9 Configuring Databases

This chapter explains how to add and remove databases from Oracle Test Manager, and how to update name, location, and login information for databases that you are using in Oracle Test Manager.

9.1 Adding Databases

You can add an existing Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition, 10g Enterprise Edition, or 10g Express Edition database for Oracle Test Manager and Oracle Load Testing or you can create a new schema. In addition, you can create tables in an empty database. When you add a database, the Database Configuration Utility creates a user account for the default user and the administrator. Use Oracle Test Manager Administrator to add more users and to customize projects.


If you are re-installing Oracle Test Manager and intend to use the same database after reinstallation, you must remove the database name from the System DSN registry before configuring the database for use in Oracle Test Manager. Do this in the ODBC Data Source Administrator by selecting Control Panel from the Start menu and open Data Sources (ODBC) in the Administrative Tools. Select the database name on the System DSN tab and click Remove.

9.1.1 Adding a Database

To add an Oracle database or configuration schema:

  1. Select Programs from the Start menu then select Oracle Application Testing Suite Database Configuration from the Oracle Application Testing Suite - Tools menu.

  2. Select the type of database to add: Oracle Test Manager, Oracle Load Testing, or Configuration schema.

  3. Click New.

  4. Select Use existing schema or Create new schema & tables.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Use existing schema - when selected, a database is added using an existing Oracle database schema.

    Create new schema & tables - when selected, a database is added using an new Oracle database schema and tables.

    System user credentials - specify the login authentication credentials if you select to create a new schema and tables, as follows:

    • User name - enter the login user name for the database system.

    • Password - enter the login password for the database system.

    Connection details - enter the Oracle database connection information.

    • Name - enter the name of the database This name appears in the database selection lists for Oracle Test Manager and as the ODBC Data Source name.

    • Description - enter any description text to identify the database.

    • Host - enter the host name of the machine on which the database server is running.

    • Port - enter the port number that you want to communicate with. If you are running multiple instances of Oracle Database on the same host, specify the port number you want to communicate with.

    • Service - enter the Service name for the Oracle database.

    • User name - enter the login user name for the database.

    • Password - enter the login password for the database.

    • Tablespace - the tabespace name. When creating a new configuration schema and tables, you can choose to create a new user on the database or use an existing user. If creating a new user, provide a tablespace name where the user will be created. The "USERS" tablespace will be used as default.

    Options - select options, as follows:

    • Project Template - specifies which project template to use for test management including specific fields, reports, and, if selected, sample data for each module (Requirements, Tests, Issues, and Reports):

      • Default - when selected, the Database Configuration utility creates the default test management database schema for the Oracle Test Manger application database.

      • TMap - when selected, the Database Configuration utility creates the TMap test management database schema for the Oracle Test Manger application database. TMap is a Test Management Approach and methodology developed by Sogeti (http://www.sogeti.com/).

    • Insert sample data - when selected, the sample data is installed into the new database. For Oracle Test Manager, the sample data is the Sample Project used for the tutorial. For Oracle Load Testing, the sample data is the two load sessions that can be used to generate sample reports.

  5. Enter the database connection details. If you selected Create new schema & tables, enter the System user credentials and the Tablespace name.

  6. Select the Project Template to use.

  7. Select Insert sample data, if desired.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Close. When you add a new connection for an Oracle Load Testing database or a new Configuration schema, the new database is not automatically set as the default connection. Select the database in the Database Connections list and click the Set current toolbar button if you want the new connection to be the current database connection.

  10. Either restart the computer or restart the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application service by going to the Control Panel Administrative Tools and open Services and restart the Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.

9.2 Removing Databases

You can remove databases from Oracle Test Manager. Doing so does not delete the database files. It removes the database from the database selection lists so that the database is no longer available in Oracle Test Manager. The database cannot be deleted if it is open in Oracle Test Manager.

To remove a database from Oracle Test Manager:

  1. Select Programs from the Start menu then select Oracle Test Manager Database Configuration from the Oracle Application Testing Suite - Tools menu.

  2. Select the database that you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

9.3 Updating Databases

You can change the name, location, and login information for databases that you are using in Oracle Test Manager.

  1. Select Programs from the Start menu then select Oracle Test Manager Database Configuration from the Oracle Application Testing Suite - Tools menu.

  2. Select the database that you want to update.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Make any changes.

  5. Click OK.