Creating and Using Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds

This chapter provides an overview of Integration Broker generic message feeds and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds

Integration Broker generic message feeds enable administrators to expose Integration Broker messages used in asynchronous, one-way service operations as feeds. These feeds are scheduled feeds. Unlike up-front feeds, for which the message contents in Integration Broker queues are feed messages, the messages published to Integration Broker queues in the case of generic feeds are either PeopleSoft rowset messages or non-rowset messages. These messages are called Integration Broker generic messages. Typically, these messages are generated based on actions performed by users or events occurring within the PeopleSoft system.

The Define Generic Feed page allows the feed administrator to select any existing asynchronous, one-way service operation in the system and expose it as a feed. When a feed is exposed for an asynchronous, one-way operation, the framework automatically creates a Local-to-Atom routing for the corresponding service operation.

This example of the Routings page shows the Local-to-Atom routing for the USER_PROFILE service operation:

When a message is published for an asynchronous, one-way service operation, these messages will also be available in the feed, which is another form of application integration.

The default and recommended security option for generic Integration Broker message feeds is real-time security, although you can select other options as necessary. Real-time security allows only users who are in the permission list on the security page of the service operation to access that Integration Broker generic message as a feed. Users in the PeopleSoft Administrator and Portal Administrator roles also have access to Integration Broker generic message feeds.

Click to jump to parent topicPublishing Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds

This section provides an overview of the steps used to publish an Integration Broker generic message feed and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Steps to Publish an Integration Broker Generic Message Feed

You can use either of these methods to publish an Integration Broker generic message as a feed:

Because there advantages and limitations of both methods of publishing an Integration Broker generic message as a feed, you might want to publish the feed using one methodology, and then use the other methodology to edit the feed definition.

Publishing Using the Publish as Feed Pages

To publish an Integration Broker generic message as a feed using the Publish as Feed pages:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Feeds, Define IB Generic Message Feed.

  2. Select the service operation to publish as a feed.

  3. On the Define IB Generic Message Feed page, click the Publish as Feed link.

    See Publishing an Integration Broker Generic Message as a Feed.

  4. On the Publish Feed Definition page, define the feed properties and security.

    See Defining Feed Properties.

  5. Click the Advanced Options link.

  6. Define the advanced feed options.

    See Defining Advanced Options for Generic Message Feeds.

  7. Click the OK button.

  8. Click the Publish button.

Publishing Using the Feed Publishing Wizard

To publish an Integration Broker generic message as a feed using the Publish as Feed pages:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Feeds, Feed Publishing Wizard.

  2. Add a new value as the feed ID.

  3. On the Specify Feed Properties page, define feed properties, such as the feed title, as well as additional feed properties.

    See Step 1: Specifying Feed Properties.

  4. Click the Next button.

  5. On the Select Data Source page, select IB Generic Message Feeds as the feed data type and then select the service operation as the data source.

    See Step 2: Selecting a Data Source.

  6. Click the Next button.

  7. On the Select Data Source Parameters page, set the usage type and default value for the data source parameters

    See Step 3: Specifying Data Source Parameters.

    If you set a parameter to be User Specified, click the Value link to specify the prompt values that are displayed to users when they personalize the feed; otherwise, continue with the next step.

    See Specifying Prompt Values for Data Source Parameters.

  8. Click the Next button.

  9. On the Specify Publishing Options page, specify the publishing options for the feed, including feed security and sites.

    See Step 4: Specifying Publishing Options.

  10. Click the Save button to publish the feed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Publish Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds

Page Name

Definition Name



Define IB Generic Message Feed


PeopleTools, Feeds, Define IB Generic Message Feed

Create feed definitions for generic Integration Broker asynchronous, one-way service operations.

Define IB Generic Message Feed - Advanced Feed Options


Click the Advanced Options link on the Publish Feed Definition page.

Enter advanced option values that are specific to generic message feeds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing an Integration Broker Generic Message as a Feed

Access the Define IB Generic Message Feed page (PeopleTools, Feeds, Define IB Generic Message Feed).

Use the Define IB Generic Message Feed page to publish an Integration Broker asynchronous, one-way service operation as a feed. Click the Publish as Feed link to begin creating the feed definition.

Create the feed definition on the Publish Feed Definition page.

See Defining Feed Properties.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Advanced Options for Generic Message Feeds

Access the Advanced Feed Options page (click the Advanced Options link on the Publish Feed Definition page).

Use the Advanced Feed Options page to define advanced options for Integration Broker generic message feeds.

Max Number of Entries (maximum number of entries)

Enter the maximum number of entries that the feed should return to the user. Enter 0 for unlimited entries up to the maximum row limit specified on the Feed Options page, which is 300 by default.

Note. You configure the upper limit on the Feed Options page.


Select one of these options:

  • No Paging: Indicates that the feed is not paged. This value is the default.

  • Segmented: Indicates that the feed is paged.

    A paged feed is a feed that has been split into pages (also know as segments) to improve system performance in delivering the feed document and to improve performance for consuming a feed. A paged feed is presented with first, last, next, and previous links to provide access to additional pages in the feed document.

    Note. When Segmented is selected as the paging option, then the Max Number of Entries and Incremental Feed fields are disabled.

Incremental Feed

Select one of these options:

  • Yes: Indicates that the feed is incremental.

    An incremental feed is a feed that has been published and updated with timestamps that allow the feed content to be delivered incrementally. An incremental feed allows the Feed Publishing Framework to deliver only the feed content that has changed since the feed was last requested by the user.

  • No: Indicates that the feed is incremental. This value is the default.

Reset to Defaults

Click to reset the advanced options to their default values.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds

Integration Broker generic message feeds enable administrators to expose Integration Broker messages used in asynchronous, one-way service operations as feeds.

This example shows a generic message feed for the ROLE_MAINT service operation: