Appendix: Administering PeopleSoft Databases on DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

This appendix provides an overview of administration on DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, and discusses:

Note. Oracle supports a number of versions of UNIX and Linux. Throughout this appendix, the word UNIX refers to all UNIX-like operating systems, including Linux.

For the sake of brevity, this appendix sometimes refers to DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows as DB2 LUW.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Administration on DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

A PeopleSoft DB2 for UNIX database must be configured, monitored, and tuned to achieve optimum performance. In this section, we offer concepts, procedures, and tips to help you plan and implement the PeopleSoft system and demonstration databases.

Recognizing that many DB2 LUW database administrators have DB2 z/OS backgrounds, this documentation includes references and comparisons to DB2 z/OS to help bridge understanding of concepts and procedures.

For UNIX systems, DB2 UDB publications can be accessed online from AIX using the system command db2help. This displays the DB2 UDB information in HTML format.

Note. You need to install the supported browser and the DB2 UDB HTML information for the chosen language (locale) before running the db2help command. By default, the HTML files are copied from the CD-ROM to the hard disk in compressed form. You need to decompress it using the db2insthtml command under the DB2 UDB-installed directory. On AIX, it is similar to /usr/lpp/db2_xx_01/doc/db2insthtml. On Windows, the above steps are not needed because all the HTML files are uncompressed during normal DB2 UDB installation.

See Also

DB2 Administration Guide

DB2 System Monitor Guide and Reference

Click to jump to parent topicInstances

This section provides an overview of instances and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Instances

Operating System administrators (for UNIX logged in as root, for Windows logged on as Administrator) may create one or more DB2 LUW instances to support their PeopleSoft environment. If you only have one computer to house both production and development database, PeopleSoft recommends that you create at least two DB2 UDB instances, one for your development database(s) and one for production. If you have more than one computer for the PeopleSoft environment use, PeopleSoft further recommends that the production instance be created on a separate machine for performance and security reasons.

The following graphic shows a conceptual view of a DB2 LUW instance. Each instance is a collection of databases sharing the same DB2 UDB engine and set of configuration tuning parameters called "database manager parameters." These parameters control a variety of system resources, such as communication buffer sizes, TCP/IP service name, and memory allocations. SYSADM authority controls all databases in an instance. DB2ADM controls the resources within a particular database.

DB2 LUW instance housing a collection of databases sharing the same engine and database manager parameters yet with each database having its own DB2ADM, specific database configuration, catalog tables, and log files

Each database within an instance is, to a large extent, self-contained, having its own set of system catalog tables, configuration tuning parameters, tablespaces, and log files.

Each PeopleSoft application is installed entirely into a single DB2 LUW database. To simplify administration, it is recommended that you create all the PeopleSoft non-production databases (such as Upgrade, Demo, and Development) within one DB2 LUW instance. Setting up the production database in a separate instance by itself will provide you with greater flexibility in administration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSYSADM Authority and Security

In DB2 LUW, SYSADM owns all databases in an instance. For this reason, to secure access to the production database, consider maintaining separate production and development instances. In this way, you can restrict SYSADM in production and be less restrictive in development.

If your site uses a single instance standard, you must restrict SYSADM authority—keeping in mind the additional burden this places on your DBA to support development and production environments.

Note. Administrators with DB2 UDB for z/OS experience should note the difference between DB2 z/OS and DB2 LUW in the way SYSADMs are created. In DB2 z/OS, an “Install SYSADM” is specified during DB2 UDB installation and other SYSADMs are granted using an SQL Grant SYSADM statement.

In DB2 LUW, the instance owner is the de facto “Install SYSADM” and other SYSADMs are created by assigning its group ID to the same primary group as the instance owner.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInstances and Connectivity

To create an instance, you can use the command db2icrt. Once the instance is created, you must assign different TCP/IP port numbers for the respective DB2 UDB instances.

To register the pair of TCP/IP ports, you edit the services file. Both the UNIX Server (/etc/services) and Windows (\windows\systemXX\drivers\etc\services) service files must specify the following:

db2dudb 50000/tcp#DB2 Client Application Enabler-Dev db2pudb 50010/tcp#DB2 Client Application Enabler-Prod

Note. The names db2dudb and db2pudb are user-defined.

Each instance requires a SERVICENAME, which points to a unique entry in the service file.

On the DB2 LUW Server, update the Database Manager SVCENAME Configuration Parameter:

db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME db2dudb

If you created a second instance, you’d have to update the Database Manager SVCENAME Configuration Parameter on that instance using another service name:

db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME db2pudb

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOther Considerations

The following are other considerations related to instances:

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguration Parameters

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefinition of Configuration Parameters

Database manager configuration parameters are those which apply for all databases managed by the current instance. You can update database manager configuration parameters using DB2 CLP or Control Center. New database manager configuration parameters take effect after DB2 UDB is stopped and restarted using DB2 UDB commands, db2stop and db2start, successively.

Most database configuration parameter changes take effect immediately. Some take effect only after all current users disconnect from a database, or after you forcefully disconnect them with the db2 force application all command, then execute the db2 terminate command to flush the database’s directory cache and remove the db2bp (backend process).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUseful Configuration Commands

Useful DB2 CLP commands for Database Manager configuration:

Useful DB2 CLP commands for Database configuration:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicParameters Overview

Following is an overview of the more important configuration parameters with tips for tuning them. Fine tuning these parameters for optimal performance gain on your system requires careful benchmarking techniques.

Click to jump to parent topicTablespaces

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDDL Scripts

PeopleSoft provides DDL scripts to create a database, and set database manager and database tuning parameters. These scripts are on the PeopleSoft installation file server in the \scripts directory. Run the following scripts:

\scripts\createdb.sql -- creates DB2 LUW database. . \scripts\xxddldms.sql -- creates DMS (Data Managed Storage) tablespaces

Where xx is the product identifier, such as HR for PeopleSoft HCM or FS for PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the PeopleSoft DMS Tablespace DDL

Create all tables and indexes in Data Managed Storage (DMS) tablespaces using PeopleSoft standard tablespace names as described in the installation guide. This storage option, as oppose to System Managed Storage (SMS), is appropriate for a database that you plan to change and grow. DMS is appropriate for a system test or production database.

Note. DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY feature is turned off in the xxddldms.sql script to avoid performance issue when dropping large number of tables. This feature can be turn on again with ALTER TABLESPACE command.

Here are some installation guidelines for manually creating your PeopleSoft database and tablespaces:

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52 Installation for DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, “Preparing for Installation”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDMS Tablespaces: Cooked or Raw

DMS tablespaces may be created as either COOKED Files System or RAW Storage Devices. PeopleSoft provides DDL script /sql/hrddldms.sql to support DMS COOKED Files System.

PeopleSoft does not provide a tablespace script to support the Raw device, but you can create the RAW device with the proper Operating System command and the following DB2 UDB command:


On AIX, the COOKED File System refers to the Journal File System (JFS). On Windows, the COOKED Files System refers to NTFS.

Note. There is a roughly 5-10% performance gain on RAW device over COOKED file system on tablespaces which are frequently being updated. However, it is generally much easier to administer a COOKED file system than a RAW device.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSystem Catalog Tablespace and Other Initial Tablespaces

For system test and production databases, PeopleSoft recommends that you consider tailoring the Create Database statement to override the DB2 LUW default tablespace definitions for SYSCATSPACE and TEMPSPACE1. An example of this is provided below, where CATALOG Tablespace defines the SYSCATSPACE and TEMPORARY Tablespace defines TEMPSPACE1:


Note. The above tablespaces may be defined as DMS tablespaces. If you omit these tablespace definitions, DB2 LUW will create these tablespaces in the file system directory denoted by dir-name.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOptimizing Table Space Capacity With Auto-Resize

DB2 LUW offers the “AUTORESIZE” option for use with DMS table spaces so that the database system can automatically manage the allocation of additional space when a previous limit has been reached. PeopleTools supports the use of AUTORESIZE.

The AUTORESIZE option enables database administrators to create table spaces with an ample yet reasonable initial size and then specify the increment by which the system enlarges the table space when necessary. AUTORESIZE is transparent to any application connected to the database, and because it automatically manages table space size based on the specified configuration settings, database administrators do not need to enlarge table spaces manually on an ad hoc basis.

Note. AUTORESIZE is only available for table spaces within database-managed spaces (DMS). However, PeopleTools, as a standard, only creates DMS table spaces, so this restriction does not apply within the PeopleTools context. PeopleTools does not create system-managed spaces (SMS).


The SQL parameters for enabling and configuring auto-resize are:





Indicates whether auto-resize should be enabled for a table space. Disabling auto-resize is not recommended.


K | M | G

Specify the size of the increments by which the system should increase the table space size. Use an integer value in either kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G).

Note. This value can also be expressed in terms of a percentage by which to increase the table space size. However, expressing the increase size value in terms of a percentage is discouraged, unless you have detailed knowledge of how DB2 calculates the percentage. If you do not set the percentage to a value that optimally increases table space size based on the current size and the amount of data typically inserted in your system, you may incur undesired amounts of wasted space.


K | M | G | NONE

Specify a maximum size that the table space can reach. Use an integer value in either kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G).

NONE indicates that the table space can grow to the limit imposed by the file system.

How you enable AUTORESIZE depends on the status of your current implementation, as in, whether you are creating or upgrading a database, or just working with an existing database.

If you are creating a new PeopleSoft database or performing an upgrade on a PeopleSoft database, you use the Database Creation Wizard and the delivered DDL scripts to enable auto-resize as per the instructions in your PeopleSoft upgrade and/or installation documentation.

The DDL of the provided scripts and those created using the Database Creation Wizard is similar to the following CREATE TABLESPACE example:


In this example, the system creates the table space PTTLRG with an initial size of 10 Mb, with the AUTORESIZE option on, specifying that the database system will increase the table space size by 10 Mb each time a limit is reached.

Note. If you have already determined the appropriate initial size, increase size, and maximum size for table spaces at your site, edit the delivered scripts to reflect those values.

If you are working with an existing PeopleSoft database and not performing any database creation or upgrade tasks on the entire database, you can submit a SQL ALTER command to update any existing table spaces for which you want to enable this feature.

The ALTER syntax is:


Disabling Auto-Resize

By default, AUTORESIZE is enabled for all new and upgraded PeopleSoft databases. Because of its convenience and because the PeopleSoft system assumes AUTORESIZE is on, disabling AUTORESIZEis not recommended.

To disable the auto-resize option for a table space, issue a SQL ALTER statement using the following syntax:


Determining Increase Size

To determine the appropriate increase size value for your table spaces, Oracle recommends first categorizing your table spaces into the following categories: small, medium, and large. These categories reflect the growth potential of the table space. For example, a small table space is one that is not expected to increase at the same rate or reach the same size as a large table space.

The following table provides some suggested increase sizes by category.


Suggested Increase Size Range


10 M – 100 M


300 M – 500 M


700 M – 1000 M

Confirming that AUTORESIZE is Enabled

To confirm that AUTORESIZEis enabled and working as desired, use the DB2 table space monitor snapshot output. For example, assume you create the table space PSHRDATA with AUTORESIZEon. PSHRDATA, historically, is a table space that typically reached maximum space if not properly monitored and adjusted by database administrators. In this example, PSHRDATA is created with an initial space allocation of 1500 8k pages, using the following SQL:


After a period of time in which you can assume large amounts of transactional data has been inserted into your database, connect to the database and show the detail report on the table spaces. Use the list tablespaces show detail command.

db2 connect to <db-name> db2 list tablespaces show detail

A section of the output would appear similar to the following:

...... Tablespace ID = 45 Name = PSHRDATA Type = Database managed space Contents = Any data State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal Total pages = 2768 Useable pages = 2752 Used pages = 2000 Free pages = 752 High water mark (pages) = 2000 Page size (bytes) = 8192 Extent size (pages) = 16 Prefetch size (pages) = 48 Number of containers = 1 ......

The current footprint (Total Pages) of PSHRDATA is now 2768 8k pages, well over the initial allocation. This clearly indicates that DB2 detected a request for additional free pages beyond the initial space allocation for PSHRDATA and automatically extended the table space.

Monitoring Table Space Size Allocation

While the AUTORESIZEoption greatly reduces the amount of manual intervention, database administrators should continue to monitor the size and growth of the following elements of your database to ensure that you are optimizing space usage:

Click to jump to parent topicTemporary Table Creation

For each temporary table you define, a base table structure and a number of its instances are created in the database as ordinary tables with ordinary table structures. The number of temporary table instances is determined by the value of the Temp Table Instances setting in PeopleTools options Utilities, Administration, PeopleTools Options added to the number of PeopleSoft Application Engine temporary tables. These temporary tables are used as work tables that hold transient data, and because they are real tables, they are permanent structures in the database and remain until an explicit drop table command is executed against them.

The nature of a temporary table means that the amount of data that each temporary work table holds varies significantly after each use. Therefore, when RUNSTATS are executed against them, there is a good chance that the statistics captured may not apply and will negatively influence the DB2 optimizer access path selection the next time you use the temporary work table.

Each record of the type Temporary Table is defined as a VOLATILE table in DB2 (beginning with version 8). This definition takes advantage of the DB2 optimizer’s enhanced capability to formulate efficient index access paths for those tables that hold volatile data, without relying on current table statistics. Additionally, because each temporary work table can only be assigned to a single process, the temporary work table is defined with the LOCKSIZE TABLE attribute to reduce the number of lock resources to be managed by DB2. Both the VOLATILE andLOCKSIZE TABLE attributes are be implemented using ALTER table statements.

Example: ALTER Statement Using VOLATILE and LOCKSIZE TABLE

This example shows the additional DDL for ALTER statements generated for temporary tables that implements the VOLATILE andLOCKSIZE TABLE attributes.


Click to jump to parent topicClient Database Catalog

When cataloging databases on a client machine, always use AUTHENTICATION clause and match the authentication algorithm with the one specified on the server by the database manager parameter (AUTHENTICATION). For example:

db2 catalog database ​database_name at node ​node_name AUTHENTICATION SERVER

This will avoid additional network traffic between client and server generated to resolve the authentication algorithm discrepancy.

Click to jump to parent topicMeta-SQL %TruncateTable()

This section discusses DB2 LUW and %TruncateTable().

Note. Beginning with PeopleTools 8.52 when installed on DB2 LUW 9.7, whenever it is operationally applicable, PeopleTools translates %TruncateTable() metaSQL to the native TRUNCATE TABLE command introduced in DB2 LUW 9.7. However, if an earlier version of DB2 LUW (less than 9.7) is installed, PeopleTools reverts to the previous method of using a DB2 utility as documented in this section.

Prior to DB2 LUW 9.7, there's no SQL implementation of a Truncate Table command, such as the one found in Oracle. PeopleTools has implemented a DB2 UDB utility to achieve the same effect as the Truncate Table command. This utility is available through the PeopleCode function %TruncateTable().

You might wish to disable this meta-SQL function because of the performance overhead incurred by bufferpool flushing. The negative effect of bufferpool flushing comes when you truncate large tables using the DB2 LUW API. The process can run much longer than a SQL DELETE FROM clause. If you're experiencing this problem, you can convert %TruncateTable into a SQL DELETE FROM clause.

To enable this conversion there is a setting (DbFlags) in PSPRCS.CFG and PSAPPSRV.CFG (or PSADMIN). DbFlags is a bitmap value and if it contains the value of 2, then SQL is used rather than the DB2 UDB API to set the table to zero rows. The default value for DbFlags is zero.

The following is an example:

DbFlags=2 will enable the workaround.

DbFlags=1 doesn't enable the workaround and the Truncate is done similar to the Oracle's Truncate command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHandling Errors

During the execution of the %TruncateTable() meta-SQL, error information is written to a disk file. The location of this disk file varies depending on which platform type is used.


If you are running %TruncateTable on Windows, then the directory name format is "%TEMP%\PS\DB2Truncate\PS_TruncateLogFile_pid_id.txt” , where pid_id is a variable depending on the process ID.


If you are running %TruncateTable on UNIX, then the directory name format is $PS_HOME/log/DB2Truncate/PS_TruncateLogFile_pid_id.txt, where pid_id is a variable depending on the process ID.

In most cases, error files might be created under the following circumstances:

Click to jump to parent topicDB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Administration

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Statistics

We recommend that you update the database statistics on a periodic basis, typically weekly, to account for ongoing data changes. You do this by running runstats for tables and indexes in the database. This allows DB2 UDB’s cost based optimizer to generate efficient access plans for your stored and dynamic SQL statements. Using the SHRLEVEL CHANGE keywords together with the runstats command will enable the application to access the table while the statistics are being computed. An example of the command is shown below:

db2 runstats on table sysibm.systables with distribution and indexes all SHRLEVELCHANGE

Runstats can be executed from the Database Control Center or DB2 CLP. Type “db2? runstats” for more information.

PeopleSoft provides an SQR program, RUNSTATS.SQR, to execute runstats on all your System and PeopleSoft tables. This script is located in the database server’s /SQR directory, and can be executed using the instructions found in installation guide. If desired, for efficiency’s sake, you can modify this script to limit running the runstats command against only those tables that experience high growth or high update. To identify such tables, modify RUNSTATS.SQR to join tables to SYSCAT.SYSTABLES and only select those tables belonging to tablespace xxLARGE.

Use explain to determine the access path chosen by the DB2 UDB optimizer. You can either use the Visual Explain utility or the db2expln tool to get access path information.

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52 Installation for DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, “Creating a Database”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Queries on a Windows Workstation

Query capability on Windows workstations can be accomplished using multiple products:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicObject Restrictions

PeopleSoft applications contain many table and index objects. The number of objects in a DB2 LUW database does not pose a problem as it would in DB2 z/OS.

Unlike DB2 z/OS, which places a restriction on the number of database objects in a single DB2 z/OS database (not a subsystem), the number of objects in a DB2 LUW database is not of concern. The DB2 z/OS DBD (DataBase Descriptor), which limits the number of objects in a single database to 25% of the DBD memory allocation, has no exact counterpart in DB2 LUW.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdministrative Tools

Database Control Center is an easy to use, graphical interface that the DBA can use to configure database manager instances, databases, backup/recovery and media management. The Control Center is fully Java-enabled and can be executed as a Java application or Java applet using a standard browser.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConnectivity Using ODBC/CLI

A PeopleTools development environment (two-tier client) establishes connectivity through these technology layers:

The following table describes the events occurring within each layer during a connectivity request.

Technology Layer

Description of Events


A PeopleTools application, such as Application Designer, Issues a connect to database request (SQL Connect). The PeopleTools utility PSODBC.DLL processes the request and formats the SQL request in an ODBC-compliant format and invokes the ODBC SQLConnect function. Information passed includes:

  • Database name.

  • User ID/Table Owner

  • Password

Microsoft ODBC

In the Microsoft ODBC Layer, ODBC.DLL reads the registry entry for the ODBC checking for the data source name (in this case, the database name). It finds this entry and loads the associated vendor driver, such as \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DB2CLI.DLL.

Note. By reading ODBC.INI, ODBC.DLL determines which of several possible vendor ODBC-compliant drivers to load. In this case, it loads the IBM driver, DB2CLI.DLL.


In the IBM ODBC Driver Layer, DB2CLI.DLL:

  • reads the Windows Environment Variable (DB2PATH) to obtain the path for the db2cae executable.

  • reads \db2 connect install dir\db2\sqldbdir\sqldbdir and \db2 connect install dir\db2\sqlnodir\sqlnodir to obtain database directory and node directory information.

  • formats and submits the connect request to the database server.

IBM CLI (Call Level Interface) on the Client

IBM’s Call Level Interface (CLI) programs, unlike embedded SQL programs, are not precompiled and bound to a database and, therefore, do not produce PLANs or Packages.

PeopleSoft uses the Call Level Interface for online client connectivity (as well as database server batch processing). Both CLI interfaces operate in a similar manner, executing SQL statements one at a time, at runtime, caching prepared statements in a package cache buffer controlled by DB2 LUW. Again, no PLAN or Package is produced, as happens in a DB2 z/OS environment using embedded SQL.

Mapping Client and Server IP Addresses

In a two-tier architecture, processes on the database server displayed using the DB2 UDB list application command can be mapped back to particular clients using the Application ID field. The ability to map a server process to a client is important since all PeopleSoft client tasks are connected using the identical table owner ID.

To map a server process back to a client, issue a DB2 UDB list application on the database server, then convert the value in the Application ID to a client’s IP address. The Application ID is displayed in hexadecimal representation with each two characters representing a node in IP’s dotted notation format. In the example below, Auth ID PTDVL is connected from the client at x‘C65D379E’, or IP Address

Auth ID

Application Name

Application ID

DB Name





Note. In the preceding example, Auth ID shows PTDVL in uppercase, even though the table owner is defined in the respective operating system as a login ID in lowercase.

Click to jump to parent topicChecklists and Troubleshooting

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConnectivity Checklist

This checklist is provided to help diagnose online connectivity problems.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDiagnosing Transaction Hangs

One way to check to see whether the SQL is hung or if it is still executing due to a long unit of work or bad access path is to use DB2 LUW’s Snapshot Monitor. Other diagnostic tools include vmstat and iostat to determine server CPU and I/O activity.

The “Snapshot Monitor” requires that database monitor switches be turned on. Unfortunately, these switches must be turned on before a process is started.

To use Snapshot Monitor:

  1. Logon to the Command Line Processor on the server.

  2. Issue the following statements:

  3. Allow statistics to compile.

  4. Issue the following statement(s):

    db2 "get snapshot for database on hr910dmo" > snapsht1.dbx

  5. Wait a minute to allow additional statistics to compile.

  6. Issue the following statement:

    db2 "get snapshot for database on hr910dmo" > snapsht2.dbx

  7. Compare the two files and identify any changes, such as:

If parameter values are the same for both snapshots, then the transaction may be hung. If the most logical explanation is that the transaction is hung, perform this step to retry the transaction:

db2 force application ​(agent-id)

For example:

db2 force application (3265) (parenthesis required)

Note. If an application is terminated using the above “force” command, the user will have to reconnect to the database server.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDB2DIAG.LOG

The instance-owner-home-dir/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log file contains diagnosis information related to instance, utility, and connectivity problems. The full name of the directory may also be obtained by issuing a get dbg cfg command in the command line processor on the database server, then checking the DIAGPATH configuration setting. This file contains diagnosis information related to instance, utility, and connectivity problems.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicODBC Trace

Go to Control Panel. Open ODBC Administrator, select the appropriate Data Source, and then press Options. Select the ODBC Trace option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicdb2trc

If the problem is repeatable, you can use db2trc to trace the database internal logic. Although this trace is mostly used by DB2 UDB service personnel, it may give you some clues. To obtain the help information of db2trc, type the following command:

db2trc -h

The following is a simple example of how to use db2trc to obtain DB2 LUW internal tracing information:

db2trc -l 1000000 on [repeat the failing process] db2trc flw > trc.flw db2trc fmt > trc.fmt db2trc off

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDB2 UDB Help Facility

DB2 UDB Message Reference can give you detailed information about your SQL error-code. A quick way to get similar information online is to do db2 "? sqlcode". For example:

db2 "? Sql1042"

Note. DB2 UDB requires a 4-digit error code suffix.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMonitoring Module and Action Information

For select PeopleTools "modules", the system captures the Module identifier and stores it in the DB2 ACCOUNTING field, which you can query as part of your typical performance monitoring. This can help you to associate transactions with a particular module when monitoring or troubleshooting.

PeopleTools populates the ACCOUNTING field as follows:




PIA transactions

PeopleSoft application component

PeopleSoft application page within the component.

Integration Broker

Service operation

PeopleCode event

Application Engine


Program name, section, step, and step type.

You can use the GET SNAPSHOT command to view samples of the information passed per module type.