4 Service Requests

This document contains the following topics:

4.1 Viewing Service Requests

4.1.1 What is the Service Requests page?

The Service Requests page provides filters that enable you to display the service requests (SRs) that you want to see. When you click a link in the SR Number column, the SR opens in a new tab or window depending on your browser and configuration settings.

4.1.2 What are the different SR statuses?

An SR can have one of the following statuses:

  • Needs Attention - Oracle Support is waiting for you to update the SR.

  • Oracle Working - Oracle Support is working on the SR.

  • Closed - The SR is closed and will no longer be worked on.

4.1.3 How do I filter SRs?

To filter SRs on the Service Requests page, select from the following options:

  • Service Type, Service Name, or Product (for MICROS users).

  • Status. If you select Open from the Status menu, SRs with the status Oracle Working or Needs Attention are listed.

  • Last Updated. To restrict the SRs displayed, select Last Week, Last Month, or Last Year. SRs within the selected time period will be displayed.

  • Created by Me. Select this option to display only the SRs that you created.

To sort by a column in the SR table, click the up or down arrow next to the column name. Hover over a column name to display the arrows.

4.1.4 What do the different severity classifications mean?

SRs and bugs have one of the following classifications:

  • Severity 1 - Complete loss of service for mission critical operations where work cannot reasonably continue.


    For more information, see Managing Severity 1 Service Requests at the following URL:
  • Severity 2 - Significant or degraded loss of service or resources.

  • Severity 3 - Minor loss of services or resources.

  • Severity 4 - No work being impeded at the time - information is requested or reported.

The severity of an SR or bug reflects the business impact. The urgency reflects the time frame required for resolving the business issue. A Severity 2 issue that needs to be resolved within two days does not have the same priority of a Severity 1 issue. Discuss the issue and the time line for resolution with your Oracle support engineer to ensure that they understand the impact to your business and to ensure that the appropriate severity level is established.

Changing the severity is appropriate if the actual business impact has changed. It is important for your organization, for Global Customer Support, and for all of the other users of Oracle Support that severity levels reflect the actual business impact.

See Also:

For more information about Oracle support policies, see Technical Support Policies at the following URL:

4.1.5 What is the service type, service name, or product?

The service type is the type of service or product to which your company has subscribed. A service name is the instance where the service or product is running. For MICROS users, these are the products that your company has purchased.

4.1.6 Why can't I find my SR?

Oracle Cloud Support portal displays SRs associated with your Cloud Services and MICROS products. If you do not see your SR in Oracle Cloud Support, this might be because the product was changed internally and is no longer associated with a Cloud Services or MICROS product. In this case, you can view the SR through My Oracle Support.

To switch to My Oracle Support, click Switch to My Oracle Support at the top of any page. To return to Cloud Support, click Switch to Cloud Support at the top of any My Oracle Support page.

4.2 Creating Service Requests

4.2.1 How do I create an SR?

To create an SR, click Create Service Request at the bottom of the Service Requests page.


You can also create SRs from the Dashboard page.

The Create Service Request wizard guides you through the SR creation process. After you complete the mandatory information on the first page, you have the option of submitting the SR, or providing more information to assist Oracle Support to understand the problem and expedite a resolution. Click Next to provide additional information and attach documents to the SR (if desired) or click Submit to create the SR.


If none of the support identifiers (SIs) in your profile has the Create SR privilege, the Create SR button is disabled.

4.2.2 What are preferred contact methods?

The following preferred contact methods are available for working with an SR:

  • Web (through My Oracle Support)

  • Phone

  • E-mail

Contact through the web is preferred, and will facilitate secure communication with Oracle Support. However, to receive service request details by email, you must select Email as the contact method.

4.2.3 What are SR details by email?

You will receive an email notification when an update is made to an SR for which you are listed as a primary contact. The notification contains a link to the SR sign in Oracle Cloud Support page where you can view the SR details.

However, if you select Email as the contact method, you will receive the details of the SR update in an email (and not just the link to the SR log). Note that sending actual updates through mail is not as secure as logging in to Oracle Cloud Support to view updates.


Before this option is available through Create Service Request, it must first be approved by your Customer User Administrator (CUA) for the Support Identifier (SI).

After CUA approval:

  1. Switch to My Oracle Support.

  2. Select My Account from the Settings tab.

  3. In the Support Identifiers table, select the box in the SR Details column for each SI for which you want full email updates on your SRs.

4.3 Working With Service Requests

4.3.1 How do I update an SR?

To update an SR:

  1. Click a link in the SR Number column.

  2. In the Manage Service Request window, click Add Update.

  3. In the Update Detail box, enter the information that you want to add, then click Apply.

4.3.2 How do I close an SR?

To close an SR:

  1. Click a link in the SR Number column.

  2. In the Manage Service Request window, click Close Service Request.

  3. Select a reason for closing the SR, enter details in the Update Detail box, then click Apply.

A request to close the SR is sent to Oracle Support. The state of the SR is changed to Close Requested.


If you change your mind while the SR has the status Close Requested, you can update the SR with a note asking Oracle Support not to close the request. After and SR has been closed, click Re-open Service Request to reopen it.

4.3.3 How do I upload a file?

To upload a file to an SR:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To upload a file to an existing SR, click the link for the SR in one of the SR regions, then click Add Attachment.

    • To upload a file while creating an SR, click Attach in Step 3: More Details of the Service Request wizard.

    You can upload files that Oracle recommends based on the product and problem type selected in the previous step or download other files that can help Oracle Support to resolve the issue.

  2. In the Add Attachment window, click Choose File, select the file that you want to attach, then click Open.

  3. In the Add Attachment window, click Attach File.


For file uploads over 2 GB or Explorer, CORES, or other Sun diagnostic files, refer to Knowledge Document, "How to Upload Data to Oracle":

Password protected files will not be uploaded.

4.3.4 How do I view an uploaded file?

To view a file uploaded to an SR:

  1. Click the link for the SR.

  2. In the Attachments section:

    • If there is only one file uploaded, click the file name.

    • If more than one file is uploaded, click View Attachments then click the file that you want to view.

4.3.5 How do I delete an uploaded file?

To delete a file uploaded to an SR:

  1. Click the link for the SR.

  2. In the Summary panel:

    • If there is only one file uploaded, click the x next to the file name.

    • If more than one file is uploaded, click View Attachments then click the x next to the file that you want to delete.

  3. In the confirmation window, click OK.