Creating Component Interface-Based Services

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Creating Component Interface-Based Services

PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to take an existing component interface and create a service that can be used to invoke the component interface. Further, it creates service operations, including request messages and response messages (if appropriate). The system creates an inbound any-to-local routing for the service operation version, as well as handlers for each method you choose to include in the service.

All service operations you generate from component interfaces are synchronous service operations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNaming Conventions Integration Metadata Created

This section highlight the naming conventions that the PeopleSoft system uses when it creates services and services-related data based on component interfaces.

When it creates a web service from a component interface, the PeopleSoft system adds a CI_ prefix to the component interface name. So if the component interface name is MYCI, the service name the system creates is CI_MYCI

The following table highlights naming conventions the PeopleSoft systems applies to other services data based on the method with which you are working:

Component Interface Method

Service Operation Name

Message Name

Component Interface Handler

Request Message Shape

Response Message Shape





CI Buffer






Get Keys

CI Buffer





Find Keys

Key Collection





CI Buffer






CI Buffer






CI Buffer

Method Return Type

The naming convention used for message names, Mxxxxxx, is the letter M followed by a random six-digit number, as denoted by the x's. An example of a message name is M548902.

Note. The maximum number of characters for a service operation name is 30. If using a user-defined method name yields a greater result, the name is used is <service_name>_Mxxx, where xxx is a three-digit random number. An example of such a name is CI_USERCI_M101023.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUser-Defined Method Restrictions

This section discusses restrictions related to using user-defined methods when exposing component interfaces as services.

User-Defined Method Actions

User-defined methods which are executed with the Create action should not be exposed as web services.

Specifying Method Parameters and Parameter Names

All user defined methods that will be accessed via the service interface must have a doc string.

The doc string contains:

  1. The keyword GET. .

  2. An ordered list of parameter names corresponding to the method's parameters.

The following example shows the format of the doc string:

Function simpleFunction(&sParm As string, &dParm As date, &nParm As number, &bParm As boolean) Returns string Doc "GET, StringParm, DateParm, NumParm , BoolParm" Local string &aString = &sParm; &aString = &aString | " -- " | &dParm; &aString = &aString | " -- " | &nParm; &aString = &aString | " -- " | &bParm; Return &aString; End-Function;

The contents of the doc string are used when the function is invoked. For example, if GET is specified, then the GET keys are set, and GET is called on the component interface before the used-defined method is invoked.

The list of parameters are used at runtime to match the data in the input message with the method's parameters. This is an ordered list; if the parameter list in the doc string and the method parameters don't match, then the method may not work correctly. The names in the doc parameter list will be the names visible in any WSDL created for the service.

Method parameters and return values must be of a primitive type, such as a string, date or number. Object parameters or return values are not supported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImpact of Changing Component Interfaces

If a user modifies or deletes a component interface in PeopleSoft Application Designer, when the user saves the changes, PeopleSoft Integration Broker checks if a service exists for the component interface. If a service exists, and the component structure/properties have changed in the component interface, a warning message appears stating that a service exists for the component interface.

If the component interface structure changes, a status of Does not match appears in the CI-Based Services Review Status grid, and the operation appears as active in the Service Operations component.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Prior to creating any component interface-based web services and service operations, you must define the schema namespace, service namespace, and target location in the Service Configuration page

See Configuring PeopleSoft Integration Broker for Handling Services.

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Component Interfaces to Expose as Services

This section discusses how to select component interfaces to expose as web services.

The first step to creating component interface-based services is to choose the component interface on which to base a service. To do so, use the CI-Based Services component (IB_CISERVICES) and the Select Component Interface page (IB_CISERVICES). The following graphic shows this page:

When you search for component interfaces to select, the system returns results only for those component interfaces to which you have permissions.

To select a component interface:

  1. Access the Select Component Interfaces page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Web Services, CI-Based Services).

  2. Search for a component interface:

    Note. You can search only for those component interfaces to which you have permissions.

    The Select CIs grid displays are component interfaces that match your search.

  3. Check the Select box next to one or more component interfaces.

  4. Click the Review CI Status button.

The Review CI Status page appears where you can review details about the select component interface and select the methods to include as operations in the service.

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Component Interface Methods to Include as Service Operations

This section discusses selecting methods to include web services as service operations.

The following example shows the Review Status page:

The Review Status page shows the following information about the component interface you select to expose as a service:

CI Name

Name of the component interface.


Name of the service created based on the component interface.

Note that the service name is the component interface name with CI_ added as a prefix.


A description of the component interface. This information is taken from the component interface record and displays if it exists.

Status (Service)

Displays the status of the service. The valid values are:

  • Service does not exist and will be created. Indicates that a services does not exist for the service and the system will create one.

  • Service Exists. Indicates that a service has already been created for the component interface.


Check the box to include a method as an operation for the service.

If the box is disabled, the method has already been included in the operation and the Service Operation field displays the name of the operation created.

You can check one or more methods at a time.


Displays the action available to perform on the method. The valid values are:

  • Create Operation. This action displays if no service operation exists for the method.

  • Create New Version.. This action displays if the current request or response shape do not match the shapes previously generated. A new service operation version is generated.

  • None. If an operation exists, it compares the component interface and the service operation. If they are in sync, no action is required.


Name of the component interface method.

The system displays user-defined and standard methods. All user-defined methods appear in lowercase.

You can create service operations based on the following standard component interface methods:

  • Create

  • Get

  • Find

  • Update

  • Updatedata

  • User-defined methods.

Update and Updatedata appear if both Get and Save have been enabled in the component interface.

Note. All user-defined methods are lowercase. If you have a user-defined method called update, it is a different method than the Update method used here.

Service Operation

Name of the service operation, if one exists for a method.

The name the system give the service operation depends on the service name as well as the component interface method.

Status (Service Operation)

The status corresponds to the value in the Action field. The valid values are:

  • Does not exist. No service operation exists for the method.

  • Does not match. The service operation does not match the existing component interface.

  • OK. The service operation matches the existing component interface.

  • Operation created. The system created the operation.

Display Selected Actions

Click the button to display a summary of the actions requested and then generate services and service operations.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Component Interface-Based Services

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Services and Service Operations from Component Interface Methods

The following example shows the Confirm Actions page (IB_CISERVICES_SEC):

You can work with the following page elements:

Service Alias

(Optional.) Enter an alias name for the service. The name you enter can be lower or mixed-case. If specified, this is the service name that appears in any WSDL documents you generate.

Inherit All CI Permissions

Select the box so that all service operations you create inherit the security permissions as defined for the component interface after which they are based. By default the box is selected.

To inherit security permissions for specific service operations only, use the Inherit CI Permission box in the Choose Operation grid.

See Inheriting Component Interface Security Permission Lists.


(Optional.) Clear the box to omit creating a service operation for a method.

Alias (Service Operation)

(Optional.) Enter an alias name for the service operation. The name you enter can be lower or mixed-case. If specified, this is the service operation name that appears in any WSDL documents you generate.

Inherit CI Permissions

Select the box for a service operation to inherit the security permissions as defined for the component interface after which it is based. By default the box is selected for all service operations based off of a component interface.

Clear the box for each service operation you do not want to inherit the permissions defined for the component interface after which it is based.

See Inheriting Component Interface Security Permission Lists.


(Optional.) Service operations created default version V1.

You may enter a different value to use as the version when the service operation is created.

This field is a text field, so you may enter numeric or text values.

Message Names and Descriptions

(Optional.) Click the link to specify names and descriptions for messages in the service operation. The message names and descriptions will appear in the generated XML message schema.

If you do not enter message names or descriptions, PeopleSoft Integration Broker assigns system-generated names to the messages. The following example shows a sample system-generated message name: M702221.V1

Perform Selected Action

Click the button to generate services and service operations for the component interface and selected methods.

After the service and service operations are created, the Review Status page displays and you can review the actions performed as well as access the service definition created.

Return to Select CIs

Click the link to return to the previous page, the Review Status page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInheriting Component Interface Security Permission Lists

You can specify that all or select component interface-based service operations inherit the security permission list(s) of the component interface from which they are derived. This feature allows you to bypass the process of manually assigning permission lists to the service operations after you generate them.

The Confirm Actions page (IB_CISERVICES_SEC) shown in the previous section contains an Inherit All CI Permissions box located on the upper half of the page. The Choose Operation grid of the page features an Inherit CI Permissions box for each service operation to be generated.

Important! Permission lists granted to a component interface after the service operation is created are not propagated to the service operations and you must manually add them.

Inherit All CI Permissions

Select the box for all service operations to inherit the permission lists of the component interface from which they are based. By default the box is selected.

Clear the box to choose select service operations to inherit the permission list(s) of the base component interface or to manually define permission lists for the service operations in the PeopleTools Security component.

Inherit CI Permissions

Select the box for each service operation that is to inherit the permission list(s) of the base component interface.

Clear the box for each service operation this is not to inherit the permission list(s) of the base component.

The system generates service operations for the Update and UpdateData methods based the existence of the Get method. Therefore, the same permissions granted to a component interface's Get method are inherited by service operations based on the Update and UpdateData methods

See Also

Generating Services and Service Operations from Component Interface Methods

Setting Permissions to Service Operations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Message Names and Descriptions to Generated Service Operations

The Confirm Actions page features a Message Names and Descriptions link for each service operation. Click the link to open the Message Names and Descriptions page (IBCISERVICES2_SEC). On the page you can enter names for each message in the service operations. You can also enter a description for each message name. The message names and description will appear in the generated XML message schema for the service operation.

The following example shows the Message Names and Descriptions page:

In the message name fields, enter a message name. You do not need to append the message name with a version number. The system automatically creates versions the message as version one, and appends the message name with .V1.

When you have completed entering message names and descriptions, click the OK button to return to the Confirm Actions page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Component Interface-Based Service Definitions

After you generate services and service operations, the Review Status page (IB_SERVICES2) appears as shown in the following example:

Use this page to review the actions performed. For example, the previous graphic shows the names of the two service operations created as well as the service operation status of Operation created.

From this page you can continue to create additional service operations using the remaining available methods for the component interface.

Or, you can click the Return to Select CI link to return to the Select Component Interface page to select new component interfaces for which to generate services and service operations.

You can also click the View Service Definition link to view the service definition for the service created.

When you click the View Service Definition link the service you created, CI_CURRENCY_CD_CI appears in the Services page as shown in the following graphic:

From this page you can perform actions as you would on any other service, including:

See Also

Managing Services

Managing Service Operations