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Oracle® Load Testing Load Testing User's Guide
Version 9.20

Part Number E15484-04
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7 Using the Virtual User Display

The virtual user display lets you monitor the progress of virtual users as they are running or view errors as they occur.

The following is a summary of the virtual user display features:

7.1 Starting the VU Display

To start the Virtual User display:

  1. Specify Scenarios.

  2. Submit the Scenario to the Autopilot.

  3. Start the Autopilot.

  4. Select VU Display from the Tools menu.

7.2 Overview of the Main Window

The main window of the virtual user display is where you select the virtual user actions to view. The main window has the following parts:

7.2.1 Overview of the Toolbar Options

The virtual user display window has the following toolbar options:

Open VU Display Log - Opens an existing virtual user error log.

Download log file from server - Downloads an existing VU display log from the server to the local drive.

Clear Display - Clears the Virtual User Display.

Render HTML - Displays actual pages as accessed by the virtual user.

View Source - Displays the source HTML for pages accessed by the virtual user.

Auto Mode - Displays pages as they are received by the viewer.

Manual Mode - The VU Display stays on the selected page and does not go to the next page; however, it continues to collect pages.

Refresh On - Allows the viewer to collect new pages that are being accessed by the virtual user.

Refresh Off - Stops the viewer from accepting new pages being accessed by the virtual user.

Navigate to First Page - Displays the first page in the history list.

Navigate to Previous Page - Navigates to the previous page in the history list.

Navigate to Next Page - Navigates to the next page in the history list.

Navigate to Last Page - Displays the last page of the history list.

7.2.2 Overview of the Browser Pane

The browser pane lets you view the pages being accessed by the virtual user. You can toggle between viewing the page or the HTML source for the page.

The Download Manager settings and the Use Download Manager option in the Edit Scenario Details dialog box determines if images are included separately in the history list.

7.2.3 Overview of the History List

The history list of the Virtual User Display window shows the pages accessed by the virtual users.

When viewing pages in manual mode, you can select any page in the history list to view the page in the browser.

The runtime history list has the following columns:

Id - shows a sequential identification number for the history entry. You can use the identification number to locate specific entries in the list.

Current Page - shows the profile name, and the page of the script being accessed by the virtual user.

URL - shows the Uniform Resource Locator for the page being accessed by the virtual user.

Content Type - shows the content type specification of the page being accessed by the virtual user.

VU ID - shows which virtual user accessed the page.

Iterations - shows the number of the iteration run.

Data Bank - shows data accessed from the page.

Error- shows any error encountered on the page by the virtual user.

Time- shows the date and time of day the page was accessed by the virtual user.

Size- shows the file size of the page being accessed by the virtual user.

7.3 Setting Virtual User Display Limits

You can use the Maximum total storage size setting in the Reporting Options dialog box to limit the total number of bytes that the VU display keeps in memory and on disk at any point during the load test.

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.

  2. Select Reporting.

  3. Enter a new value in the Maximum total storage size field.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click OK to exit the Options dialog box.

7.4 Opening VU Display Logs

You can open and existing VU display log for viewing in the VU display. To open a VU display log:

  1. Click Open VU Display Log.

    Select from Server - lets you open a log file that is saved on the server. Select the session from the list.

    Select from local machine - lets you open a log file that has been saved on the local machine. Click Browse to navigate to the file.

  2. Select whether you want to open a log file on the server or on the local machine.

  3. Select the log that you want to execute in the virtual user display. If you are opening a log file from the local machine either enter it's path or click Browse to navigate to the file.

  4. Click OK.

7.5 Downloading Log Files From the Server

You can download VU display log files from the Oracle Load Testing server to your local hard drive. To download log files:

  1. Click Save to Local. The File Download dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click Save. The Save As dialog box is displayed.

  3. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Close when the download is complete.