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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E10046-06
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13 Managing Oracle Virtual Directory Plug-ins

This chapter explains how to manage Oracle Virtual Directory plug-ins and includes the following topics:

13.1 Managing Adapter Plug-ins

This topic explains various tasks for managing Adapter plug-ins and contains the following sections:

13.1.1 Creating Adapter Plug-Ins

After you create an adapter you can create Plug-ins for the adapter.


The Performance Monitor plug-in is added to all adapters by default after the adapter is created, which enables Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to display performance metrics for each adapter.

Perform the following steps to create a plug-in for an adapter using Oracle Directory Services Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Adapter from the task selection bar. The Adapter navigation tree appears.

  3. In the adapter tree, click the name of the adapter for which to create a plug-in. The adapter's configuration appears.

  4. Click the Plug-Ins tab.

  5. Click the Create Plug-In button. The Plug-In dialog box appears.

  6. Enter a name for the Plug-in in the Name field.

  7. Enter the Plug-in class name in the Class field, or click Browse, then select the plug-in from the Plug-In Selection box, and then click OK.

  8. Add parameters and values to the Plug-in by clicking the Create Parameter button in the Parameters table, selecting a parameter from the Name list, and entering a value for the parameter in the Value field.

  9. Add namespaces to the Plug-in by clicking the Create Namespace button in the Namespace table and entering a value for the namespace in the Namespace field.

  10. Click OK to save the plug-in settings. The plug-in is added to the table of deployed plug-ins for the adapter on the adapter screen.

  11. Optionally, you can configure the plug-in to execute on specific operations, such as Bind, Add, Get, and so on. Refer to "Configuring Adapter Plug-Ins to Execute Only on Specific Operations" for more information.

  12. Click the Apply button on the adapter screen to associate the plug-in with the adapter.

13.1.2 Configuring Adapter Plug-Ins to Execute Only on Specific Operations

You can configure adapter plug-ins to execute only on specific operations, such as Bind, Add, Get, and so on. You can also configure the order (sequence) in which adapter plug-ins execute on specific operations.

Perform the following steps to configure adapter plug-ins to execute only on specific operations and in a specific order:


The following steps assume the plug-in has already been created and deployed to the adapter. If this is not the case, refer to "Creating Adapter Plug-Ins" to create the plug-in before performing the following steps.
  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Adapter from the task selection bar. The Adapter navigation tree appears.

  3. Click the name of the adapter that contains the plug-in you want to configure. The adapter's configuration appears in the main screen.

  4. Click the Plug-Ins tab.

  5. Select the operation you want a plug-in to specifically operate on from the Select Operation list. For example, select Get to configure a plug-in to operate only on the get operation.

  6. Click the Edit Plug-Ins (pencil) button in the Plug-ins for Specific Operation table. For example, if you selected the Get operation in the Select Operation list, the table is labeled Plug-ins for Get Operation.


    The label for this table changes according to the operation selected in the Select Operation list.

    After you click the Edit Plug-Ins (pencil) button, the Select and Order the Plug-ins dialog box appears. The All Plug-ins field on the left of the dialog box lists all plug-ins deployed on the adapter. The Selected Plug-Ins field on the right lists plug-ins that execute only on the specific operation selected in the Select Operation list.

  7. Select the plug-ins you want to execute on the operation and use the Move (>) and Remove (<) buttons to move the plug-ins to and from the Selected Plug-Ins field on the right.

    If multiple plug-ins are listed in the Selected Plug-Ins field, you can configure the order in which they will execute.

  8. To change the order in which the adapter plug-ins execute on the operation, select one plug-in at a time in the Selected Plug-ins field and use the up and down arrow buttons on the right side of the Selected Plug-ins field to change the order.


    The plug-in at the top of the Selected Plug-ins field executes on the operation first, and then the remaining plug-ins in the field execute in a descending order.
  9. Click Apply on the Select and Order the Plug-ins dialog box to save the changes. The plug-ins appear in the Plug-ins for Specific Operation table in the order they will execute.

  10. Optionally, you can set namespaces for operation-specific plug-ins to control the location in the virtual tree where they execute, by performing the following steps:

    1. Click the expand/collapse icon to left of the plug-in name in the Plug-ins for Specific Operation table.

    2. Enter the namespace in the Namespace field.

    3. Add or delete namespaces using the Add (+) and Delete (X) buttons near the namespace field.

  11. Click the Apply button at the top of the adapter screen to save the changes.

13.1.3 Editing Adapter Plug-Ins

Perform the following steps to edit an existing plug-in for an adapter using Oracle Directory Services Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Adapter from the task selection bar. The Adapter navigation tree appears.

  3. Click the name of the adapter that contains the plug-in you want to edit in the Adapter tree. The adapter's configuration appears.

  4. Click the Plug-Ins tab

  5. Select the plug-in you want to edit from the table of existing plug-ins and click the Edit Plugin/Mapping button. The Plug-In dialog box appears displaying the plug-in's settings.

  6. Edit the plug-in as desired and click OK on the Plug-In dialog box.

  7. Click the Apply button at the top of the adapter screen to save the changes.

13.1.4 Deleting Adapter Plug-Ins

Perform the following steps to delete an existing plug-in for an adapter using Oracle Directory Services Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Adapter from the task selection bar. The Adapter navigation tree appears.

  3. Click the name of the adapter that contains the plug-in you want to delete in the Adapter tree. The adapter's configuration appears.

  4. Click the Plug-Ins tab

  5. Select the plug-in you want to delete from the table of existing plug-ins and click the Delete Plugin/Mapping button. A confirmation dialog box appears asking you to verify deleting the plug-in from the adapter configuration.

  6. Click the Confirm button on the confirmation dialog box to delete the plug-in. The plug-in is removed from the table of existing plug-ins.

  7. Click the Apply button at the top of the adapter screen to save the changes.

13.2 Managing Global Server Plug-ins

This topic explains various tasks for managing server-level (Global) plug-ins and contains the following sections:

13.2.1 Creating Global Server Plug-Ins

Perform the following steps to create a server-level plug-in using Oracle Directory Services Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Advanced from the task selection bar. The Advanced navigation tree appears.

  3. Expand the Global Plugins entry in the navigation tree.

  4. Click the Create Plug-In button. The Plug-In dialog box appears.

  5. Enter a name for the Plug-in in the Name field.

  6. Enter the Plug-in class name in the Class field, or click Select, then select the plug-in from the Plug-In Selection box, and then click OK.

  7. Add parameters and their values to the Plug-in by clicking the Create Parameter button in the Parameters table, selecting a parameter from the Name list, and entering a value for the parameter in the Value field.

  8. Determine where you want the plug-in to execute. The plug-in can execute at specific location in the virtual directory or at a global server level spanning the entire virtual tree.

    To execute the plug-in at a global server level, leave the Namespaces table empty and click OK to activate the plug-in for the entire virtual tree.

    To execute the plug-in at a specific location in the virtual tree, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Create Namespace button in the Namespaces table.

    2. Enter the location of the virtual tree where you want the plug-in to execute in the Namespace field.


      Create multiple Namespaces to have the plug-in execute at multiple specific locations in the virtual tree.
    3. Click OK to activate the plug-in at the specific locations in the virtual tree.

  9. Refer to "Viewing Deployed Global Server Plug-ins" to verify the plug-in was activated.

13.2.2 Viewing Deployed Global Server Plug-ins

You can view a list of the plug-ins that have been deployed at the server level—not adapter level—by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Advanced from the task selection bar. The Advanced navigation tree appears.

  3. Expand the Global Plugins entry in the navigation tree. A list of the activated Mappings and plug-ins appears in the navigation tree.

13.2.3 Editing Global Server Plug-Ins

Perform the following steps to edit an existing server-level plug-in using Oracle Directory Services Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Advanced from the task selection bar. The Advanced navigation tree appears.

  3. Expand the Global Plugins entry in the navigation tree. A list of the activated Mappings and plug-ins appears in the navigation tree.

  4. Click the name of the plug-in you want to edit from the navigation tree. The plug-in's configuration appears.

  5. Edit the plug-in as desired and click the Apply button at the top of the plug-in screen to save the changes.

13.2.4 Deleting Global Server Plug-Ins

Perform the following steps to delete an existing server-level plug-in using Oracle Directory Services Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Directory Services Manager.

  2. Select Advanced from the task selection bar. The Advanced navigation tree appears.

  3. Expand the Global Plugins entry in the navigation tree. A list of the activated Mappings and plug-ins appears in the navigation tree.

  4. Click the name of the plug-in you want to delete from the navigation tree. The plug-in's configuration appears.

  5. Click the Delete button in the navigation tree. A confirmation dialog box appears asking you to confirm deleting the plug-in.

  6. Click the Delete button on the confirmation dialog box to delete the plug-in. The plug-in is removed from the list of existing plug-ins in the navigation tree.