15 Print Invoice Journal Information

This chapter contains the topic:

15.1 Printing Invoice Journal Information


From Accounts Receivable (G03), choose Customer & Invoice Entry

From Customer & Invoice Entry (G0311), choose Invoice Journal Report

Generally, it is easier to review invoice journal information online. However, if there is a balancing problem, you might find the printed invoice journal more useful.

The Invoice Journal Report selects transactions from the A/R Ledger (F0311) and Account Ledger (F0911) tables.

Figure 15-1 A/R Journal by User, Batch Date, Batch Number and Document report

Description of Figure 15-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 15-1 A/R Journal by User, Batch Date, Batch Number and Document report''

This report lists messages in the blank area next to the far right column. These messages describe:

  • Balance discrepancies (if the total gross/discount amount does not equal the G/L distribution)

  • Intercompany transactions (if the document contains G/L transactions for more than one company)

If you are using Enhanced Subledger Accounting, this information displays on the report. See Work with Enhanced Subledger Accounting in the JD Edwards World General Accounting I Guide for more information.

See Also:

15.1.1 Processing Options

See Section 102.5, "Invoice Journal Report (P03305)" for more information.

15.1.2 Data Selection and Sequence

The batch number, user ID, and batch date are commonly used data selections.

If your company creates additional versions of this report, you must use the following sequence:

  1. User ID (alphabetical order)

  2. Batch Date/Number (most recent date first)

  3. Invoice Number (ascending order)