Using Advanced PS/nVision Options

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicEnhancing Report Layouts

You can use Microsoft Excel to personalize the display and printing of your layout, including the use of built-in graphics and charts. Any elements that you define in the layout carry into the reports that you run.

This is an example of a Microsoft Excel window:

When you have completed refinements to the layout, remember to select File, Save from Microsoft Excel.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting PS/nVision Options

Access the Options dialog box by opening an layout in PS/nVision and selecting nVision, Options from the toolbar.

This is an example of the PeopleSoft nVision Options dialog box:

Show Warning Messages

Select this option to display warning messages and dialog boxes when PS/nVision creates a new directory or overwrites a file.

If you do not select this option, PS/nVision runs with as little prompting as possible.

This option is ideal if you plan overnight or lunch-time report runs.

Show Report SQL

Select this option to display the SQL statements that retrieve the labels and amounts for your report. As PS/nVision prepares to execute each statement, a SQL reference dialog box appears. Click the OK button to continue or the Cancel button to stop the report at that point.

You can copy the SQL statements to the Microsoft Windows Clipboard by pressing the TAB key until the text is selected, then pressing CTRL+INS or CTRL+C.

Select this option only if you intend to step through the report run, as you must click the OK button after each statement.

Suppress Amount Retrieval

Select this option to have PS/nVision run the layout to make sure that all selection criteria are valid. PS/nVision does not retrieve amounts, so you can test the layout without waiting for data to be selected.

This option is useful in combination with other options when you are debugging a report. If you also select the Show Report SQL option, you can determine whether the displayed SQL retrieves the data you want.

Show Row and Column Criteria

Select this option to display the contents of Row 1 and Column A, PS/nVision reserves for data selection criteria when you create a layout. Content cells typically contain codes that relate to the ledger, TimeSpan, field criteria, and query names.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Virtual Ledgers

A virtual ledger is an alternate view of ledger data used only for PS/nVision reporting. For instance, you might want to join data from another table (such as a product category table) with ledger data at reporting time.

You can also use a virtual ledger to provide an alternate security view for different groups of users. For example, you might want to provide an alternate view of the LOCAL ledger for users who need data secured by PROJECT, while other ledger users have access secured by DEPTID. You can set up a virtual ledger called PROJLOCAL, which is a view of the LOCAL ledger secured by PROJECT.

To create a virtual ledger called PROJLOCAL:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.x, Application Designer.

  2. In Application Designer, create an authorization table (AUTH_PROJ_TBL) with OPRID and PROJECT columns.

  3. Create a page to maintain the authorization table.

  4. Open the LEDGER record and use Save As to create a new record.

  5. Name this new record LED_PROJLOCAL_VW.

  6. Delete any unnecessary columns and create any additional columns.

    In this example, we add the OPRID column because this view is used for security, and we delete PROCESS_INSTANCE and TIMESTAMPS columns because these columns are not used for reporting.

    The view text must contain the following features:

  7. Save the record definition and create the SQL view.

  8. Create a ledger definition for PROJLOCAL, specifying LED_PROJLOCAL_VW as the reporting view record name.

    The other record and field names can be the same as for LOCAL.

  9. Use the Ledgers for a Business Unit page to associate the new ledger with the business units that will be using it.

In PS/nVision layouts, use PROJLOCAL, rather than LOCAL, in the Ledger criteria for reports to be run by the project accounting users.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing PS/nVision-Defined Names

This section describes the names that PS/nVision defines and looks up in layout and instance files. Many of these names are used for internal purposes, but several, such as NvsEndTime, are intended for users.

Warning! The values of these names, except for rare exceptions, are managed by PS/nVision and are not intended to be changed by customers. It's much safer to think of them as read-only. The names whose values you may change are indicated in italics in the following table. Never change the value of the names not highlighted in italics.

Note. Some names are used only in matrix or tabular layouts, but many apply to both as listed in the Sheet Type column. The Level column indicates whether the name is defined at the file (workbook) level or at the sheet level. Some strings begin with V to avoid problems if the string was null. Names of this type show V at the beginning of the Values column.


Sheet Type








Y indicates to convert database dates (for example, the %ASD% variable) to the Excel native date format. Default N.




URL string

Stores the static part of the DrillDown URL. PS/nVision generates a DrillDown URL for each drillable cell in the delivery instance to invoke the Run DrillDown page. The full URL stores the information about the Run DrillDown page (static) and location of the drillable cell (dynamic).




Excel date/time

Indicates the elapsed time to produce this instance. To see this elapsed time in the instance, enter the formula =NvsElapsedTime in a cell and format the cell with a time format.




Excel date/time

Indicates the time this instance was saved. To see this time in the instance, enter the formula =NvsEndTime in a cell and format the cell with a date or date/time format.





Used on hidden layout sheets only to enable data retrieval on the sheet.

By default, nVision will not process hidden layout sheets.





Indicates the name or reference of the macro to be run on completion of the instance.





Indicates the layout version (unchanged for several years).





Stores the reference of the cell from which this instance drilled down.





M = matrix, T = tabular, undefined = non-layout.





Stores the as of date from the report request.





Indicates whether this instance includes a PeopleSoft Query data source; this controls whether the AutoDrill menu appears.





In layout, specifies default DrillDown layout for NvsAutoDrill (usually associated with double-click). Appending D to the layout name causes PS/nVision to translate summary ledgers to detail for this layout, without asking the user. For example, NvsDefaultDrill might be defined as =ActPer,D.





Indicates whether the DrillDown is within a summary ledger (N) or detail ledger (Y).




Criteria string

Specifies the instance criteria. An instance for a division might look like %,FDEPTID, TMFG_ DEPARTMENTS, NPRODUCTS. On a DrillDown instance, it may also include TimeSpan and other criteria.

NvsInstSpec1 … NvsInstSpec9



Criteria string

ContinuesNvsInstSpec. This enables PS/nVision (beginning in PeopleTools 8.1) to handle larger strings of instance criteria despite the Excel limitation of 255 characters per defined name. Because null strings cause problems, PS/nVision defines unused criteria continuations as a single comma, =",".




Criteria string

Specifies nPlosion Options, from nPlosion Options dialog box. Contains the default nPlosion fields, as well as zero-suppression options, for rows and columns.





Indicates the business unit used for prompting when designing a layout. Trees can be keyed by either setID or SETCNTRLVALUE, and PS/nVision supports the use of business unit as SETCNTRLVALUE. This value is entered on the Prompt dialog box and used only during layout design to retrieve trees keyed by Business Unit.

When running reports, PS/nVision uses either the requesting business unit or its designated setID as the key for a given tree.





Indicates the layout effective date (governs prompting). Entered on the Prompt dialog box.





Indicates the setID used for prompting while entering layout criteria.





Stores the requesting business unit from the report request.





Stores the Data from Requesting Business Unit only option from the report request.





The value 0 indicates that nPloded details appear in the format applied using the nPlosion style sheet.

The value 1 indicates that nPloded details ignore the nPlosion style sheet applied to the report layout, and take their style attributes from the Microsoft Excel formatting.





Indicates whether summary ledgers were translated to detail when producing this instance. Used during DrillDown to know whether inherited criteria are already translated.





Stores the tree as of date from the report request.





Indicates tree performance options for a tree name. Each character is a Y/N option corresponding to an option on the Tree Performance Options dialog box, in sequence.




Record name

In a layout, identifies the record name of the value table from which values and labels come for a criteria field. For DEPTID, the defined name for the value table is NvsValTbl.DEPTID, and its value might be "DEPARTMENT_TBL".





Refers to a column of data returned in a tabular report. Can be used to create references to any column of data, including all delivered answer rows.




Query name

Stores the name of the query that provides the data for this tabular layout or instance.





Records the number of rows delivered to this tabular instance sheet.





Dictates how inherited criteria are to be handled for fields that do not appear in the current data source. R = required (error if inherited fields not present); S = Select criteria for those fields that match, ignore others; I = Ignore all inherited criteria.

Click to jump to parent topicFormatting Dates

PS/nVision can deliver dates in two different formats, which can be applied to matrix layouts (for variables such as %ASD%), tabular layouts, and the Excel template QUERY.XLT. (This is used in QueryLink when PeopleSoft Query delivers a query answer to Excel). These two formats are:

Unlike NvsInstanceHook, NvsDateToNumber is defined at the workbook level—you do not qualify the name using the sheet name.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Trace Files

Trace files are useful for generating troubleshooting and debugging information. You can configure trace files to be generated for PS/nVision processes: each nVision process generates its own trace file with time stamped entries, making troubleshooting easier. You can set the trace level to specify how much detail the trace files will show.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Trace Files

By default, PS/nVision does not generate trace files because extensive tracing can affect system performance. You can enable tracing and determine the tracing level when you need debugging.

Tracing for PS/nVision on Windows

You configure tracing in PS/nVision on Windows using the Trace_Level setting in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. The default value is 0.

See Using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

Tracing for PS/nVision on the Web

You configure PS/nVision tracing on the web using the Trace Level setting in the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler configuration file's nVision section. The default value is 0.

See Using the PSADMIN Utility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracing Levels

PS/nVision supports five tracing levels: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The following table shows the level of tracing for each value:

Tracing Level



No tracing; no log files are generated. This is the default setting.


The lowest level of tracing. With this setting, nVision generates basic, high-level process flow and status information. You can use this setting to check whether nVision was launched successfully and whether it can connect to Microsoft Excel and process requests. Some of the key entries in Level 1 settings are: Command Line arguments, Trace Level, Excel Process ID, Run Control Name, Report Name, Business Unit, Drill Layout, and Instance Name.

A common scenario for which to use this level is if a PS/nVision process exits immediately after processing.


This level contains entries from level 1 plus additional information. A high-level code flow is recorded with this setting.


This level includes tracing up to level 2 and SQL statements. For Microsoft Windows, PS/nVision runtime SQL can be displayed by selecting the Show Report SQL option from the nVision, Options menu. The same SQL statements will be written into the log file by changing the trace level to 3.


This level is the highest and includes tracing up to level 3 plus additional function calls, output values, and other detail information. You can use this setting for identifying intermittent problems and random behaviors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Trace Files

The trace file's output filename has the format psnvs_[process ID of psnvs.exe].nvt. For example: psnvs_123.nvt. You can view the trace file from both Windows-based and web-based PS/nVision.

Viewing the Trace Files for PS/nVision on Windows

In Microsoft Windows PS/nVision, the trace file is generated in your system temporary directory; for example c:\temp\psnvs_123.nvt.

Note. PS/nVision does not delete files generated in tracing for Microsoft Windows PS/nVision. You can delete the trace files from the temporary directory to save disk space.

Viewing the Trace Files on the Web

On the web, because PeopleSoft Process Scheduler initiates all PS/nVision processes, it is also responsible for displaying PS/nVision trace information in the Process Monitor after PS/nVision reports are run to completion. The PS/nVision trace files are independent of the Process Scheduler's status of the report running, and are always posted regardless of your output types or formats. Trace files are secured by the same user list as the report, so only the same set of users can view them.

PS/nVision trace files are automatically purged when the reports are purged in the time frame that you have set from the Process Scheduler System Purge Option. You can view trace files from the View Trace/Log page in Process Monitor for your completed process instance.

To view a trace file:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor.

  2. Find the process instance that runs your nVision report, and then click the Details link to access the Process Details page.

  3. Click the View/Trace Log link to access the Message Log page.

  4. Click the nVision Trace link to view the trace file.

    If Process Scheduler has restarted your nVision report running process, this procedure generates multiple nVision trace files (one for each retry).

See Also

Defining System Settings

Click to jump to parent topicDismissing Unattended Dialogs

PS/nVision can detect and close unattended dialog boxes on the batch server. To use this feature, you must enable the EnablePollDialogs and set the PollDialogSeconds parameters in the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

The EnablePollDialogs parameter is disabled (with setting equal to 0) by default, but if you have problems with unattended dialogs generated from PS/nVision in batch mode, you should change the setting to Enabled for debugging purposes. You can do this using the Process Scheduler's PSADMIN utility. Use the PollDialogSeconds parameter to specify how often to cycle polling for unattended dialogs. When EnablePollDialogs is enabled, you must set the PollDialogSeconds parameter to a value greater than 0.

Note. PS/ nVision will close only the dialogs originating from PS/nVision and Microsoft Excel.

See Using the PSADMIN Utility.