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Oracle® Test Manager Test Manager User's Guide
Version 9.20

Part Number E15486-04
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3 Working With Projects

This chapter explains how to maintain projects, use attachments, create links, and view history.

3.1 Project Basics

A project is the collection of related requirements, tests, and issues grouped together under a project name.

3.2 Working With Projects

You can open existing projects. Use the Administrator to add new projects.

3.2.1 Adding Repositories

Repositories give you the ability to share files. Any shared directory can be used as a repository. Since the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service runs as the local SYSTEM user, there may be a policy restricting access to your network share. You can fix this by doing one of the following:

  • Ensure that both sharing permissions and security permission on the remote network directory allows for other SYSTEM users to gain access. The least restrictive setting is to allow the windows user "Everyone" to be given permission.

  • Configure the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service to run under a specific user account rather than the local System user account.

To add a repository:

  1. Select Repositories from the Tools menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    New - adds a new entry to the table.

    Delete - deletes the selected repository.

    Name - enter the name of the repository.

    Path - enter the path of the repository. If the path that you specify is a shared network drive, the Oracle Load Testing Server must have access to that drive. By default the Oracle Test Manager Server runs under the "Local System" account. You may need to change this to run a user account in the Services panel.

  2. Click New. A new entry is made in the table.

  3. Enter the name of the repository.

  4. Enter the location of the repository.

  5. Click OK.

3.2.2 Opening Projects

To open a project:

  1. Select Open from the Project menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Project - lists the projects in the selected database.

    Database - lists the available databases.

  2. Select the database that contains the project you want to open. The projects displayed are only those in the selected database.

  3. Select the project you want to open.

  4. Click OK.

3.2.3 Attaching Files to Requirements, Tests or Issues

To attach a file:

  1. Select the requirement, test, or issue to which you want to add an attachment.

  2. Select Add/Edit from the Attachments section of the right panel.

    This dialog box shows a list of files and links in separate sections. A message is displayed if none have been created. This dialog box has the following options:

    File/Link - displays the full path and name of the attachment. Displays the description or the URL for the link.

    Location - displays Database if the attachment was stored in the database, otherwise displays the path.

    Close - closes the dialog box.

    Add - displays the Add File dialog box for adding a file or link.

    Remove - either removes the reference to the selected attachment or removes the selected attachment from the database. Attachments are not deleted from the local machine. Removes the selected link.

    Update DB - for attachments stored in the database, updates the selected attachment, otherwise stores the attachment in the database.

    Save Local - for attachments stored in the database, displays the Save As dialog box for saving the attachment to the local machine.

    Edit Link - displays the Update Link dialog box for editing the selected link.

  3. Click Add to display the Add File dialog box.

    File - lets you attach a file that will be listed in the Attachments section. Enter the name and location of the file or click Browse or Capture.

    • Browse - displays the Choose File dialog box for selecting the file to attach.

    • Capture - lets you capture all or part of the screen and save it as a .jpg or .bmp file. Once the capture is complete, the Screen Capture utility is displayed. Select Save As form the File menu to save the file. The name and location is automatically entered into the File field.

      Entire Screen - captures the entire screen.

      Active Window - captures the active window.

      Specific Window - captures the window that is displayed after five seconds, letting you select a window that is not the active window.

      Selected Region - lets you select the region to capture.

    Link - lets you add a link to the Links section.

    • Title - enter a descriptive title for the link. This will be displayed in the Links section. This field is required.

    • Link - enter the URL. For example,

  4. Click Browse to attach an existing file. Click a Capture option to start the Screen Capture utility to capture a screen, save it as a .JPG or .BMP file, and populate the File Name field. Refer to Appendix A for instructions on using the utility or select Contents from the Help menu in the utility.


    The utility must be running in your system tray to use this option. If it is not running, a dialog box is displayed saying that the program could not be found. Click on the ScreenCaptureInstall.exe link to download the utility.
  5. Navigate to the file you want to attach and select it.

  6. Click Open.

  7. Uncheck Upload to DB if you do not want to save the attachment in the database.

  8. Click Upload.

  9. Click Close.

3.2.4 Opening Attachments

Attachments are opened in a separate window in their associated application. You can open attachments that are stored in the database or located on the machine you are using. You can edit attachments stored in the database. If you do, Oracle Test Manager asks you if you want to save the changes to the database when you close the window.

To open an attachment:

  1. Select the requirement, test, or issue containing the attachment.

  2. Click the attachment that you want to open in the Attachment section of the right pane.

3.2.5 Creating Links

You can create a link for requirements, tests, and issues. These links are listed in the Link section on the right-hand side of the screen. When clicked, the URL is displayed in a separate browser window. To create a link:

  1. Select the requirement, test, or issue to which you want to add a link.

  2. Select Add/Edit from the Links section of the right panel.

    This dialog box shows a list of files and links in separate sections. A message is displayed if none have been created. This dialog box has the following options:

    File/Link - displays the full path and name of the attachment. Displays the description or the URL for the link.

    Location - displays Database if the attachment was stored in the database, otherwise displays the path.

    Close - closes the dialog box.

    Add - displays the Add File dialog box for adding a file or link.

    Remove - either removes the reference to the selected attachment or removes the selected attachment from the database. Attachments are not deleted from the local machine. Removes the selected link.

    Copy to DB/Update DB - for attachments stored in the database, updates the selected attachment, otherwise stores the attachment in the database.

    Save Local - for attachments stored in the database, displays the Save As dialog box for saving the attachment to the local machine.

    Edit Link - displays the Update Link dialog box for editing the selected link.

  3. Click Add to display the Add File dialog box.

    File - lets you attach a file that will be listed in the Attachments section. Enter the name and location of the file or click Browse or Capture.

    • Browse - displays the Choose File dialog box for selecting the file to attach.

    • Capture - lets you capture all or part of the screen and save it as a .jpg or .bmp file. Once the capture is complete, the Screen Capture utility is displayed. Select Save As from the File menu to save the file. The name and location is automatically entered into the File field.

      Entire Screen - captures the entire screen.

      Active Window - captures the active window.

      Specific Window - captures the window that is displayed after five seconds, letting you select a window that is not the active window.

      Selected Region - lets you select the region to capture.

    Link - lets you add a link to the Links section.

    • Title - enter a descriptive title for the link. This will be displayed in the Links section.

    • Link - enter the URL. For example, If a title is not entered, the URL is displayed in the links section.

  4. Click Link.

  5. Enter a descriptive title for the link. This will be displayed in the Links section.

  6. Enter the URL for the link. If a title is not entered, the URL is displayed in the Links section.

  7. Click Upload.

  8. Click Close.

3.2.6 Viewing History

You can view, by date, the history of changes for an individual requirement, test, or issue. To view history:

  1. Select the requirement, test, or issue that you want to view.

  2. Click History on the toolbar.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Date - lists the dates on which changes were made to the selected item.

    <Detail> - displays the details of the selected item as of the selected date.

  3. Select the date you want to view.

  4. Click Close when you are done.

3.2.7 Searching Projects

You can search requirements, tests, and issues based on the value of individual fields. In addition, you can search all text fields and search for items by creation date.

You can optionally save a search configuration, that is, a filter, for use again at a later time. Saved filters are listed in the drop down list in the Saved Filters field on the Find dialog box and are listed in the Filters dropdown on the toolbar so that you can use the filter to determine what is displayed in the left tree.

Oracle Test Manager remembers and applies your last search selections the next time you click Find whether or not you saved it.

To search:

  1. Click Find.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Saved filters - lists the saved filter configurations. Select a saved filter to edit or delete it.

    Save - displays the Save Criteria dialog box for saving the settings. Filters do not have to be saved.

    Delete - deletes the selected saved filter.

    Search for - select whether you are searching requirements, tests, or issues.

    that match - select how to apply the filtering criteria.

    • all - match all of the configured criteria. This setting places an AND between the criteria. For example, if you wanted to view all issues with a high priority that are assigned to you, use this option.

    • any - match any of the configured criteria. This setting places and OR between the criteria. For example, if you wanted to view all issues with either a high priority or a high severity, use this option.

    • a combination - this setting lets you combine AND and OR. For example, if you wanted to view all issues assigned to Mary or Caren with a high priority, use this option. This option lets you select how to group the criteria using parenthesis as required. For example:

      (((Assigned to = Mary OR Assigned to = Caren) AND Priority = High) OR Severity = High)

    <left parenthesis> - select the left parenthesis up to three.

    Field - select the field that you want to use to select the items to display.


    • Equals - causes only items that match the value for the selected field to be displayed.

    • Not Equal to - causes only items that do not match the value for the selected field to be displayed.

    Value - enter or select the value of the field that you want to use to select the items to display.

    <right parenthesis> - select the right parenthesis up to three.

    <operator> - select the operator to use, AND or OR.

    <delete> - deletes the corresponding criteria.

    <expression> - shows the filtering expression you are creating as you select criteria.

    Results - lists the matches.

    Navigate - navigates to the selected result and displays it in the right pane.

    Preview - shows a preview of the selected result in a separate window.

  2. Select the component through which you want to search.

  3. Select how you want to match the criteria. Select all to match all criteria. Select any to match one criteria. Select a combination to create a filter using a combination of And and Or.

  4. Select or enter the first value by which you want to filter.

  5. Select Equals if you want to display items that match the value. Select Not Equal to if you want to display items that do not match the value.

  6. Select the value to use.


    You can use SQL characters for searching. For example, if you wanted to find all issues that contained Joe Smith and Mary Jones in the description field, you could enter %Joe Smith%Mary Jones% in the value field.

    If you select Creation Date, a calendar icon is displayed to the right of the value field for selecting a date and two additional operators are available, one for less than or equal to and one for greater than or equal to.

    The calendar has the following options:

    dash (-) - toggles the first column displayed between Sun and Mon.

    << and >> - displays the same month in the previous or next year.

    < and > - displays the previous or next month.

  7. Repeat these steps to filter to additional levels, if required.

  8. Optionally, click Save to save the filter for reuse. The Save Criteria dialog box is displayed.

    Name - enter a name for the filter. Saved filters are listed in the drop down list in the toolbar.

  9. Enter a name for the filter and click OK.

  10. Click Search.

  11. Double-click on an item in the Results list or click Navigate to display it. Click Preview to display the item in a separate window.

  12. Click Cancel when you are done.

3.2.8 Importing Data

You can import data from either a CSV or XLS file into the current project in the Oracle Test Manager database for the following types of nodes. Only users with write permission can import data.

  • Requirements

  • Test Cases - both manual tests and test folders can be imported. Test folder child nodes cannot be imported at the same time as the test folder.

  • Issues

  • Test run results for manual tests - test step actions cannot be updated. The expected result can only have a comment added for the run and the actual results string.

To import data, the columns in the imported file must be matched to the fields in the database. Oracle Test Manager assumes that the first row in the file being imported contains labels indicating the type of data in the columns. You can manually map the columns to the database fields or you can let Oracle Test Manager automatically map the fields.

Once the fields are mapped, you can choose to save the mappings to a mapping file for future use so commonly used mappings will not have to be defined each time you import data. Mapping files are shared across all users.

Records will not be imported if the following conditions occur:

  • For Test Run Results, the test case ID and the number of test steps in t he test case must match. If there is a mismatch, the records is not imported.

  • If a field being imported contains data that is too long for the target field, the record is not imported.

  • If an imported record contains a required field that does not contain data, the record is still imported but will contain a default value.

The Oracle Test Manager parser expects only the "test step" columns be present in the rows that represent a test step and all other columns should be empty (i.e. no whitespace). Errors are logged to the <installdir>\OTM\debugcom.log file on the installation drive.

If a new item is imported, email notification occurs based on the current rules.

Once you start importing, you can continue working in Oracle Test Manager. The Import Result dialog box is displayed when importing is finished.


Interrupting the import process by logging out of Oracle Test Manager, closing the browser window, or stopping the Oracle Application Testing Suite application Service could result in database corruption.

To import data:

  1. Select Import data from the Project menu to display the Import dialog box.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    File Name - enter the file name or click browse to select the CSV or XLS file that you want to import.

  2. Enter a file name or click Browse to locate the file you want to import.

  3. Click Upload.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Select Type - select the type of data you are importing.

    Mappings - you can save mappings set up in this dialog box for use with future imports.

    • Available Mappings - lists saved mapping files. Select a file to apply to the current import. Click the X to delete the mapping file.

    • Save Mappings - when selected a text box is displayed for entering a file name for the mappings. When you click OK the mappings are saved.

    CSV/XLS Column Name - lists the columns in the file you are importing.

    Right Arrows - maps the selected column name to the selected database field name.

    Left Arrows - removed the mapping from the selected database field name.

    OK - continues the import process and if Save Mappings is selected, creates a mapping file.

    Cancel - cancels the import.

    Help - displays help.

    Auto Match - creates mapping for column names that match database field names.

  4. Select the type of data you are uploading. If you select a mapping file, the type of data is automatically selected.

  5. Match the column labels to the database name fields. You can do this in the following ways:

    • select a mapping file. If the mappings do not match the file being imported an error message is displayed.

    • click the Auto Match button to automatically map column headers to matching database fields.

    • manually select a column label and a database field and click the right arrows button.

  6. Click OK. The Import in progress dialog box is displayed.

  7. Click OK. The Import Result dialog box is displayed when importing is finished.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Success - displays the number of records that were successfully imported.

    Failures - displays the number of records that failed to be imported.

    Messages - displays messages about the import.