Working with Server Domain Configurations

This chapter provides an overview and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PS_HOME and PS_CFG_HOME

On any server that you install the PeopleTools software, the installation program installs the required files for that server into one high-level directory structure, referred to as PS_HOME. After creating a domain, the configuration files associated with that domain reside in a directory structure referred to as "PS_CFG_HOME".

By default, the system separates the binary files (executables and libraries) stored in PS_HOME from the ASCII files (configuration and log files) associated with a domain stored in PS_CFG_HOME. This separation of the binary and ASCII files applies only to these servers:

Note. Decoupling binary files from ASCII files does not apply to any other PeopleSoft servers, such as file servers or database servers.

The following table describes the two file types and provides examples of these types within the PeopleSoft server.


File Type


PeopleSoft Examples



Compiled, non-modifiable executables and libraries.








Text files associated with the configuration and administration of a domain that can be viewed, modified, or generated by the system.






Note. While some ASCII files are present in PS_HOME, these should be considered non-modifiable. For example, all of the files that are in PS_CFG_HOME when it is initially created, come from the associated PS_HOME.

The decoupling of these file types enables system administrators to:

Note. Although domains always contain their base template, the CFX and UBX templates (such as small, medium, and large) remain in PS_HOME. This means that when you create a new domain the template that you choose comes from PS_HOME\appserv, not PS_CFG_HOME\appserv.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImplementing Flexible Server Installations

With the binary files separate from the domain configuration, you have the option of installing multiple domains on multiple separate servers all leveraging the binary files of a single PS_HOME.

Multiple PS_CFG_HOME locations, containing multiple domains, all referencing the same PS_HOME installation on a remote server

Creating domains on separate servers enables you to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplying Security Restrictions

With the server binary files and configuration files in separate locations, you can now apply uniform restrictions per file type. For example, some sites might prefer to have the binary files under read-only security, while providing write access to the configuration files to specific users for administrative tasks and certain server processes, such as logging.

See Securing PS_HOME and PS_CFG_HOME.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with the Default PS_CFG_HOME

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLocating the Default PS_CFG_HOME

When you launch PSADMIN, if a PS_CFG_HOME does not exist, the system creates the PS_CFG_HOME directory in the “user” directory of the current user (the owner of the domain). The system assumes the presence of the following environment variables:

Operating System

Required Environment Variable





For example, depending on the operating system of the server, the system creates PS_CFG_HOME in the following location on the same drive as PS_HOME.

Operating System

PS_CFG_HOME Location





After you create a domain, the domain exists under $PS_CFG_HOME\appserv\<domain>.

With a user of tsawyer, on UNIX/Linux this would appear as:

/home/tsawyer/peopletools/8.52 /appserv /CRM /HR /PRCS /CRM_PRCS /HR_PCRS /Search /webserv /ver_dom

With a user of tsawyer, on Windows this would appear as:

C:\Documents and Settings\tsawyer\psft\pt\8.52 \appserv \CRM \HR \PRCS \CRM_PRCS \HR_PCRS \Search \Temp \webserv pswinsrv.cfg

Note. The previous examples show a situation in which CRM, HR, CRM_PRCS, HR_PRCS and ver_dom are all domain directories. They are not in PS_CFG_HOME by default, and appear only after the domains are created.

To display the default PS_CFG_HOME location, you can submit the following command to PSADMIN:

psadmin -defaultPS_CFG_HOME

Note. These commands are not case sensitive.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing PSADMIN with the Default PS_CFG_HOME

Launching PSADMIN requires no extra steps or variables defined when domains exist on the same machine as PS_HOME in the default PS_CFG_HOME location.

When you launch PSADMIN, it will either create (if one doesn’t exist) PS_CFG_HOME or search for PS_CFG_HOME, based on the current environment settings.

To start PSADMIN, the following conditions need to be fulfilled:

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Alternate PS_CFG_HOME Locations

Domains can exist on the same physical machine or a different physical machine than where the PS_HOME directory resides. That is, multiple domains on different machines can leverage a single installation of the PeopleSoft binary files (PS_HOME) installed on a location accessible through your network.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Alternate PS_CFG_HOME Locations

The value of the PS_CFG_HOME environment variable determines where PSADMIN installs a domain. If you accept the default location of PS_CFG_HOME, this environment variable does not need to be specified. However, if you intend to install your domains in a different location, you need to override the default by setting the PS_CFG_HOME environment variable prior to launching PSADMIN.

For UNIX and Linux, you can:

For Windows, you can set PS_CFG_HOME through the Control Panel in the user variables interface, or issue a SET command prior to starting PSADMIN. For example,

C:\>SET PS_CFG_HOME=n:\psftdomains C:\>cd pt850\appserv C:\pt850\appserv>psadmin

In this case, any domains created during this PSADMIN session would be created in n:\psftdomains\appserv.

Note. If you elect to operate in the same fashion as previous PeopleTools releases (where the configuration files and the binary files exist within the same directory structure) set PS_CFG_HOME = PS_HOME.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the %V and %K Meta Variable

Use the %V meta variable if you wish to keep all of your PS_CFG_HOMEs together without needing to set PS_CFG_HOME each time you install a new PeopleTools version.

For example, you could set the PS_CFG_HOME environment variable as follows:


If using the %V meta variable, assume you have installed two versions of PeopleTools: PT8.50 and PT8.51. In this case, PSADMIN automatically maps the %V to the PeopleTools version, creating the following PS_CFG_HOME locations:

C:\PT\installs \8.50-00 \8.51-00

Use the %K variable if you wish to store PS_CFG_HOMEs by patch level. That is, while %V stores the files by version (8.50–00, 8.51–00), %K stores files down to the patch level. For example, using %K, a PS_CFG_HOME may look similar to:

C:\PT\installs \8.52 \8.52-01 \8.52-03

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Domains in Alternate Locations of PS_CFG_HOME

When using PSADMIN with alternate locations of PS_CFG_HOME, make note of the requirements discussed in this section.

Working with Remote PS_HOME Locations

If you intend to install your domains on a separate machine from where PS_HOME resides, keep these items in mind:

Installing Necessary Components

While you can leverage a single, remote installation of PeopleTools, the server on which PS_CFG_HOME resides must have any additional components installed locally, such as Tuxedo, database drivers, ODBC connectivity information, and so on, depending on your implementation.

Ensuring that PS_CFG_HOME is Set Appropriately

Only domains installed within the current PS_CFG_HOME directory can be administered by PSADMIN. That is, the list of domains to administer that PSADMIN displays depends on the value of the PS_CFG_HOME variable. PSADMIN does not aggregate a domain list across multiple locations.

Assume that you have domains installed under these two PS_CFG_HOME directories:

Assume also that on server N domain 1 and domain 2 are installed, and on server M domain 3 and domain 4 are installed.

If you launch PSADMIN from server N, where PS_CFG_HOME, by default, is set to N:\psftdomains\appserv, you will only be able to view and administer domain 1 and domain 2.

Domains created on machine N, can only be configured on machine N. There are settings in the domain PSTUXCFG file that bind a domain to its host. You can not boot or configure a domain from a different machine.

Note. The user creating and configuring domains in PSADMIN must have write access to the PS_CFG_HOME location.

Note. You can have multiple PS_CFG_HOME locations on the same host server, but you will need to make sure the PS_CFG_HOME is set appropriately prior to starting PSADMIN, or my using the Switch Config Home PSADMIN option.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Domains

When working with decoupled PS_HOME and PS_CFG_HOME directory structures, keep these recommendations in mind:

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with PS_APP_HOME

This section contains an overview and discusses how to manage environments where PS_APP_HOME has been implemented.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PS_APP_HOME

The PS_APP_HOME environment variable refers to the location where you have installed the contents of your PeopleSoft application. In all previous PeopleSoft releases, you installed PeopleTools into a high-level directory referred to as PS_HOME, and then you installed your PeopleSoft application into the existing PS_HOME location such that PeopleTools and your PeopleSoft application co-exist within the same directory structure.

In the current release, PeopleTools provides the option of installing your PeopleSoft application into a separate directory, outside of the PS_HOME location. The location where you install your PeopleSoft application files is represented by the PS_APP_HOME environment variable. For example, an environment where PS_APP_HOME is implemented may have the following environment variables set.

Environment Variable



Location where PeopleTools is installed. For example: C:\PT_852.


Location where the server domain configurations are installed. For example:



Location where your PeopleSoft application files are installed. For example:


Important! Deciding whether to install your PeopleSoft application into a separate PS_APP_HOME should be considered while planning your installation.

See PeopleTools 8.52 Installation for <your platform> and your PeopleSoft application installation guide.

Installing your applications into PS_HOME is still assumed to be the default approach, and, if you elect to stay with this model, there is no change to your existing PeopleSoft system management experience. However, sites that take advantage of the PS_APP_HOME option can expect a variety of benefits, including:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Environments with PS_APP_HOME

If you elect to install your PeopleSoft application outside of PS_HOME, then you need to make sure to set the PS_APP_HOME environment variable prior to running PSADMIN, which can be done manually or by using a.BAT or shell script. Also, as you configure your system, you need to be mindful of the PS_APP_HOME location.

Note. If you do not set the PS_APP_HOME environment variable explicitly, PeopleSoft runtime retrieves all runtime content from PS_HOME. That is, unless you set PS_APP_HOME to a value different than PS_HOME, the system assumes PS_APP_HOME=PS_HOME.

In many of the configuration settings where PS_APP_HOME might be involved, PeopleTools includes both PS_APP_HOME and PS_HOME references. For example,


In environments where PS_APP_HOME has been implemented, system elements, such as server domains have access to content supplied by both PS_HOME and PS_APP_HOME, but files added by the PeopleSoft application installation (those residing in PS_APP_HOME) that have the same name as those in the PeopleTools PS_HOME take preference.

The following table outlines key areas in the PeopleSoft system, where you need to consider the PS_APP_HOME variable if you have installed your PeopleSoft applications into a location outside of PS_APP_HOME. When you are installing, configuring, and maintaining your system, make sure to keep these items in mind and review the documentation associated with these areas.

PeopleSoft Infrastructure Element

PS_APP_HOME Consideration

Application Server

PS_APP_HOME must be set explicitly before running PSADMIN, similar to setting PS_CFG_HOME manually.

Remote Call COBOL can look for COBOL programs in both PS_APP_HOME or PS_HOME, so be sure to review those settings.


Process Scheduler

PS_APP_HOME must be set explicitly before running PSADMIN, similar to setting PS_CFG_HOME manually.

The Process Scheduler domains reference PS_APP_HOME and PS_HOME locations for the following processes:


  • Crystal Reports

  • SQR

  • nVision

See Using the PSADMIN Utility.

Search Server (Verity)

PS_APP_HOME must be set explicitly before running PSADMIN, similar to setting PS_CFG_HOME manually.

As you would normally, if there are any style files or indexes in custom locations in your PS_APP_HOME, those need to be referenced appropriately in configuration files or domain-level settings.


During your installation, you will need to perform different tasks when compiling COBOL.

See PeopleTools 8.52 Installation for <your platform>:"Installing and Compiling COBOL on <your operating system>"


When specifying locations where the system should look for SQR reports, for example, in Process Scheduler or in Configuration Manager, make sure to consider reports that may exist in PS_APP_HOME.

Lifecycle Management

For applying updates and performing upgrades, PS_APP_HOME also needs to be considered for various tasks, including:

  • Crawling the environment with Environment Management Framework.

  • Creating change packages

  • Defining environments for upgrades.

See PeopleTools 8.52: Change Assistant.

Windows Development Environment

When setting up Windows Development workstation profiles using Configuration Manager, you set the PS_APP_HOME variable on the Process Scheduler tab, and you'll also consider your PS_APP_HOME location when specifying:

  • Crystal Reports locations.

  • SQR report locations.

  • COBOL location.

  • nVision directory paths.

  • Data Mover directories.

See Using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.