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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Getting Started with Oracle Fusion Middleware Management
12c Release 1 (

Part Number E24215-01
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12 Getting Started With the Oracle Coherence Management Pack

This chapter describes the procedure to discover and monitor a Coherence cluster using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. The following sections are covered in this chapter:

12.1 New Features in this Release

This section lists the new features in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. The new features are:

12.2 Supported Versions

Versions 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 3.6.x, and 3.7.0 of Coherence are supported in this release.

12.3 Understanding the Discovery Mechanism

Coherence clusters usually have a large number of nodes that run on multiple hosts. There are several types of nodes such as storage nodes, proxy nodes and management nodes. Each node runs on a JVM process. The management node hosts a JMX MBeanServer and this node is used by Enterprise Manager for discovering and monitoring the coherence cluster. The Oracle Management Agent communicates with the management node to collect metrics and propagate runtime configuration changes.


The Management Agent can be present either on the same machine on which the coherence management node is running or on a remote machine.

You have to start the management node by setting the following system properties on the storage, proxy, and application nodes:

For more details on enabling JMX for a Coherence cluster, refer to the Oracle® Coherence Developer's Guide for Oracle Coherence.

12.3.1 Configuring and Starting a Standalone Management Node

You can configure and start the standalone management node in two ways:

  • EMIntegration Server: To start the standalone management node, you must start. the oracle.sysman.integration.coherence.EMIntegrationServer. This creates a new management node with a MBeanServer and also registers our bulk operation MBean in this MBeanServer. You can use this approach if you want to dedicate a specific node as a management node and use this exclusively for management. Before you start the EMIntegrationServer, ensure that the coherenceIntg.jar and bulkoperationsmbean.jar files are present in the classpath of the management node. These jar files are located in the AGENT PLUGIN ROOT/archives/coherence/ directory of the Management Agent. For example: emagent/plugins/oracle.sysman.emas.agent.plugin_12.

    Note: These jar files are present only if the Fusion Middleware Monitoring plugin has been deployed to the Management Agent. See the Fusion Middleware Documentation for details.

    You must also set the tangosol.coherence.distributed.localstorage parameter to false so that this management node will not be used for storage. If your Management Agent is on a remote location, you must copy the following files to the machine from which the management node will be started.


    A sample script used to start the management node using the Bulk MBeans is shown below.

    oracle.sysman.integration.coherence.EMIntegrationServer >
    $COHERENCE_HOME/mgmtnode.log >> $COHERENCE_HOME/mgmtnode.err &

    To enable the connection between the Management Agent and the JMX server, you must specify the JMX port by setting the system property while starting the management node of the Coherence cluster.

  • Custom-MBeans.XML: If you do not want to dedicate a specific node for management, you can use the custom-mbeans.xml to define the mbeans that need to be registered in the Coherence MBeanServer. The custom-mbeans.xml, the coherenceEMIntg.jar and the bulkoperationsmbean.jar must be present in the classpath of the management node.

    Note: This approach works only with Coherence 3.7.0.

    A sample xml file is shown here:

      <mbean id="100">
      <mbean id="110">

12.3.2 Configuring and Starting a Management Node in WebLogic Server

If you are using Coherence Web, Coherence nodes are started when the WebLogic Server is started. To configure and start a management node in WebLogic Server, you must ensure that the Coherence node start options are part of the WLS start script. The values you specify for and parameters are used to identify the location of the CoherenceMBeanServer and how these MBeans can be accessed. You must specify the following options in the WLS start script:


    If this option is specified, the Coherence MBeanServer will be started in this node with an explicit port 9937. A separate MBeanServer is then created at this port and all the MBeans will be registered.

  • JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} and no explicit value specified for the parameter

    In this case, if the WebLogic Server is a WLS Administration Server, all Coherence MBeans will be registered in the WLS Domain Runtime MBeanServer. If the WLS Server is a managed server, the Runtime MBeanServer of this server will be used to register all Coherence MBeans. While discovering this Coherence Cluster, you need to specify the correct host, port, or service URL for the MBeanServer.


    If this option is specified, the MBeanServer will not be started in this node. You can start a standalone management node outside the WebLogic Server.

12.3.3 Starting the Coherence Management Node with Security Credentials

If you use the option to start the management node, you must set the User Name and Password in the jmxremote.password file and the Role in the jmxremote.access file.

  • Specify the User Name and Password in the $JDK_HOME/jre/lib/management/jmxremote.password file. For example:

    Column 1 Column 2
    username1 coherence1
    username2 coherence2

    where Column 1 indicates the User Name and the Column 2 indicates the Password.

  • Specify the role of each user in the $JDK_HOME/jre/lib/management/jmxremote.access file. For example:

    Column 1 Column 2
    username1 read-only
    username2 read-write (you must specify this role for the Coherence Management Node.)

    where Column 1 indicates the User Name and Column 2 indicates the Role.


    To disable password authentication and SSL, start the JVM with the following properties:

12.3.4 Configuring and Starting a Node With the JVM Diagnostics Agent

JVM Diagnostics allows administrators to identify the root cause of performance problems in the production environment without having to reproduce them in the test or development environment. You can view the JVM Diagnostics data if the JVM Diagnostics Manager and JVM Diagnostics Agent have been deployed on the host machine on which the OMS running. For more details on starting a node with the JVM Diagnostics Agent, see Section 13.8, "Integration With JVM Diagnostics".

12.3.5 Discovering Coherence Targets

To discover a Coherence target, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Enterprise Manager as an administrator with the Add Target privilege.

  2. Select Middleware from the Targets menu. You will see a list of Middleware targets.


    Alernatively, you can add a Coherence target from the Setup menu. Click Setup > Add Target > Add Targets Manually and select Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided Process option. Follow the steps in the wizard to add the Coherence target.
  3. Select Oracle Coherence in the Add drop down box and click Go. The Oracle Coherence Cluster: Discover Cluster, Node, and Cache Targets page is displayed.

    Figure 12-1 Add Coherence Target

    Add Coherence Target - Page1
  4. On this page, you can add a Coherence cluster, a node, or a cache from the specified MBean Server node. You can select either of the following options to provide MBean Server details:

    • Host, Port, and Service: Enter the following details:

      • Select the host on which the Management Node is running.

      • The port used for the JMX RMI connection. If you are using the MBean connector for Coherence MBeans, specify the property. If you are using the platform MBean Server for registering Coherence Mbeans, use the property.

      • The service name used for the connection. The default is jmxrmi.

    • Service URL that will be used for the connection. You may need to specify the Service URL only in complex cases like when the RMI registry and the MBean Server ports are different. In most other cases, the Machine Name and Port are used for the connection.

  5. Select the Management Agent that will be used to monitor the Coherence target and click Continue.

  6. The details of the discovered targets are displayed. Click Add Targets to add these targets to Enterprise Manager.


If you are adding a new node or cache target after the cluster has been discovered, you must configure the following corrective actions in the Metric and Collection Settings page:
  • Discover New Oracle Coherence Nodes on the Change Number of Nodes metric.

  • Discover New Oracle Coherence Caches on the Change Number of Caches metric.

For more details, refer to the Corrective Actions section.

12.3.6 Corrective Actions

Corrective Actions allow administrators to specify automated responses to alerts or policy violations. Corrective Actions ensure that routine responses to alerts or policy violations are automatically executed, thereby saving administrator time and ensuring problems are dealt with before they noticeably impact end users.

If you add a node or a cache after the cluster has been discovered, you must setup the Discover New Oracle Coherence Nodes and Discover New Oracle Coherence Caches corrective actions to add the node and cache as Enterprise Manager Targets. To setup the corrective actions, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Enterprise Manager.

  2. Select Middleware from the Targets menu.

  3. The list of Middleware targets is displayed. Click on a Coherence Cluster target.

  4. The Cluster Home page is displayed. Select Monitoring > Metric and Collection Settings from the Oracle Coherence Cluster menu. The Metric and Collection Settings page is displayed.

    Figure 12-2 Metric and Collection Settings

    Metric and Collection Settings
  5. Click the Edit icon for the Change Number of Nodes metric. The Edit Advanced Settings page is displayed.l

    Figure 12-3 Edit Advanced Settings

    Edit Advanced Settings
  6. Under the Corrective Actions section, click Add for the metric severity (Warning or Critical) for which a corrective action is to be associated.

  7. Click Continue. The Add Corrective Action page is displayed.

    Figure 12-4 Add Corrective Action

    Add Corrective Action
  8. Select the Discover New Coherence Nodes corrective action from the list and click Continue.

  9. In the Create Corrective Action page, enter the name and description of the corrective action and click Continue. You are returned to the Edit Advanced Settings page with the corrective action set for the metric Warning and/or Critical metric thresholds.

  10. Follow this process to set the corrective action for the Change Number of Caches metric.

12.3.7 Refreshing a Cluster

You can manually synchronize the cluster targets with the running Coherence cluster. Click Refresh Cluster from the Oracle Coherence Cluster menu. A message indicating that new Coherence nodes and caches that have been discovered will be added as Enterprise Manager targets is displayed. Nodes are updated if there are any changes to their attributes. Click Continue to refresh the cluster.


Decommissioned nodes and caches will not be removed during the Refresh process. You must remove them manually.

12.4 Enabling the Management Pack

You must enable the Management Pack for Oracle Coherence if you want to access additional features beyond Coherence cluster monitoring. To enable the Management Pack, do the following:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. From the Setup menu, select Management Packs > Management Pack Access.

  2. Select Oracle Coherence in the Search drop down list and click Go.

  3. All the Coherence targets being monitored are displayed. Check the Pack Access Agreed check box for the Coherence target and click Apply to enable the Management Pack.