B Troubleshooting

This appendix contains these topics:

This appendix lists some common problems you might encounter creating STAR reports and suggests possible solutions.

B.1 Incorrect or No Data

Incorrect or no data appears on the report.

  • Verify that the code entered in the Column Amount field on Column Specifications is consistent with the period and fiscal year selected. For example, if you want to show data for 2017 and enter 17 for the fiscal year but PY (prior year) for the column amount, you will retrieve data for 2016.

  • Verify that the values, ranges of values, or calculations entered in the Selections or Calculations fields on Column Specifications are accurate for the data that you want to show.

  • Verify that the Print Column field for the column is not set to NP for non-printing.

  • Verify that definitions on General Specifications do not exclude records that contain data that you want to show.

  • If the version is a copy or revision of another version, verify that no values are in the detail area of General Specifications and Column Specifications that do not apply to current version.

B.2 Disposal Report Shows No Retirement Balance

A disposal report shows balances for cost and accumulated depreciation for tax but no retirement balance.

  • The Ledger Type Selection processing options of the Single Asset Disposals and Mass Disposals programs allow you to dispose tax ledgers along with the book ledger. If the option is left blank, retired or disposed assets zero out only the AA ledger. When this happens, the tax books keep balances for cost and accumulated depreciation accounts through the current fiscal year so that depreciation can be calculated correctly (for example, mid-year or mid-quarter). If the tax ledger has not been disposed, Column Amount code RT (retirement amount) will only work with the AA ledger type to retrieve the disposal amount. To get a disposal amount on tax books in this case, select Column Amount code AB (account balance) and define a column with a column calculation that multiplies by -1 if you want a negative amount.

B.3 Tax Information Does Not Appear

Tax book information does not appear on the report.

  • Verify that the column in which you want tax information to appear has a tax book ledger type, such as D1 (federal tax), defined in the Ledger Type field on Column Specifications.

B.4 No Report Appears in Spool File or Library

After you download a report for use in a PC program, the report that you want does not appear in the spool file or library.

  • After you download a report for use in a PC program, the report that you want does not appear in the spool file or library.

  • Verify that you downloaded the correct version and that you were working from the correct screen ID, such as ASSET, EQUIP, or a screen ID that you created. Also, verify that you are inquiring into the proper library. Use command DSPPFM, and type the screen ID in 'File', the appropriate Library, and the STAR Version ID for 'Member'.

B.5 Exception Report Shows Incorrect or No Data

An exception report shows incorrect or no data.

  • Verify that you entered the correct column number on Conditioned Variance Reports.

  • Verify that the tolerance limit is correct on Conditioned Variance Reports.

  • Verify that the value that you entered for Print Only Positive, Negative, or Both on Conditioned Variance Reports is correct.

B.6 Transfer Balances Appear in Multiple Places

Transfer balances appear in both transfer-in and transfer-out columns for intercompany transfers.

  • Verify that Company is selected from the Item Balances table (F1202) rather than the Item Master table (F1201) on General Specifications.

B.7 Items Not Displayed in Desired Sequence

The report does not display items in the desired sequence.

  • Review the sequence numbers entered on General Specifications.

B.8 Totals Incorrect

The totals on the report are not correct.

  • Review the specifications entered for totals on General Specifications and in the detail area for individual columns on Column Specifications.

  • For grand totals, verify that you specified an unused category code as sequence number 1 on General Specifications.

B.9 Version Does Not Accept Changes

The version does not accept changes or display correct data on the report after you have tried all other solutions.

  • Start over by copying and revising a version or creating a new version. Sometimes a version becomes corrupted through copying, revising, and so on.