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Oracle® Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide
Version 9.10 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

Part Number E15488-03
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1 Getting Started With OpenScript

OpenScript is an updated scripting platform for creating automated extensible test scripts in Java. Combining an intuitive graphical interface with the robust Java language, OpenScript serves needs ranging from novice testers to advanced QA automation experts.

OpenScript is built on a standards-based platform and provides the foundation for OpenScript Modules and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). OpenScript APIs are used to build scripts for testing Web applications. The OpenScript API consists of a set of procedures that can be used to customize the scripts within the development environment. The API can also be used by advanced technical users to enhance scripts for unique testing needs.

1.1 OpenScript Features

OpenScript is the next generation environment for developing Oracle Application Testing Suite scripts for Web application testing. OpenScript provides the following features:

1.2 Installing OpenScript

To install OpenScript:


OpenScript requires Administrator Privileges to be installed and uninstalled. It does not requires Administrator Privileges to run.
  1. Download the product Zip file from the Web site and save it to a temporary directory on your hard disk.

  2. Unzip the file and run the openscript###.exe to install OpenScript.

  3. Follow the installation prompts to do the following:

    • Accept the license agreement.

    • Specify the installation directory.

  4. Click Finish when done.

1.3 Starting the OpenScript Workbench

To start the OpenScript workbench:

From the Start menu:

From the Welcome Screen:

1.4 Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

The OpenScript main window (Workbench) is where you perform the majority of your test development activities. The main window consists of the perspectives used for developing scripts. OpenScript includes a Tester Perspective and a Developer Perspective. The menu bar, toolbar, and the views and editors vary depending upon which perspective is being used. The following sections describe the functionality and various elements of the OpenScript Workbench.

Some dialogs and views require the user to hit the popup menu keyboard button in order to access some features in the UI that are normally accessible using the right-click menu.

1.4.1 Tester Perspective

The OpenScript Tester Perspective provides a convenient way to record and edit scripts and view the playback results. The Tester Perspective opens the following views by default.

  • Script View: Shows the recorded script in two tabs: Tree View and Java Code. The Tree View tab shows the steps and pages and the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes of each step using a graphical tree view. The Java Code tab shows the underlying Java code used for the script.

  • Details View: Shows the content details for URL navigations or pages added to the script.

  • Problems View: Shows any problems in the script code that may produce errors or prevent compiling the script.

  • Properties View: Shows the properties for the selected node in the script.

  • Console View: Shows the playback command output and status information for the script. Script log message also appear in the Console.

  • Results View: Shows the results of script playback.

The following Error log view is also available but does not open by default:

  • Error Log View: Shows the error log information for the project and script.

The views are described in more detail in the following sections.

1.4.2 Developer Perspective

The OpenScript Developer Perspective provides advanced options for developers when creating and editing scripts using the advanced features of OpenScript and the Eclipse development platform. The Developer Perspective opens the following views by default:

  • Navigator and Package Explorer Views: Shows hierarchical views of the script project resources. You can open the resource files in an editor to view and edit the contents.

  • Script View: Shows the recorded script in two tabs: Tree View and Java Code. The Tree View tab shows the steps and pages and the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes of each step using a graphical tree view. The Java Code tab shows the underlying Java code used for the script.

  • Debug View: Shows the debugging options and provides options for stepping through code.

  • Variables and Breakpoint Views: Shows the script variables and breakpoints set in the code.

  • Problems View: Shows any problems in the script code that may produce errors or prevent compiling the script.

The following views are also available but do not open by default:

  • Details View: Shows recorded page details in three tabs: HTML, Browser, and Header. The HTML tab shows the page HTML source. The Browser tab shows the page. The Header tab shows the page response header.

  • Properties View: Shows the properties for the selected node in the script.

  • Console View: Shows the playback command output and status information for the script. Script log message also appear in the Console.

  • Results View: Shows the results of script playback.

  • Error Log View: Shows the error log information for the project and script.

The views are described in more detail in the following sections.

1.4.3 OpenScript Menu Options

The menu options that appear change depending upon which perspective is set in the Workbench (Tester or Developer) and which view is the active view. Specific test modules may also add or remove menu options. File

  • New - opens the New Project wizard. You can select the type of project including OpenScript scripts, jobs and modules

  • Open Script - opens a window for selecting the OpenScript Repository, workspace, and script to open.

  • Open Object Library - opens a dialog box for selecting the object library file to open. This option only appears for functional test scripts.

  • Open File - opens a window for selecting the file to open.

  • Close - closes the script editor.

  • Close All - closes all script editors.

  • Save - saves the data in the currently active editor.

  • Save As - save the data in the currently active editor using a new name.

  • Save All - saves the data in all open editors.

  • Restart - restarts the OpenScript application and the Eclipse IDE.

  • Import Script - opens a window for importing an archived OpenScript script project from a .zip file.

  • Export Script - opens a window for exporting the OpenScript script project to an archive .zip file.

  • Exit - exits OpenScript.

The following options are also available in the Developer Perspective:

  • Revert - reverts changes to the last saved file contents.

  • Move - opens a dialog box for selecting where to move the resource.

  • Rename - opens a dialog box for specifying a new name for the resource.

  • Refresh - refreshes the resources in the Navigator or Package view.

  • Convert Line Delimiters To - opens a sub menu for selecting the type of line delimiters for the conversion: Windows, UNIX, or Mac OS.

  • Print - prints the contents of the selected editor view.

  • Switch Workspace - opens a dialog box for selecting the workspace to use.

  • Import - opens a window for selecting the type of project to import.

  • Export - opens a window for exporting the type of project to export.

  • Properties - opens the properties information for the selected resource. Edit

  • Undo - undoes the last action.

  • Redo - redoes the last action.

  • Cut - cuts the selected text/data to the clipboard.

  • Copy - copies the selected text/data to the clipboard.

  • Paste - pasted text/data on the clipboard to cursor location.

  • Delete - deletes the selected text/data.

  • Select All - selects all text/data in the currently active editor.

  • Find/Replace - opens a dialog box for setting the text search and replace options. The menu option is available when an editor is open.

  • Search - opens a dialog box for specifying the search criteria.

The following options are also available when the Java Code editor is open in the Script view.

  • Expand Selection To - opens a sub menu for selecting which element to use to expand the selection.

  • Find Next - finds the next instance of the Find text specified in the Find/Replace settings.

  • Find Previous - finds the previous instance of the Find text specified in the Find/Replace settings.

  • Incremental Find Next - finds the next instance of the Find text specified in the Find/Replace settings.

  • Incremental Find Previous - finds the previous instance of the Find text specified in the Find/Replace settings.

  • Add Bookmark - opens a dialog box for specifying the bookmark name.

  • Add Task - opens a dialog box for defining a task to perform on a resource.

  • Smart Insert Mode - when selected, code typing aids such as automatic indentation and closing of brackets are enabled in the code view.

  • Show Tooltip Description - opens a description for the current selection in the Code View.

  • Content Assist - opens a context assist menu to bring up Java code assist proposals and templates. See the Templates preference page for available templates (Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Templates) and go to the Editor preference page (Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Code Assist) for configuring the behavior of code assist.

  • Word Completion - completes typing of a partial word.

  • Quick Fix - If the cursor is located at a location with problem indication this opens a context assist dialog at the current cursor to present possible corrections.

  • Set Encoding - opens a dialog box for setting the type of text file encoding. Search

  • Search - opens a dialog box for specifying the search criteria.

  • File - opens a dialog box for specifying the file search criteria.

  • Text - opens a sub menu for selecting the text search location. Script

  • Add - opens a sub menu for adding options to the script tree.

  • Record - starts the selected OpenScript script recorder.

  • Playback - plays back the currently open OpenScript

  • Iterate - plays back the script repeatedly, with or without a Databank.

  • Pause/Resume - pauses and resumes script playback. These options are only active during script playback.

  • Stop - stops the OpenScript script recorder.

  • Step - runs the currently selected node and moves the execution point to the next sibling node. If the selected node has a child node, the execution pointer is moved to the first child node. This option is only active during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through the script code.

  • Step Into - steps into the function or sub procedure. This option is only active during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through the script code. The execution pointer is moved into the beginning of the function.

  • Configure Recorders - opens a window for pausing and restarting the current script recorder. This option is only available while in Record mode.

  • Switch Record Section - opens a submenu for selecting the section of the script where script recording will begin. The selected section will be highlight in bold in the script tree. The Run section is the default. The submenu has the following options:

    • Initialize - starts script recording in the Initialize section of the script.

    • Run - starts script recording in the Run section of the script.

    • Finish - starts script recording in the Finish section of the script.

  • Revert all Navigations to Recorded - reverts changes back to the recorded version of the script.

  • Create/Update Step Groups - creates step groups in the script based on page navigations.

  • Correlate Script - opens a dialog box for selecting a defined correlation library to manually apply to the script. Correlation libraries are used to convert dynamic data in page navigations to variable values for script playback. Use the Correlation options in the in the OpenScript Preferences to define the correlation libraries and rules.

  • Script Properties - opens a window for setting script-related properties such as correlation, databanks, modules, object libraries, and step groups. Script properties will vary depending upon the script type.

The Script menu includes additional options for functional test scripts:

  • Inspect Path - starts the object capture mode and opens a browser for selecting the object path to capture. The object path is used by functional test scripts for object identification.

  • Add Object Test - opens a dialog box for defining an object test for a functional test script.

  • Add Table Test - opens a dialog box for defining a table test for a functional test script.

  • Add Text Matching Test - opens a dialog box for defining a Text Matching test for a functional test script.

  • Add Capture Page - opens a dialog box for specifying a page to capture for a functional test script. The Capture Page option captures a screenshot and the page HTML. View

  • Tester Perspective - changes the Workbench to the Tester Perspective.

  • Developer Perspective - changes the Workbench to the Developer Perspective.

  • Reset Perspective - resets the current perspective to the default settings.

  • Error Log - toggles the Error Log View. When selected, the Error Logs view is displayed. When cleared, the Error Log View is hidden.

  • Properties - toggles the Properties View. When selected, the Properties view is displayed. When cleared, the Properties View is hidden.

  • Problems - toggles the Problems View. When selected, the Problems view is displayed. When cleared, the Problems View is hidden.

  • Details - toggles the Details View. When selected, the Details view is displayed. When cleared, the Details View is hidden.

  • Console - toggles the Console View. When selected, the Console view is displayed. When cleared, the Console View is hidden.

  • Results - toggles the Results View. When selected, the Results view is displayed. When cleared, the Results View is hidden.

  • Script Variables - toggles the Script Variables View. When selected, the Script Variables view is displayed. When cleared, the Script Variables view is hidden.

  • OpenScript Preferences - opens the OpenScript Preferences dialog box for specifying default settings and options. Run

  • Resume - resumes suspended code execution or script playback.

  • Suspend - suspends the current code execution or script playback.

  • Terminate - ends the current code execution or script playback.

  • Step Into - single steps code execution into the highlighted statement or method. The Step options are active in debug mode.

  • Step Over - single steps code execution over the current statement or method to the next statement or method.

  • Step Return - steps code execution out of the current method and stops after exiting the current method.

  • Run to Line - resumes execution until the specified line is executed. Used When a thread is suspended.

  • Use Step Filters - toggles step filters on and off. When set to on, all step functions apply step filters.

  • External Tools - opens a sub menu for selecting the external tools option.

The following options are also available in the Developer Perspective:

  • Run - runs the last launched code or script playback.

  • Debug - opens the debug configuration options for the last launched code or script playback. You can customize the debug configuration before launching the code or script playback for debugging.

  • Run History - opens a sub menu listing run configurations. Selecting a run configuration shows the run history in the debug view.

  • Run As - opens a sub menu listing available external run tools. External tools need to be configured to appear on the sub menu by selecting External Tools from the Run menu.

  • Run Configurations - opens the run configuration options for the last launched code or script playback. You can customize the run configuration before launching the code or script playback.

  • Debug History - opens a sub menu listing debug configurations. Selecting a debug configuration shows the run history in the debug view.

  • Debug As - opens a sub menu listing available external run tools. External tools need to be configured to appear on the sub menu by selecting External Tools from the Run menu.

  • Debug Configurations - opens the debug configuration options for the last launched code or script playback. You can customize the debug configuration before launching the code or script playback. Tools

  • Manage Scripts - opens a window for managing OpenScript scripts.

  • Manage Workspaces - opens a window for managing OpenScript Workspaces.

  • Manage Repositories - opens a window for managing OpenScript Repositories.

  • Merge Object Libraries - opens a dialog box for specifying two Object Library files to merge and the resulting output file.

  • Generate XPaths - opens a dialog box for generating an XPath from an XML file.

  • Import Oracle Real User Experience Insight (REUI) Session Log - opens a dialog box for selecting a REUI captured user session .tab log file and specifying the script creation options. The imported REUI session log files record to HTTP-based OpenScript scripts.

  • Migrate Scripts - opens the Script Migration Manager for migrating pre-version 9.10 scripts to the current version. The Script Migration Manager provides options for migrating top-level scripts and locating all dependent child scripts. Help

  • Welcome opens the welcome page with links to the Workbench product documentation.

  • OpenScript Diagnosis Tool - opens the Diagnosis Wizard for verifying the connection status of the OpenScript Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object (BHO), Firefox extensions, and Forms Internet Explorer helper object.

  • Help Contents - opens the help table of contents.

  • Search - opens the help search view.

  • Dynamic Help - opens the available help topics for the currently active view and perspective.

  • Key Assist - opens the list of keyboard shortcuts.

  • Tips and Tricks - opens the help tip and tricks window.

  • Cheat Sheets - opens the Cheat Sheets view.

  • About OpenScript - provides version and copyright information and configuration details. Navigate

The Navigate menu appears when the Developer perspective is open.

  • Go Into - refocuses the active view so that the current selection is at the root. This allows web browser style navigation within hierarchies of artifacts.

  • Go To - opens a sub menu with options for selecting the location to which to navigate. The sub menu options change depending upon the current view.

  • Open Type - opens a dialog box for selecting the type library to open in an editor view.

  • Open Type in Hierarchy - opens a dialog box for selecting the type library to open in a hierarchy view.

  • Open Resource - opens a dialog box for selecting the resource file to open in an editor view.

  • Show In - opens a sub menu for selecting where to show the statement or method selected in the code view: Package Explorer, Navigator, or Outline view.

  • Next - moves the selection to the next annotation in the Code View.

  • Previous - moves the selection to the next annotation in the Code View.

  • Last Edit Location - moves the selection to the location of the last edit made in the Code View.

  • Back - moves the selection back through the list of locations previously selected in the Code view.

  • Forward - moves the selection forward through the list of locations previously selected in the Code view.

Additional menu options may appear depending upon the current Java Code editor selection. Project

The Project menu appears when the Developer perspective is open.

  • Open Project - opens the project selected in the Navigator View.

  • Close Project - closes the project selected in the Navigator View.

  • Build All - builds all projects. This option is only available if the Build Automatically option is not selected.

  • Build Project - builds the current project. This option is only available if the Build Automatically option is not selected.

  • Build Working Set - opens a sub menu for selecting or creating a working set of projects. Working set projects are only available if the Build Automatically option is not selected.

  • Clean - opens a dialog box for selecting the project to clean of build problems.

  • Build Automatically - toggles the automatic build option on and off.

  • Generate Javadoc - opens the Generate Javadoc window.

  • Properties - opens the properties window for the current project. Window

  • New Window opens a new OpenScript window.

  • New Editor opens a new editor view of the current file.

  • Open Perspective opens a sub menu for selecting the perspective to open.

  • Show View opens a sub menu for selecting the view to show.

  • Customize Perspective opens a window for selecting the shortcuts and commands to customize.

  • Save Perspective As opens a dialog box for specifying a name for the saved perspective.

  • Reset Perspective resets the current perspective to the default settings.

  • Close Perspective closes the currently open perspective.

  • Close All Perspectives closes all perspectives.

  • Navigation opens a sub menu for selecting navigation options.

  • Preferences opens a window for specifying the project preferences.

1.4.4 OpenScript Tool Bar

The following toolbar buttons are available in the Tester and Developer Perspectives:

  • New - opens a Wizard for creating new OpenScript scripts or Java platform objects and resources.

  • Open - opens a dialog box for selecting an existing OpenScript script.

  • Save - saves the changes in the currently active editor. The button is only active if an editor is open with changes to be saved.

  • Print - prints the information in the currently selected editor. The button is only active if an editor with printable content is open.

  • Record - starts OpenScript script recording using the selected script recorder. Clicking the menu button opens the a menu listing the available recorder types.

  • Playback - starts playback of the currently open Visual Script.

  • Iterate - opens a dialog box for specifying the playback iterations options.

  • Pause/Resume - pauses and resumes script playback. These buttons are only active during script playback.

  • Stop - stops OpenScript script recording.

  • Step - runs the currently selected node and moves the execution point to the next sibling node. If the selected node has a child node, the execution pointer is moved to the first child node. This button is only active during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through the script code.

  • Step Into - steps into the function or sub procedure. This button is only active during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through the script code. The execution pointer is moved into the beginning of the function.

  • Configure Recorders - opens a window for pausing and restarting the current script recorder. This option is only available while in Record mode.

  • Switch Record Section - opens a submenu for selecting the section of the script where script recording will begin. The selected section will be highlight in bold in the script tree. The Run section is the default.

    • Initialize - starts script recording in the Initialize section of the script.

    • Run - starts script recording in the Run section of the script.

    • Finish - starts script recording in the Finish section of the script.

  • Add Object Test - opens a dialog box for defining an object test for a functional test script.

  • Add Table Test - opens a dialog box for defining a table test for a functional test script.

  • Add Text Matching Test - opens a dialog box for defining a Text Matching test for a functional test script.

  • Add Capture Page - opens a dialog box for specifying a page to capture for a functional test script.

  • Toolbar - opens the floating toolbar.

  • Debug - opens a dialog box for specifying a debug configuration. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • Run - Runs the selected configuration type or application. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • Run External Tools - Runs an external application. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • New Java Project - opens a window for creating a new Java project.This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • New Java Package - opens a window for creating a new Java package. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • New Java Class - opens a window for creating a new Java class. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • Open Type - opens a window for specifying the type library to open. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • Search - opens a dialog box for specifying search options.

  • Next Annotation - goes to the next annotation in the Java code. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open. and a Java Code view is open.

  • Previous Annotation - goes to the previous annotation in the Java code. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open. and a Java Code view is open.

  • Last Edit Location - opens the edit view that was open and goes to the last edit location. This button is only active when a Java Code view is open.

  • Back to (location) - browses back to the last OpenScript script view. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

  • Forward - browses forward to the previous OpenScript script view. This button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

1.4.5 Script View

Shows the recorded script in two tabs: Tree View and Java Code. The Tree View tab shows the steps and pages and the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes of each step using a graphical tree view. The Java Code tab shows the underlying Java code used for the script.

The script view is where you perform the majority of script editing actions. The Script view has the following tab views: Tree View

The Tree View shows the script navigations and data as nodes in a collapsible tree view. The Tree View corresponds to the Java Code view. Any changes in the Tree View will be automatically updated in the Java Code view. The Tree View has the following standard nodes:

  • Initialize - specifies script actions to perform once at the beginning of script playback.

  • Run - specifies script actions to perform one or more times during script playback depending upon databanks or other custom programming.

  • Finish - specifies script actions to perform once at the end of script playback.

Use the Record options and right-click shortcut menu to add options to script nodes or modify the properties of script nodes in the Tree View. Java Code

The Java Code view shows the script navigations and data as Java programming code. The Java Code view corresponds to the Tree View. Any changes in the Code View will be automatically updated in the Tree View. The Java Code view has the following standard procedures:

  • initialize() - corresponds to the Initialize node of the Tree View and executes any custom code added once at the beginning of script playback.

  • run() - corresponds to the Run node of the Tree View and executes recorded and custom code one or more times during script playback depending upon databanks or other custom programming.

  • finish() - corresponds to the Finish node of the Tree View and executes any custom code added once at the end of script playback.

Use Ctrl-space to open an Intellisense window listing available procedures. See the API Reference in the OpenScript Platform Reference help for additional programming information.

1.4.6 Details View

The Details view shows the content details for URL navigations added to the script. The Details view may have the following tab views depending upon the selected script node and type of script:

  • ScreenShot - shows a screen capture of the web page.

  • Browser - shows the Browser rendered page for the script navigation selected in the tree view.

  • HTML - shows the HTML source for the script navigation selected in the tree view.

  • Headers - shows the Request Header and Response Header source for the script navigation selected in the tree view.

  • Comparison - shows the recorded and playback text for the Content, Request Header, or Response Header selected in the Compare list. The Comparison tab appears only after a script is played back and a navigation is selected in the Results View.

  • Results Report - shows the results report for the script playback. The Results Report tab appears only after a script is played back and a navigation is selected in the Results View.

1.4.7 Problems View

The Problems view shows any problems in the script code that may produce errors or prevent compiling the script. The Problems view shows the following information:

  • # error, # warnings, # infos - shows the number of errors, warning messages, and information messages in the problems view.

  • Description - shows a description of the errors, warning messages, and information messages.

  • Resource - shows the name of the resource file where the error, warning, or information message was generated.

  • Path - shows the script name, workspace, and repository path where the resource file is located.

  • Location - shows the location/line number where the error, warning, or information message was generated.

The following toolbar button is available in the Problems View:

  • Configure the filters to be applied to this view - opens a dialog box for configuring the filters to apply to the Problems View.

1.4.8 Properties View

The Properties view shows the properties for the selected node in the script. The Properties view shows the following information:

  • Property - shows the names of the properties for the script node. The properties vary depending upon which type of script node is selected.

  • Value - shows the value of the script node properties. Property values can be edited in the properties view.

The following toolbar buttons are available in the Properties View:

  • Show Categories - toggles the property categories.

  • Show Advanced Properties - toggles the advanced properties.

  • Restore Default Value - restores any changed property values to the default values.

1.4.9 Console View

The Console view shows the playback command output and status information for the script. Script log message also appear in the Console. See the Process Console View topics in the reference section of the Java development user guide online help for additional information about console toolbar options.

1.4.10 Results View

The Results view shows the playback results for the script. The Results view shows the following information:

  • Name - shows the test date or navigation name.

  • Duration - shows the playback time for the page navigations.

  • Result - shows the playback result: Passed or Failed.

  • Summary - shows the data values from the Databank that are passed to parameters or it shows failure descriptions.

The following toolbar buttons are available in the Result View:

  • Delete Result - deletes the selected result row.

  • Delete All Results - deletes all rows from the Results View.

  • Scroll Lock - toggles scroll lock on and off for the Result View.

  • Properties - opens the Properties for the selected result.

1.4.11 Navigator and Package Explorer Views

The Navigator and Package Explorer view shows the Java resources for the script and Java package. Double-click on a resource to open it in an editor view. See the Package Explorer View topics in the reference section of the Java development user guide online help for additional information about Package Explorer toolbar options.

1.4.12 Debug View

The Debug view provides options for debugging script playback. See the Debug View topics in the reference section of the Java development user guide online help for additional information about debugging toolbar options.

1.4.13 Variables and Breakpoints Views

The Variables and Breakpoints view shows variable values and breakpoints for debugging script playback. See the Breakpoints and Variables View topics in the reference section of the Java development user guide online help for additional information about breakpoints and variables toolbar options.

1.5 About Multi-User Execution

The Multi-User Execution feature lets multiple users run OpenScript from a single installation using multiple concurrent interactive desktop sessions (for example, Terminal Server or Remote Desktop sessions). All users must have Administrator privileges.

Users must login as a different, unique user accounts for each instance of OpenScript they want to run. One installation serves all user accounts on the machine. Users manage their settings and private data in their own workspaces. Any user who opens OpenScript creates a workspace under their "User Profile Folder", for example, C:\Documents and Settings\username\osworkspace. All of the user's OpenScript Settings and private data are stored under this workspace, including the user's Http Trust Stores (ostruststore).

If more than one user attempts to open the same the script in the same workspace, the second or subsequent users will receive a message indicating the script is in use and locked. The second or subsequent users can make a copy of the script and files in use.


Teams should enable Write access on their root Repository folders for all users and encourage teams to store their databanks and object library files in the Repository. This way, by default all newly created scripts, databanks, and object library files inherit the permissions of the Repository folder and be "Writeable" by all users.

Only load-test scripts can be played in the same desktop session. There no script type limitations for playback in different desktop sessions.

You configure the port range to use for each user in the OpenScript General Preferences. The ports within the configured port range are checked and if none are available, an error message will appear.

1.6 About Script Assets

Script assets are resources that can be used by scripts such as, databanks, generic Jar files, object libraries, or other scripts containing recorded steps or custom functions. Assets have the following characteristics:


As of OpenScript Version 9.10, scripts can be stored anywhere in the file system. However, any scripts you plan to run, along with any associated assets, in the Oracle Load Testing application must be stored in a repository/workspace that can be accessed by the Oracle Load Testing Controller.

Script assets can be used for testing projects that include multiple users executing a suite of tests or any QA team that uses a complex structure of scripts and assets developed and used by different people.

Script assets provide for the following: