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Oracle® Load Testing for Web Applications Load Testing User's Guide
Version 9.00 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

Part Number E15484-01
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7 Using Graphs and Reports

Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications lets you evaluate the performance of your Web application in real time using Performance Statistics and graphs on the View Run Graphs tab. You can create custom graphs on the Create Reports tab for post-run analysis for sessions where data has been saved. The following default reports and graphs are available on the View Run Graphs tab:

You can view the graphs while the virtual users are running or after they have been stopped or have finished. The performance data is reported at the conclusion of each iteration. When the running virtual users complete the first iteration, the first set of performance data is captured. The graphs and performance statistics that you see are updated in real time based on the Graph refresh interval setting in Reports Options to give you a snapshot of the load test results. However, there is a small amount of processing time required to generate the graphs/statistics and print them to the screen. The default refresh is 15 seconds. If you run long or over night tests, you should increase the refresh interval to 60 seconds or longer.

If you run a very quick Autopilot session, the View Run Graphs tab may not have enough time to update the screen with the real time data. However, if you use the Session Start/Stop options to save the data for reporting, the data is stored in the database.

In addition to real-time data shown, Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications can generate a summary report and save data to the database for post-testing analysis. The Latest Load Session reports let you generate a summary of performance and error statistics data for the virtual user session. You can use the Create Reports tab to generate a variety of reports and graphs from the data stored in the database.

Setting the Reporting Options

To set the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications Report options:

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.

  2. Select Start and Stop.

  3. Set the Save data for reporting option to either Yes or Ask.

  4. Select Reporting to set additional options.

    Intervals - the Intervals options are as follows:

    • Reporting data collection interval - specifies how often the aggregate Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications agent performance data is collected for reporting to the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications database.

    • User Interface refresh interval - specifies how often to refresh the user interface including the VU grid, ServerStats Display, and Sync Point Status.

    • Graph refresh interval - specifies how often to redisplay graphs in the View Run Graphs tab.

    • VU Display auto display interval - specifies how often to refresh the virtual user display when Auto mode is being used.

    VU Grid - the VU Grid options are as follows:

    • Maximum number of rows per page - specifies the maximum number of rows to display on a page on the Watch VU Grid tab. The value must be between 10 and 100, inclusive.

    VU Display - the VU Display options are as follows:

    • Maximum total storage size - specifies the maximum amount of data, in bytes, to send to the VU Display. Indicates the maximum number of bytes the Virtual User Display log file (.XML) will store for all items in the history list. The default value is 10 MB for each session. The size of the log file is affected by the size of the Web pages. The HTML source for each page is stored in the log file.

    • Maximum number of rows per page - specifies the maximum number of rows per page to display in the VU display. The value must be between 10 and 100, inclusive.

    Timer name format - specifies the format of page timer names for reporting purposes when Auto Generate Timers For All Pages is selected. The following options are available:

    • Default - the default naming convention, e.g. MyScript.Page[2]. This setting disables the other four options.

    • URL resource name - the base file name, e.g. home.html is added.

    • Frame name - the HTML frame name, e.g. top, is added.

    • Page number - the page number, e.g. Page[2] is added.

    • Profile name - the profile name, e.g. MyScript is added.

    Performance Statistics and Session Report - the Performance Statistics and Session Report options are as follows:

    • Include think time in overall profile time - specifies whether to include think time in performance statistics and session reports. This setting only applies for tests run using Thin or Java Agent.

    Custom Graphs - the Custom Graphs options are as follows:

    • Maximum Data Series Per Graph - specifies the maximum number of data series that can be graphed. The default is 20.

  5. Enter the how often you want data to be collected in the Reporting data collection interval field.

  6. Enter the how often you want to refresh the user interface in the User interface refresh interval field. This includes the VU grid, ServerStats Status Display, and the Sync Point Status display.

  7. Enter the how often you want to refresh the report display in the Graph refresh interval field.

  8. Specify how you want timer names to be displayed.

  9. Specify whether to include think time in the profile time.

  10. Specify the maximum number of data series to include per graph.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Start an Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications Autopilot session.

  13. If you set the Save data for reporting option to Ask, Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications opens a dialog box for selecting the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications session name and indicating whether you want to save the data.

View Run Graphs Tab

The View Run Graphs tab is where you can view runtime reports. These graphs are only available while the load test is running. Use the Create Reports tab to view reports and graphs after the load test has finished running.

The View Run Graphs tab is refreshed according to what is set in the Graph Refresh Interval setting in the reporting options.

To stop the display from being refreshed, click the Pause button.

To resume refreshing the display, click the Resume button. Note that exiting the tab and returning to the tab will also resume refreshing the display.

Reports & Graphs - displays options for creating a new graph and viewing default graphs.

Custom graph tabs have the following options:

Default Graphs - select a graph and click Add Data Series to view a default graph.

Session Counters - the counters that are available for the overall session.

<profiles> - the counters that are available for each Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications virtual user profile.

ServerStats Monitors - shows the ServerStats counter configuration.

Add Data Series - adds the selected data series to the graph.

Open - displays the Open Graph Query dialog box for selecting a query to use.

Edit - displays the Edit Graph Options dialog box for naming the graph, removing data series from the graph, and specifying X and Y-axis parameters.

Save - displays the Save Graph Query dialog box for saving the current query.

Clear - removes all data series from the graph.

X-Scale - the X-Scale shows the following information:

Using the Performance Statistics

You can view the Performance Statistics report by selecting Performance Statistics from the dropdown list on the Reports tab on the Create Reports tab for sessions for which data has been saved, or by clicking on the Performance Statistics icon in the Overview tab on the View Run Graphs tab when you start an Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications session.

Detail Level - lets you specify the amount of detail shown in the report. This field is only displayed for the Performance Statistics report when viewed in the View Run Graphs tab.

The statistics show the values for the following performance categories:

<Session Name> Current

<Session Name> Totals

Performance by Profile and Timer

Using Run Graphs

The Load graphs lets you view real-time performance, statistical, and error information about the virtual users being run by the Autopilot. The default Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications graphs automatically start and consist of the following types of runtime graphs:

Viewing Runtime Statistics and Graphs

To view runtime statistics:

  1. Click the View Run Graphs tab. The Overview tab is displayed showing a small view of the default graphs. This is useful for getting an at-a-glance view of all of the run graphs.

  2. When you place your mouse over a graph in the Overview tab the following toolbar is displayed:

    Save this image - displays the Save dialog box for saving the image.

    Print this image - displays the Print dialog box for printing the image.

    Send this image in email - displays the Send Pictures via Email dialog box for emailing the image.

    Open my pictures folder - opens the My Pictures folder.

  3. Click the graph you want to view to enlarge it and display it in the Default Graphs tab. You can switch between Load Graphs using the selector list at the top of the screen.

To create a custom graph:

  1. Click Graph.

  2. In the Available Data Series section, select the data you want to view. Use Ctrl-click and Shift-click to select multiple data series. If you do not see the data series you are looking for, click Show All to display all available data series.

  3. Click Add Data Series.

  4. Click Edit to display the Edit Graph Options dialog box for changing the graph name and specifying how to plot the graph.

    Graph Node

    • Name - enter the name of the graph. This name is displayed in the tab in the Reports & graphs section.

    • Delete - deletes the selected data series from the graph.

    • Axis - displays the axis on which the data series will be graphed.

    • Data Series - displays the data series in the graph.

    • Name - displays the name of the data series that is displayed when you place the mouse over the data series in the graph.

    • Label - displays the label displayed in the legend.

    • Secondary Y-Axis - when checked, displays the selected data series on the secondary y-axis.

    X-Axis Scale

    • Absolute Time - when selected, the generated report tables and graphs are based upon the actual start and end date and times of the profile/timer.

    • Relative Time - when selected, the generated report tables and graphs are based upon relative time. Profiles/Timers are graphed from a shared zero point.

    • Users - when selected, the generated report tables and graphs are based upon users.

    X-Axis Range

    • Automatic - automatically creates the scale for the X axis.

    • Minimum - enter the minimum X-axis value. This field is only displayed when Automatic is not selected.

    • Maximum - enter the maximum X-axis value. This field is only displayed when Automatic is not selected.

    Session Details

    • Start Times - displays the date and time that the session started.

    • End Time - displays the date and time that the session ended.

    • Duration - displays the length of the session.

    Y-Axis and Secondary Y-Axis Scale

    • Linear - displays the Y-axis linearly.

    • Logarithmic -displays the Y-axis logarithmically.

    Y-Axis and Secondary Y-Axis Range

    • Automatic - automatically creates the scale for the Y axis.

    • Minimum - enter the minimum X-axis value. This field is only displayed when Automatic is not selected.

    • Maximum - enter the maximum X-axis value. This field is only displayed when Automatic is not selected.

    Y-Axis and Secondary Y-Axis Threshold Line - displays a threshold line on the graph at the configured location.

    • Value - enter the value of the threshold line, that is, the point on the Y-axis at which you want the line to be displayed.

    • Label - enter the label to display in the legend.

  5. Enter a name for the graph.

  6. Select how to plot the graph in the X-Axis and Y-Axis nodes.

  7. Click OK. Each custom report is displayed under a separate tab so that you can select the one you want to view. Click Remove Graph to delete the graph and its tab.

Performance Vs. Users Graph

This graph plots the average run time for the number of active virtual users.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Performance Vs. Users graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running in the Autopilot.

The Average Performance values are a graphical representation of the Average Value data for the Elapsed time entries shown in the Performance Statistics view. The graph adds plot points based upon the number of running virtual users as the Autopilot ramps up to the total number of virtual users for all scenarios.

The plot points are added in the same manner as the Elapsed time entries in the Performance Statistics report.

Errors Vs. Users Graph

This graph plots the number of failed transactions-per-second for each Virtual User profile.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Errors Vs. Users graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running in the Autopilot.

The failed transactions-per-second depends upon the number of virtual users being run by individual profiles and the number server requests (page, image, frame, etc.) that fail during the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications session.

Performance Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the average run time for virtual users over a period of time.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Performance Vs. Time graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running in the Autopilot.

The Average Run Time values are a graphical representation of the Average Value data for the Elapsed time entries shown in the Performance Statistics report that are plotted over time.

Errors Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the number of failed transactions per second for virtual users profiles over time.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Errors Vs. Time graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running in the Autopilot.

The failed transactions-per-second depends upon the number of virtual users being run by individual profiles and the number server requests (page, image, frame, etc.) that fail during the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications session.

Users Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the number of active virtual users over a period of time.

If you have multiple profiles in the running Scenario the Users Vs. Time graph shows separate plot lines for each scenario profile running in the Autopilot.

Users Vs. Time Graph

This graph plots the average hits, transactions and kilobytes per second over a period of time.

The Average Statistic values are a graphical representation of the Average Value data from the Performance Statistics tab over time. The plot points are updated while the Autopilot runs the virtual users.

Using Data Counters

Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications automatically generates a set of counters for Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications virtual user data that can be selected in the Available Data Series field in the Filters section. The Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications data includes overall data for the session at the top of the list followed by a folder for each Virtual User profile included in the Configure parameters of the scenario list of the Build Scenarios tab, similar to the following:

Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications also generates counters for each ServerStats monitor in the selected ServerStats configuration. You can create a new graph to monitor any of the counters in the list during the Load Test to view both VU performance and ServerStats monitor performance.

Using Data Counters

The Virtual User profile folders contain the data counters and page timer folders for the specific profile in the load testing Scenario.

You can create a new ServerStats chart to monitor any of the counters in the list during the Load Test.

The page timer folders contain the performance data for the individual pages of Visual Scripts used as a Virtual User profile, similar to the following:

You can create a new ServerStats chart to monitor any of the timers in the list during the Load Test.

Create Reports Tab

The Create Reports tab is where you can view historical reports and graphs for sessions for which you have saved data for reporting. This tab has the following options:

Reports & Graphs - displays default and custom graphs, and gives options for exporting graphs.

The Reports tab has the following options:

Custom graph tabs have the following options:

Viewing Reports

You can quickly view session data by creating custom graphs.

  1. Click the Create Reports tab. A blank tab is displayed for creating a new graph.

  2. Select the session you want to graph.

  3. Select the data you want to view in the Available Data Series field. Use Ctrl-click and Alt-Click to select multiple data series.

  4. Click Add Data Series.

  5. Repeat for all of the data series you want to graph.

  6. Click Edit to display the Edit Graph Options for naming the graph and selecting how to plot the graph.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Each custom report is displayed under a separate tab so that you can select the one you want to view. Click the Remove Graph button located on the graph's tab to delete the graph and its tab. Click Export to CSV to save the graph as a CSV file. Click Export to Excel to save the graph as a CSV file. Click Export to PDF to save the graph as a PDF file. Click Export to JPG to save the graph as a JPG file.

You can save this query as described later in this chapter for later use against another session.

Exporting CSV Data

When you export generated data from a report, Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications creates a comma separated value (.csv) file containing the raw data used to generate reports. The first line of the file contains the field names separated by commas. Each additional line contains the data values separated by commas. The following is an example of a .csv file from a Performance vs. Time report:

Time,Entire Job,tutor1,tutor4,

04-09-2001 15:59:48,,.6,,

04-09-2001 16:00:00,,,.13,

04-11-2001 17:08:04,,1.15,,

04-11-2001 17:08:29,1.39,,.24,

04-11-2001 17:09:19,,.98,,

04-11-2001 17:09:25,,,.12,

This example includes the following fields:


Entire Job



The additional lines of the .csv file list the actual data (the time values followed by the number of seconds).

The .csv file for each type of report will contain the type of data specific to the report type.

You can export the raw data used to generate reports to a comma separated value (.csv) file. To export generated report data:

  1. Create a report.

  2. Click Export to CSV. The File Download dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Open to open the file in Excel in CSV format. Click Save to save the file in CSV format.

  4. If you chose to save the file, the Save As dialog box is displayed. Enter a new name for the file or accept the default, select the location to save to, and click Save.

Exporting to Excel

To export as an Excel Workbook file:

  1. Create a report.

  2. Click Export to Excel. The File Download dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Open to open the chart in Excel. Click Save to save the chart in Excel format.

  4. If you choose to save the file, the Save As dialog box is displayed. Enter a name for the file or accept the default, select the location to save the file, and click Save.

Exporting to PDF

You can export reports to a PDF file. To export to a PDF file:

  1. Generate a report.

  2. Click Export to PDF.

  3. The report is displayed in Adobe Acrobat Reader in a separate browser window.

  4. Click the Save button on the Acrobat toolbar to open the Save As dialog box.

  5. Enter a name for the file and click Save.

Exporting to JPG

You can export reports to a JPG file. To export to a JPG file:

  1. Generate a report.

  2. Click Export to JPG.

  3. The report is displayed in a separate browser window.

  4. Move the mouse to the upper left corner of the screen to display the toolbar.

  5. Click the Save button to open the Save As dialog box.

  6. Enter a name for the file and click Save.

Working With Graph Queries

A graph query consists of the sessions, data series, and X and Y-axis settings. Once you select this information you can save it and reuse it later in the following ways:

  • save a graph of a single session and apply it to a new session to create a new graph.

  • save a graph of a baseline session and a run session and apply it to a new run session to create a new graph with the original baseline.

  • save a graph of a single session and apply it to a new session and add the counters to the current graph definition.

Saving Graph Queries

To save a graph query:

  1. Select the sessions and data series that you want to graph.

  2. ClickSave in the graph toolbar.

    <query list> - lists the existing saved queries.

    Name - enter a name for the new query or select an existing query to overwrite it.

  3. To create a new query, enter a name for the query and click OK. To overwrite an existing query, select the query and click OK, then click Yes when asked to confirm.

Running a Saved Query

To run a saved query:

  1. Click Open in the graph toolbar.

    <Query List> - lists the existing queries. Select the query that you want to run.

    Session - select the session against which you want to run the query.

    Add to current graph - when selected, the new session data is added to the graph. When deselected, the graph is cleared and the new session data is displayed.

  2. Select the query you want to use.

  3. Select the session against which you want to run the query.

  4. Select whether or not to add this session data to the current graph.

  5. Click OK.

  6. A warning message is displayed if some of the data series cannot be applied to the selected session. If this happens, click OK to continue.

  7. The new graph is generated.

Editing Queries

To edit a query:

  1. Click Graphs from the Manage menu.

    Edit - displays the Edit Graph Query dialog box.

    Delete - deletes the selected query.

    Clone - displays the Edit Graph Query dialog box with the configuration of the selected query. This lets you copy the selected query and edit it to create a new query.

    Query Name - lists the existing queries.

  2. Select the query you want to change and click Edit.

  3. Make and changes and click OK.

  4. Click Close to exit the Graph Query Manager dialog box.

Deleting Queries

To delete a query:

  1. Click Graphs from the Manage menu.

  2. Select the query you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

  4. Click Close to exit the Graph Query Manager dialog box.

Creating Report Templates

You can create custom report templates that you can upload to Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications. These templates are shown on the Reports tab in the Create Reports tab. Once uploaded you can select a session, select the report template, and generate the report.

Report templates are created using the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications Report Generator tool in Microsoft Word. This tool can be installed on any Windows machine that has Microsoft Word. Oracle Application Testing Suite does not have to be installed to use the tool.

Once installed, report templates are created in Microsoft Word and then uploaded to Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications. Then generated reports are displayed in Microsoft Word.

To install the Report Generator tool:

  1. Close Microsoft Word.

  2. Run the OLTOfficeToolbarInstaller.exe program located in the OracleATS/OFT folder in the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation directory.

The Insert OLT Data button is added to the toolbar in Microsoft Word.

You can now create report templates. Report templates can contain text, graphics, Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications graphs and session data. In addition, you can include custom Java code. To create a report template:

  1. Click the Insert OLT Data button to display the following dialog box.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Graphs - lists the default Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications graphs or a custom list of graphs if you have created a file.

    Optional Settings - leave these settings blank to use the defaults.

    • Title - enter a title for the graph.

    • Height - enter a height for the graph.

    • Width - enter a width for the graph.

    Session data - select the session data that you want to display, session name, overview, page data, or profile data. The generated data is comma-separated so that you can easily convert it to a table by selecting Convert from the Table menu then select Text to Table.

    Custom code - this section can be used to create Java code using the methods that are available in the Report Generator API. Documentation for this API can be accessed from the online help table of contents.


    To move to the next line use CTRL-Enter not Enter. Enter exits the dialog box.
  2. Select the graph or session data that you want to display or enter custom code.

  3. Click Insert. A field code is inserted into the document and it is displayed as a comment. To edit the field code, select it, right-click on it and select Edit Field.

  4. In the template, press Enter to move to the next line.

  5. When you are finished creating the template, click Close to exit the Insert Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications Reference dialog box.

  6. Click Save from the File menu. Enter a name for the file and save it as file type .rtf. The file can be saved to any location.

You can now upload the file to Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications and start generating reports. To upload the file:

  1. In Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications, select Upload File from the Tools menu.

  2. In the Type field, select Report Template.

  3. Click Browse.

  4. Select the report template and click Open.

  5. Click Upload.

  6. Click Close. The template will be listed on the Reports tab in the report list.

  7. To generate a report, select the session, select the template, and click Generate. The report is generated and displayed in Word.

Creating a Custom Graph and Session List

You can change the list of graphs and session data that is available in the Insert OLT Reference dialog box by creating a file in the OracleATS/OFT folder. If this file exists, the graphs and session data listed in it are used. If it does not exist, the defaults are used. This file lists the graphs and session data that you want to make available. For example:


Performance vs. Time@<%out.write(session.getGraph('Performance vs. Time'))%>

Errors vs. Time@<%out.write(session.getGraph('Errors vs. Time'))%>

Statistics vs. Time@<%out.write(session.getGraph('Statistics vs. Time'))%>


Session Name@<%=session.getName()%>


Generating Summary Reports

You can generate summary reports containing statistical information about the last data collection and reporting session and the Scenario Profile settings.

On the Create Reports tab, select the Reports tab and then select the session for which you want to view reports. The Session Performance report is displayed followed by the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications Scenario report.

The following sections explain more about the summary reports.

Scenario Reports

The generated report file is the same name as the Scenario in Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications (i.e. the Scenario Description field of the Scenario tab).

To save the report, click Print Friendly. The report is displayed in a separate browser window. Select Save As from the File menu to save the report in HTML or text format.

You can print the report by clicking Print Friendly. The report is displayed in a new browser window. Select Print from the File menu. A print dialog box opens for setting the printer options. The available options are specific to the type of printer. Set the options and click the appropriate OK or Print button.

To save the Scenario as a different name:

  1. Select Save As from the Scenario menu.

  2. Enter a new Name in the Name field of the Save Scenario dialog box.

  3. Select the workspace to save the report in and click OK.

Session Reports

To save the report, click Print Friendly. The report is displayed in a separate browser window. Select Save As from the File menu to save the report in HTML or text format.

You can print the report by clicking Print Friendly. Select Print from the File menu. A print dialog box opens for setting the printer options. The available options are specific to the type of printer. Set the options and click the appropriate OK or Print button.

Managing Session Data

To delete session data from the database or edit your session file names and descriptions:

  1. Select Sessions from the Manage menu to display the Session Manager.

    This dialog box lets you manage session data in the database.

    Edit - displays the Edit Session dialog box for changing the name and description of the session.

    Delete - deletes the entire selected session data from the database. To select more than one session, hold down the CTRL key.

    Delete VU Display Data - deletes only the VU display data for the selected sessions. To select more than one session, hold down the CTRL key.

    Session Name - the names of the virtual user sessions run by the Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications Autopilot. Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications lets you specify a name for the session data when you start the Autopilot to play back virtual users.

    Start Time - shows the date and time of day the virtual user session was started.

    End Time - shows the date and time of day the virtual user session ended.

    Description - shows the status of the session. One of the following status entries may appear:

    • [Blank] - the session data was stored to the database successfully.

    • start of session - the session database is currently being accessed by an Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications session.

    • end of session - the data for the session has been committed to the database and is ready for reporting.

    • saving data - session data is being saved.

    VU Data - indicates whether VU data was saved for this session.

  2. Select the Session Name to delete. To select more than one session, hold down the CTRL key.

  3. Click Delete to delete the session or click Delete VU Display Data to delete the VU display log only.