Create a Data Center

Once you have started the command line interface and configured a store name, you can create a Data Center. When you execute the plan deploy-datacenter command, the CLI returns the plan number and whatever additional information it has about plan status. This command takes the following arguments:


A store can currently have only one Data Center.

For additional information on how to identify your replication factor and its implications, see Replication Factor.

When you execute the plan deploy-datacenter command, the CLI returns the plan number. It also returns instructions on how to check the plan's status, or to wait for it to complete. For example:

kv-> plan deploy-datacenter -name "Boston" -rf 3 -wait
Executed plan 1, waiting for completion...
Plan 1 ended successfully

You can show the plans and their status by using the show plans command.

kv-> show plans
1 Deploy DC         SUCCEEDED