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Oracle® Application Testing Suite Database Migration Utility Instructions
Version 9.01 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

Part Number E14620-03
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Oracle® Application Testing Suite

Database Migration Utility Instructions

Version 9.01 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)


December 2009

Oracle Application Testing Suite Release 9.01 supports Oracle Database 11g or XE as the RDBMS for its load testing and test management components.

As of this version of Oracle Application Testing Suite, only Oracle is certified as the RDBMS. Existing users who are using either Microsoft Access or SQL Server databases for the repository will no longer be using Oracle "certified" software. Existing customers who want to migrate their data from the current Oracle Application Testing Suite database systems into Oracle Database 11g can use this Data Migration Utility to migrate data to their Oracle 11g database. This document describes the Data Migration Utility and how to use it.

Migrating Database Data

This topic explains the basic procedure for migrating data from Oracle Test Manager for Web Applications or Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications in MS Access or SQL Server databases to Oracle Database 11g.


Make sure of the following before starting the data migration procedure:

  1. You have Oracle Database 11g or XE installed and configured on a server.

  2. An Oracle Database for Oracle Test Manager for Web Applications and/or Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications has been created before running the Data Migration Utility.

    • Use the Oracle Application Testing Suite Database Configuration application to add and configure an Oracle database for Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications and Oracle Test Manager for Web Applications.

Using the Data Migration Utility

To migrate data using the utility:

  1. Select the Data Migration Tool from the Tools sub menu below the Oracle Application Testing Suite start menu.

  2. In the Source Database dialog box, select the product and database type.

  3. Specify the database source information:

    • For SQL Server databases, specify the Server and Database info and User information.

    • For MS Access databases, specify the path and file name of the database file.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Specify the database target information:

    • Server - enter the name of the server on which the Oracle database is installed.

    • Port - enter the port number for the connection.

    • Service name - enter the name of the database System ID (SID) or service used for the Oracle database.

    • User information - enter the logon information for accessing the Oracle database.

  6. Select or clear the Create new objects in this schema option.

  7. Click Next.

  8. If necessary confirm, data overwrite.

  9. Wait while the data is migrated. The progress dialog box appears. Click OK when the data migration is complete.

  10. Click OK to close the migration underway message.

  11. Click Done to close the Data Migration utility.

  12. Click OK to confirm closing the utility.

If you need to migrate data from another database, restart the utility and repeat the steps to specify the source and target database information.

Source Database Dialog Box

This dialog box lets you specify the details for the database to migrate to an Oracle database. You specify which product database to migrate and the details for the specific type of database.

Product - select which product database to migrate.

Database type - select which type of database to migrate.

Database info - specify the source information for the type of database to migrate. The dialog box changes based on which database type is selected.

The Source Database dialog box requires the following for MS Access databases:

The Source Database dialog box requires the following for SQL Server databases:

User information - enter the logon information for accessing the SQL database.

Target Database Dialog Box

The Target Database dialog box lets you specify the details of the Oracle database into which to migrate the MS Access or SQL server databased data. You specify the information for the target database.

Database info - specify the information for the database into which to migrate the data.

The Target Database dialog box requires the following for Oracle databases:

User information - enter the logon information for accessing the Oracle database.

Options - specify the overwrite option:

Results Dialog Box

The Results dialog box shows the progress and results of the data migration. The results report starts with the migration information followed by objects being migrated with a description of the action. The following is an sample of the results report:

Oracle Application Testing Suite - Data Migration

Product             :Oracle Test Manager

Source Database     :Access

Database Name       :C:\OracleATS\OTM\Files\tm.mdb

User                :

Target Database     :Oracle

Server Name         :hydra2

Service Name        :ORCL

User                :dbadmin

Object Name             Description

"TESTTYPEID_TRG"                 Trigger Disabled

"TESTCASEACTIVITYID_TRG"         Trigger Disabled


_System_NodeStatus               1 rows copied

_System_PositionIssue            12 rows copied


"TO_PROJECT_PROJECTID"           Reset value to 19

"TESTTYPEID_SEQ"                 Reset value to 9


"ISSUESTATUSTYPEID_TRG"          Trigger Enabled


A message box appears indicating the data migration is in progress. Another message box appears when the data migration is complete. Wait until the data migration finishes before closing the message boxes and Data Migration Utility.

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Oracle Application Testing Suite Database Migration Utility Instructions Version 9.01 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)


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