name that represents the corresponding interface table column for the object.

Saving the Import Mapping

The mapping between source file information and target attributes is saved as a reusable mapping when the Import Activity is saved, using the import activity name and date to derive a mapping name. If you selected a predefined mapping, modifications made in the Import Activity to an unlocked mapping will update and save to the predefined mapping. If the predefined mapping is locked, a modified mapping will be saved as a new mapping. To specify a mapping name for new mappings, select the Save As option from the Map Fields Actions menu.

Constant Values

Constant values provide a way to specify a value for a target attribute that all imported objects will inherit. For example, if a source file does not contain a column for business unit and all of the objects in the file belong to the same business unit, enter a constant value for the object and business unit attribute.

File-Based Import Monitoring: Explained

You can monitor all file import activities that are currently scheduled to run, have completed successfully, or failed with errors. For each import activity, you can view the details pertaining to each underlying process and make necessary updates for any failed records to import again.

You can view the list of import activities from the Manage Import Activities page. Select the import activity that you want to monitor by clicking on the hyperlink in the corresponding Status column. The View Import Status results page is displayed which contains the following sections:

Files Processed

The Files Processed section displays a row for each source file that is processed.

The import processing details are summarized and displayed for each source file and include the following:

File Processing Summary Information


Records Read From File

The number of records read from the source file.

Format Errors

The number of errors found when processing data to insert into the interface tables from the source file, Import Activity constants, and Import Object value default values. View the error details in the Exception and Error files attached to the process.

Load Errors

The number of errors found when importing data from the interface tables to the destination application tables. View the error details in the Exception and Error files attached to the process.

Successfully Loaded

The number of import objects imported to the application destination tables. If the import object is made up of multiple components, each component is counted as successfully loaded. Consequently the Successfully Loaded count may be larger than the Records Read From File count. View the successful record details in the Log file attached to the process.


Once an Import Activity process has completed, processing reports are included in the Attachments column. The Log file includes the records that were successfully imported plus the unique destination application table identifiers for the objects. The Exception file includes the records that were not imported plus a reference to one of the errors for each record that failed. The Error file includes all the errors for each record that failed validation.

Import Processes

From the Import Processes section, you can view details pertaining to each process involved in importing the objects in the source file. A listing of brief messages provides information on processing steps within each underlying process.

Frequently Asked Questions for File-Based Data Import

What determines the list of objects displayed?

A single import object can have multiple associated components that are considered objects by themselves. Whether or not an associated object can be grouped as a component of another object for the purpose of file import is determined by the complexity of the object structure and how it is stored in the data model. Oracle Fusion provides import objects predefined to meet the file processing import requirements. Consequently, in some cases, more than one source file may be required to capture all associated components of an object.

What happens if I inactivate an Import Activity?

The Import Activity will not stop the currently running process. However, it will stop the next process that has not started plus any future repeating file import activities. You can always activate the process at a later stage.

What happens if I add a marketing list in the Import Activity definition?

File-based data import enables you to record consumers and organization contacts in a marketing list when importing consumer, lead, and response import objects. Select an existing list or create a new one. A marketing list is assigned the list type value of Imported if created while defining an import activity. After the objects are imported successfully, the consumers and contacts are added as members of the marketing list.