Using Report Manager

This chapter provides an overview of Report Manager and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Report Manager

As part of PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Report Manager provides several different methods of viewing reports, based on the level of access granted. For example, only users who are assigned to a Report Manager Administration role in PeopleSoft Security can delete reports from the database using the Report Manager - Administration page.

Using Report Manager, you can see all of the reports that you are authorized to view by opening your report list in a browser. Folders are provided to assist in organizing reports and reducing the size of the report lists.

Note. A warning message appears the first time you open the page if more than 1000 reports are in your view or when changing the filter criteria causes more than 1,000 reports to appear.

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Report Manager

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Administer Report Manager

Page Name

Definition Name



User Profile - Roles


PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles, Roles

Grant Report Manager administrative roles.

Report Folders Administration


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Settings, Report Folders Administration

Define report folders to organize report results in Report Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGranting Report Manager Administrative Roles

To access the User Profiles - Roles page, select PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles, Roles.

Any user who maintains the content of Report Manager must be assigned a Report Manager administrator role in PeopleSoft Security. With this administrator role, the user can:

A super user role is also available that allows you to delete and update all report output in Report Manager. Super users are allowed to delete the report entry and update the distribution list or expiration date of report entries.

The difference between the administrator (ReportDistAdmin) and super user (ReportSuperUser) roles is that the administrator role can access and update any report in the Report Manager. The super user role can update only reports that they are authorized to view.

To grant a Report Manager administrator role to a user ID:

  1. In the role list, insert a new row, if necessary.

  2. Click the search button next to the Role Name field.

  3. Select ReportDistAdmin or ReportSuperUser.

  4. Save your changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Report Folders

The Distribution Agent determines the report folder in which the report is viewed in Report Manager using the following rules:

See Also

Defining Report Folders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Integration Broker

To view reports on the Report Manager - Explorer and Report Manager - List pages, the service operations that are used to send reports must be added to the local node and the domain must be activated.

To add service operations to the local node:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations.

  2. Open the service operation PSRF_FOLDER_CREATE.

  3. Make sure the Active field is selected in the Default Service Operation Version section.

  4. Save the service.

  5. Perform the same steps as listed above for all of these services:

Note. Reports that have already run do not appear on the Report Manager - Explorer and Report Manager - List pages. To distribute previously run reports to the List and Explorer pages, you must rerun them.

Note. Integration Broker must be configured and your domain must be active.

See Activating Pub/Sub Server Domains, Configuring Service Operation Definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Reports to Other PeopleSoft Applications

If you have several PeopleSoft applications, you may want to post reports to the report repository on another PeopleSoft databases. PeopleTools 8.50 uses the service operation PSRF_REPORT_CREATE_VERSION_2, releases prior to 8.50 use PSRF_REPORT_CREATE_VERSION_1. If you want to send reports to a system where VERSION_2 is the default (PT 8.50 and above) from a system using VERSION_1 (PT 8.49 and below), you will need to add a transformation in the Service Operation Version definition.

Note. You can not send reports from a system where VERSION_2 is the default to a system where VERSION_1 is the default.

Posting Reports to Another PeopleSoft Database with Same Version

If both databases use the same version of the service operation PSFT_REPORT_CREATE, you will need to add the outbound routing on the sending system and the inbound routing on the receiving system, as illustrated in this diagram:

Posting reports to another PeopleSoft database

To add service operation routings:

  1. On the Sending system, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations

  2. Open the service operation PSRF_REPORT_CREATE.

  3. Navigate to Routing tab.

  4. Enter a Routing Name for your routing and click Add.

  5. Enter the Sender Node (node name for the system where you are logged on).

  6. Enter the Receiver Node (node name of the PeopleSoft application where you want to post the report).

  7. Click Save.

  8. On the Receiving system, repeat steps 1 thru 4 above.

  9. The Sending node is the remote system and the Receiving node is the current system.

  10. Save the routing.

Transforming Inbound Service Operation Version

If the sending database uses PSFT_REPORT_CREATE.VERSION_1 and the receiving database expects VERSION_2, you will need to activate the nondefault version of the message and add the transformation program PSRF851XFORM. This transformation program will transform the inbound message to VERSION_2.

Inbound transformation

To add the inbound routing:

  1. On the Receiving system, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations

  2. Open the service operation PSRF_REPORT_CREATE.

  3. Navigate to Routing tab.

  4. Enter a Routing Name for your routing and click Add.

  5. Select VERSION_1 for the Version.

  6. Enter the Sender Node (remote node).

  7. Enter the Receiver Node (current node).

  8. Click Save.

To set up the non-default version:

  1. Navigate back to General tab, click VERSION_1 under Non-Default Versions to open Service Operation VERSION_1.

  2. Make sure the Active check box is selected.

  3. In the Service Operation Mappings section enter PSRF851XFORM in the Transform to Default field.

  4. Click Save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMonitoring the Status of Reports

When a report fails to post to the Report Repository or fails to send the message to have the report added on the Report Manager - Explorer or Report Manager - List page, check the following sources to trace the problem:

See Understanding PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Distribution Status on the Report Manager - Administration Page

The Report Manager - Administration page displays the current state of a report. The distribution status of the report shows the process of a request without having to check the Process Monitor. The following table lists the available statuses:



N/A or None

The process has just been added to the report request, but processing has not yet started.

No file is available to post.

An error has occurred and no file is available to post.

Generated (OS390 and SQR only)

The report has finished processing and all files are available for transferring.


The report is in the process of being transferred to the Report Repository.


The report was successfully transferred to the Report Repository.

Not Posted

The Distribution Agent was unsuccessful in transferring the files from the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server into the Report Repository.

Message Log on the Report Manager Detail page

When the Distribution Agent receives the request to post the report, the agent inserts information into the Message Log table, detailing any important event. This information can be helpful in tracking down problems that the Distribution Agent encountered. If HTTP is used to transfer reports to the Report Repository, the message log includes error messages that are received from the Java servlet (SchedulerTransfer). This example illustrates a message log entry.

Run Status on the Process Monitor Detail Page

The Process Monitor − Process Detail page in PeopleSoft Process Scheduler displays the run status of a scheduled request. As PeopleSoft Process Scheduler processes the reports, it updates the status of the request. The following table shows:

Note. The table shows only process requests with an output destination type of Web. Other process requests can be tracked through the message log.

Stage of Process Request

Distribution Status (Report Manager)

A new process request is created.

N/A or None

The program for the process request is started.


The program has finished.


The Distribution Agent attempts to transfer the files to the Report Repository.


The Distribution Agent failed to transfer a file to the Report Repository and hasn’t reached the Maximum Transfer Retries value.

Note. Maximum Transfer Retries value is the number that sets how many times the Distribution Agent should retry the report Repository file transfer when it fails. The message log for the process request is updated.


All files are successfully transferred to the Report Repository.


The Distribution Agent failed to transfer files to the Report Repository and has used up the maximum transfer retries.

Not Posted

See Viewing Process Details.

Service Operations Monitor in PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operations Monitor, Monitoring, Asynchronous Details to access the Asynchronous Details page.

Note. You can also access this page by selecting the Details link for a specific transaction ID on the PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operations Monitor, Monitoring, Asynchronous Services, Subscription Contracts page.

After the Distribution Agent posts the report to the Report Repository, the final task is to send a message to have the entry added to the report folder table. The Distribution Agent writes the transaction information, which includes the transaction ID and the report folder. The transaction ID can be used to monitor the status of the sent message in PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

See Understanding Messaging, Monitoring Asynchronous Service Operation Transactions.

Distribution Agent Log Files

Additional information can be found in the Distribution Agent log files.

See Understanding Logging Systems.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Reports

This section provides an overview of the Report Manager views and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Report Manager Views

Use the Report Manager - Explorer and Report Manager - List pages to view all of the reports that are in the PeopleSoft system (across multiple databases) that the user is authorized to access. When a user first accesses Report Manager, the Report Manager - Explorer page appears, showing a hierarchical view of folders and reports.

Unlike the Report Manager - Administration page, the Report Manager - Explorer and Report Manager - List pages list reports when both of the following events occur:

  1. The Distribution Agent has successfully posted the report to the report repository.

    When the report has posted, the Distribution Agent sends a message to have an entry added to the report folder table for the new report.

  2. The local message node has received the message that was sent by the Distribution Agent by adding an entry for the report in the report folder table.

New reports that have been scheduled or are in the process of being posted to the report repository are viewed only through the Report Manager - Administration page.

Note. Folders that have been deleted remain active until all reports have been purged from them. However, new reports cannot be added to a deleted folder.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Report Manager - List


Reporting Tools, Report Manager, List

View a list of reports to which you have access.

Report Manager - Explorer


Reporting Tools, Report Manager, Explorer

PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Process Requests

Click the Report Manager link on the System Process Requests page.

View a hierarchical view of folders and reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a List of Reports to Which You Have Access

To access the Report Manager - List page, select Reporting Tools, Report Manager, List.

View Reports For

Enter criteria to filter the reports to list. Report Manager ignores criteria for fields that are blank.

Note. A warning message appears if more than 1,000 rows are available for display on the Report Manager List page.


Select a specific folder to list only the reports that are contained in that folder.

Instance and to

Enter a range of process instances. Leave the to field blank to list all instances after the number that you enter in the Instance field.


Enter the name or part of a name to list only reports that match the name that you enter.

Created On

Use the calendar or enter a specific date to list only reports that were created on that date.

Last or Date Range

Specify an interval of time by which to limit the reports that appear in the list. Select Last to display only those reports that were created in the last number of days, hours, years, or minutes. Enter a custom numerical value in the field, and then select a unit type: Days, Hours, Years, Minutes, or All.. For example, to list only those reports that were created within the last two hours, enter 2 and select Hours.

If you select All the time interval fields will be grayed out and all reports will appear.

Select Date Range to display only those reports created between two specific dates. Enter a From date and a To date.


Click to update the report list with newly run reports and to use any newly entered filtering criteria.


This grid includes all of the reports in the PeopleSoft system that you are authorized to view across multiple databases. Filtering criteria is used to better manage the list.

Note. When a new user is added to the system or a new role is added to an existing user, the user will be able to view existing reports authorized to the role. If a role is removed from a user profile, the user will no longer be able to view the reports authorized by that role.


Click the name of the report to display the Report Detail page. The File group box lists the output file names and any associated log or message file names.

Click the output file name, or associated log or message file name, to display the report or message log in another browser window.

Report Description

Displays a detailed description of the report.

Folder Name

Displays the folder in which the report is located.

Completion Date/Time

Displays the date and time when the report was created.

Report ID

Displays the report ID that was automatically assigned when the report was run.

Process Instance

Displays the process instance number that was automatically assigned when the report was run.

Click the Download icon on the navigation bar to download the list to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Hierarchical View of Folders and Reports

To access the Report Manager - Explorer page, select Reporting Tools, Report Manager, Explorer. You can also access this page from a link on the System Process Request page.

Click to open a folder and view the contents. Click the folder again to close it.

Click the Report Description link to display the Report Detail page. The File List group box lists the output file names and any associated log or message file names.

Click the output file name, or associated log or message file name, to display the report or message log in another browser window.

The Report Manager - Explorer page displays a hierarchical view of the same reports that are listed on the Report Manager - List page. Subfolders can be created only in PS/nVision for organizing nVision reports.

Note. Empty folders are not included in the hierarchical view.

See Also

Creating Report Requests

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Reports

This section provides an overview of the purge reports process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purge Reports Process

When PeopleSoft Process Scheduler is set to perform a periodic purge on the System Purge tab in the system settings, it triggers the Application Engine program PRCSYSPURGE. This program purges both the Process Request and Report Manager tables. As part of the Report Manager cleanup, it also purges the reports from the Report Repository and archives the data into the Report Archive table.

The application server must be running during the purge process for reports posted by an HTTP report node or a FTP report node. This is necessary because:

Note. The purge process will not run unless the user ID that starts the Process Scheduler has TLSALL listed as a process group within the primary process profile. The PRCSYSPURGE program is delivered with the TLSALL process group.

If multiple Process Schedulers are running against the same database, and each has its own Report Repository, PRCSYSPURGE is initially responsible for the purge process. It will remove all entries from the PS_CDM_LIST table and then purge all reports that match its server name or report node from its report repository. The PRCSYSPURGE program then inserts entries to the PS_CDM_LIST_PURGE table where neither the server name nor the report node name matches. If the PRCSYSPURGE program detects that more than one Process Scheduler is active, it schedules the Application Engine PRCSRVCLN program to run on all the other active Process Scheduler servers. The PRCSRVCLN program checks whether the server uses its own Report Repository and if so, the program deletes reports from the report Repository that is used by the server.

Note. If two Process Schedulers have the same report node (report repository), then one scheduler performs the deletions for both schedulers.

For BI Publisher reports, metadata related to expired reports is archived when the process PSXPARCHATTR runs. This process runs automatically as part of the PRCSYSPURGE program. The URLs of the report files are archived along with the process information in the PSXP_FLURL_ARCH table. Search data related to BI Publisher reports is stored along with the process information in the PSXP_RATTR_ARCH table.

Expiration Date for Reports

The PeopleSoft Process Scheduler system settings feature has an option for that is used to calculate the expiration date of reports that are displayed in the Report Manager. The expiration date is determined by adding the retention days from the date on which the report was generated.

Retention days can be set at the system setting level, the process type, the process definition or the run control ID. In order for reports to be purged the same day, the retention days on the system setting must be 0 (zero). A value of 0 at the system setting level will be overridden by a non-zero value for retention days in the run control ID, process type or process definition.

This diagram illustrates how the system calculates the expiration date:

Expiration date calculation

See Also

Defining System Purge Options

Setting Process Permissions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Report Manager - Administration


Reporting Tools, Report Manager, Administration

Delete unwanted reports from the system.

Report Detail


Click the Detail link on the Report Manager - Administration page.

Add users to the distribution list.

Report Manager - Archives


Reporting Tools, Report Manager, Archives

View reports that have been archived.

Process System


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Settings, Process System

Set the retention days that are used to determine the expiration date.

Process System Purge


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Settings, System Purge Options

Set the option to purge reports from the Report Repository and archive data to the Report Archive table (PS_CDM_LIST_ARCH).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Reports and Adding Users to the Distribution List

To access the Report Manager - Administration page, select Reporting Tools, Report Manager, Administration.

To view the report results in another browser window, click the description of the required report. To view the report results or any associated log or message file, click the Details link. Click the name of the required report or message to display the output in another browser window.

Note. The reports that are listed on the Report Manager - Administration page are from only the database to which you are signed in.

This section discusses how to:

Deleting Reports


Use the check box to the left of each report to select individual reports

Select All and Deselect All

Click Select All to select all the reports that you are authorized to delete. When they are selected, click the Delete button to delete all the selected reports.

Click Deselect All to deselect all reports.

Adding Users to the Distribution List

To add users to the distribution list:

  1. Click the Details link for the required report.

    The Report Detail page appears. If you do not have authorization to add users, the page is display-only.

  2. Click the Add button to add user or role IDs to the distribution list.

Note. You can save a report to your local workstation by right-clicking the appropriate Detail link and selecting Save Target As.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Archived Reports

Access the Report Manager - Archives page.

Use the Report Manager - Archives page to view reports that have been purged from the report list after they have passed their expiration date. You cannot retrieve a purged report from the list, but the list displays the information that you need to retrieve a report from the backup or history copies of reports.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the My Reports Pagelet

The My Reports pagelet enables you to display selected reports on your PeopleSoft home page.

Note. Use the Report Manager link to access the Report Manager - Explorer page.

To display the My Reports pagelet:

  1. Select Personalize Content, which is located above the PeopleSoft menu.

  2. Select My Reports from the PeopleSoft Applications menu.

  3. Click Save to return to the home page.

  4. Rearrange the home page layout by selecting Personalize Layout and making the required changes.

  5. Click Save to return to the home page.

  6. Click the Customize button at the top of the My Reports pagelet.

    The Personalize My Reports page appears.

  7. Enter the maximum number of reports to display.

  8. Select to display reports created within a specified number of days or hours.

  9. Click the Save Options button.

  10. Click the Close button and the Return to Home Page link.