103 Manual Receipts Processing - Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

103.1 A/R Speed Release (P03114)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to allow updates to be made to the statement number (fold area).

If left blank, you will not be able to update the statement number.


103.2 Receipts Entry (P03103)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a default Type Input of I, 1 or 2 to automatically allocate the check amount to open invoices.

Note: This feature is available when the receipt amount has been entered prior to performing a ledger display.

2. Enter a '1' to override the remark on the applied invoice records with the header remark.  
3. Enter a '1' to automatically assign receipt numbers.  
4. Enter the default Payment Status for chargebacks.

Leave blank to use the data dictionary default value.

5. Enter a '1' to create chargebacks with the invoice and net due dates of the original invoice.

If original invoice information is not entered or the option is blank, these dates will default from the receipt G/L date.

6. Enter a '1' to summarize pay items by invoice number and due date when doing a ledger inquiry.  
7. Enter a '1' to default today's date into the Receipt Date.

If left blank, no date will default.

8. Enter a '1' to retrieve and use the Project Number (MCUS) associated with the invoice Business Unit on the Adjustment Account if the 'RA' Business Unit is blank.

If left blank, the invoice BU will be used.

9. Enter amounts and reason codes to control limitations of write-offs:

Maximum automatic write-off

Adjustment reason

Maximum automatic CREDIT write-off. (enter as a negative number)

Adjustment reason

Maximum manual write-off

Maximum manual CREDIT write-off (enter as a negative number)

10. Enter '1' to not display the discount taken amount if the invoice is past its due date.  
11. Enter '1' to allow discount taken to be greater than discount available.

(Never allowed in summary mode.)

12. Enter a '1' to allow for discounts when performing spreads.  
13. Enter a '1' to allow for discounts when performing balance forwards.  
14. Enter a '1' to allow discounts greater than applied amount.

(Never allowed in summary mode.)

15. Enter a '1' to prohibit spreads.  
16. Enter a '1' to prohibit adjustments.  
17. Enter a '1' to prohibit the NSF and reverse functions on unposted receipts.  
18. Enter a '1' to only allow payment of invoices with a Pay Status of 'A' (approved).  
19. Enter a value to select invoice overpayment edit processing:

' ' = No Edit

'1' = Warning

'2' = Error

20. Select the entry method:

' ' = "Heads Up" entry

'1' = "Heads Down" entry

21. Select the Skip To value:

' ' = Skip To using Net Due Date

'1' = Skip To using Invoice Number

22. Enter a '1' to allow display and update of the following fields:

Payment Instrument

Value Date

23. Enter a '1' for 2 cycle data entry.  
24. Enter sequence numbers (1-8) to indicate which formats will appear and in what order when using the format selection function key.

Net Due Date/Gross Amount

Discount Due Date/Gross Amount

Days Until Discount/Gross Amount

Invoice Date/Gross Amount

Net Due Date/Asset Item

Discount Due Date/Asset Item

Days Until Discount/Asset Item

Invoice Date/Asset Item

25. Enter a '1' to retain the entered value in each field after acceptance of each transaction:

Display Acct


G/L Bank Account

Receipt Date


G/L Date

Value/Cleared Date

Currency Code

Exchange Rate

Mode (F)

Payment Instrument

Due Date (drafts)

Bank Name (drafts)

26. Enter a '1' to edit the exchange rate Effective Date Period against the G/L Period for the transaction. Use this processing option to validate the effective date used to retrieve the exchange rate against the G/L date that you enter on the receipt. If the edit is on, the system issues a warning when the effective date of the exchange rate retrieved from the Currency Exchange Rates table is not in the same period as the G/L date of the receipt.
27. Select G/L Cash Entries Method:

' ' = Create summary total J.E.'s

'1' = Create detail J.E.'s, (one J.E. for each deposit item.)

Note: If G/L Intercompany Settlement constant is set to 'D', '2', 'C', or '3' or the A/R Offset Method constant is set to 'Y', cash entries will always be created in detail.

28. Enter a '1' to process receipts in the Current Domestic Value Method.

Note: Drafts Processing must be off.

Use this processing option to allow payment of a foreign invoice in the domestic currency (company base currency). The system uses the current exchange rate to calculate the domestic value (current domestic value), rather than using the domestic value calculated at the time the invoice was entered.
29. Enter one of the following values to automatically display the Enhanced Subledgers on an Add or Change:

blank = No Automatic Display

'1' = Display on Add only

'2' = Display on Add and Change

29. Enter a '1' to process receipts in the Alternate Currency Method.

Note: Drafts Processing must be off.

Use this processing option to allow the payment of an invoice in an alternative currency (a currency other than the base or transaction currency of the invoice).
30. Enter a '1' to protect the Exchange Rate field.

If left blank, the Exchange Rate will not be protected.

31. Enter the Version of the Netting Program to be called.

If left blank version ZJDE0002 will default.

32. Enter a '1' to process drafts. Leave blank for normal mode.

Note: Normal cash receipts can not be entered in draft mode. If you do both receipt processing and draft processing, you will need to set up two versions, one in draft mode and one in normal mode.

The following options only apply if draft mode is turned on in option 29:

33. Enter a '1' to process customer generated drafts (BOR or BOC).

Leave blank to process supplier generated drafts (LCR or LCC) and validate the draft number entered against the assigned draft number.

34. Enter a '1' to allow entry of the alpha name.  
35. Enter the default Payment Instrument for drafts WITH bank account numbers. (LCR or BOR)  
36. Enter the default Payment Instrument for drafts WITHOUT bank account numbers. (LCC or BOC)  
37. Enter the override Drafts Receivable short account number.

Note: If an account is not entered, it will be assigned from the AAIs Drafts Receivable account (RD1x, where x is the Payment Instrument).

38. Enter an override Bank Record Type to be used to retrieve the Bank Account.

If left blank, 'D' will be used.

In previous JD Edwards World versions, customer bank account information with bank type D was required for drafts remitted magnetically. Now you can choose an alternative bank type to retrieve the customer's bank account information when the customer has multiple bank accounts.

103.3 Cash Receipts Statement Inquiry Selection (P03205)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display and select on the Alternate Payee field. This processing option is used with the Statement Inquiry (F19) function from Receipts Entry (P03103). Setting the value to '1' allows users to further narrow the selection of the specified statement numbers by Alternate Payee (RPAN8J).

103.4 Receipts Entry (P03103)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a default Type Input of I, 1 or 2 to automatically allocate the check amount to open invoices.

Note: This feature is available when the receipt amount has been entered prior to performing a ledger display.

2. Enter a '1' to override the remark on the applied invoice records with the header remark.  
3. Enter a '1' to automatically assign receipt numbers.  
4. Enter the default Payment Status for chargebacks.

Leave blank to use the data dictionary default value.

5. Enter a '1' to create chargebacks with the invoice and net due dates of the original invoice.

If original invoice information is not entered or the option is blank, these dates will default from the receipt G/L date.

6. Enter a '1' to summarize pay items by invoice number and due date when doing a ledger inquiry.  
7. Enter a '1' to default today's date into the Receipt Date.

If left blank, no date will default.

8. Enter a '1' to retrieve and use the Project Number (MCUS) associated with the invoice Business Unit on the Adjustment Account if the 'RA' Business Unit is blank.

If left blank, the invoice BU will be used.

9. Enter amounts and reason codes to control limitations of write-offs:

Maximum automatic write-off

Adjustment reason

Maximum automatic CREDIT write-off. (enter as a negative number)

Adjustment reason

Maximum manual write-off

Maximum manual CREDIT write-off (enter as a negative number)

10. Enter '1' to not display the discount taken amount if the invoice is past its due date.  
11. Enter '1' to allow discount taken to be greater than discount available.

(Never allowed in summary mode.)

12. Enter a '1' to allow for discounts when performing spreads.  
13. Enter a '1' to allow for discounts when performing balance forwards.  
14. Enter a '1' to allow discounts greater than applied amount.

(Never allowed in summary mode.)

15. Enter a '1' to prohibit spreads.  
16. Enter a '1' to prohibit adjustments.  
17. Enter a '1' to prohibit the NSF and reverse functions on unposted receipts.  
18. Enter a '1' to only allow payment of invoices with a Pay Status of 'A' (approved).  
19. Enter a value to select invoice overpayment edit processing:

' ' = No Edit

'1' = Warning

'2' = Error

20. Select the entry method:

' ' = "Heads Up" entry

'1' = "Heads Down" entry

21. Select the Skip To value:

' ' = Skip To using Net Due Date

'1' = Skip To using Invoice Number

22. Enter a '1' to allow display and update of the following fields:

Payment Instrument

Value Date

23. Enter a '1' for 2 cycle data entry.  
24. Enter sequence numbers (1-8) to indicate which formats will appear and in what order when using the format selection function key.

Net Due Date/Gross Amount

Discount Due Date/Gross Amount

Days Until Discount/Gross Amount

Invoice Date/Gross Amount

Net Due Date/Asset Item

Discount Due Date/Asset Item

Days Until Discount/Asset Item

Invoice Date/Asset Item

25. Enter a '1' to retain the entered value in each field after acceptance of each transaction:

Display Acct


G/L Bank Account

Receipt Date


G/L Date

Value/Cleared Date

Currency Code

Exchange Rate

Mode (F)

Payment Instrument

Due Date (drafts)

Bank Name (drafts)

26. Enter a '1' to edit the exchange rate Effective Date Period against the G/L Period for the transaction. Use this processing option to validate the effective date used to retrieve the exchange rate against the G/L date that you enter on the receipt. If the edit is on, the system issues a warning when the effective date of the exchange rate retrieved from the Currency Exchange Rates table is not in the same period as the G/L date of the receipt.
27. Select G/L Cash Entries Method:

' ' = Create summary total J.E.'s

'1' = Create detail J.E.'s, (one J.E. for each deposit item.)

Note: If G/L Intercompany Settlement constant is set to 'D', '2', 'C', or '3' or the A/R Offset Method constant is set to 'Y', cash entries will always be created in detail.

28. Enter a '1' to process receipts in the Current Domestic Value Method.

Note: Drafts Processing must be off.

Use this processing option to allow payment of a foreign invoice in the domestic currency (company base currency). The system uses the current exchange rate to calculate the domestic value (current domestic value), rather than using the domestic value calculated at the time the invoice was entered.
29. Enter a '1' to process receipts in the Alternate Currency Method.

Note: Drafts Processing must be off.

Use this processing option to allow the payment of an invoice in an alternative currency (a currency other than the base or transaction currency of the invoice).
30. Enter a '1' to protect the Exchange Rate field.

If left blank, the Exchange Rate will not be protected.

31. Enter the Version of the Netting Program to be called.

If left blank version ZJDE0002 will default.

32. Enter a '1' to process drafts. Leave blank for normal mode.

Note: Normal cash receipts can not be entered in draft mode. If you do both receipt processing and draft processing, you will need to set up two versions, one in draft mode and one in normal mode.

The following options only apply if draft mode is turned on in option 29:

33. Enter a '1' to process customer generated drafts (BOR or BOC).

Leave blank to process supplier generated drafts (LCR or LCC) and validate the draft number entered against the assigned draft number.

34. Enter a '1' to allow entry of the alpha name.  
35. Enter the default Payment Instrument for drafts WITH bank account numbers. (LCR or BOR)  
36. Enter the default Payment Instrument for drafts WITHOUT bank account numbers. (LCC or BOC)  
37. Enter the override Drafts Receivable short account number.

Note: If an account is not entered, it will be assigned from the AAIs Drafts Receivable account (RD1x, where x is the Payment Instrument).

38. Enter an override Bank Record Type to be used to retrieve the Bank Account.

If left blank, 'D' will be used.

In previous JD Edwards World versions, customer bank account information with bank type D was required for drafts remitted magnetically. Now you can choose an alternative bank type to retrieve the customer's bank account information when the customer has multiple bank accounts.

103.5 A/R Receipt and Adjustment Journal Report (P03311)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the account number to print:

'1' = account number;

'2' = short account ID;

'3' = unstructured account;

'4' = (default) number entered during input.

Note: This refers to the G/L Account number in the body of the report, not to the bank account in the header of the report.

2. Select the account number to print:

'1' = account number;

'2' = short account ID;

'3' = unstructured account.

Note: This refers to the G/L Bank Account that appears in the heading, not the account that appears in the detail portion of the screen.


103.6 Receipt Deposit Journal (P03408)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the FROM Batch date. Receipts processed on or after this date will be included in the listing.

If left blank, the current system date will be used.

2. Enter the TO Batch date. Receipts processed up to and including this date will be included in the listing.

If left blank, the current system date will be used.