66 Purges Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

66.1 Batch File Purge (P00PURGE)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to save the purged records to a special purge library.

(Default of blanks will NOT save any purged records.)

2. Enter a '1' to reorganize the purged file.

(Default of blanks will NOT reorganize the file.)


66.2 Purge Item Master File (F4101) (P4101P)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter a '1' to save the purged records to a special purge library.

(Default of blanks will NOT save any purged records.)

Enter a '1' to reorganize the purged file.

(Default of blanks will NOT reorganize the file.)


66.3 Purge Item Branch File (F4102) (P4102P)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to save the purged records to a special purge library.

(Default of blanks will NOT save any purged records.)

This gives you the opportunity to create a backup copy of the information prior to permanently removing it from your system. If you want to save the purged records, then a new physical file will be created in a special purge library. The special purge library name is generated by concatenating 'JDE' and the current date. The current date is in system value format without date separators. For example, if you purge the Item Balance File (F4102) on 01/31/06, then a new file will be created in the library: JDE013106. JDE (A constant value) 013106 (Current date in system value format). The new physical file created in the special purge library will be the same name as the purged file. In addition, if you purge the same file more than one time on the same day, the additional information will be added to the file, not replaced.
2. Enter a '1' to reorganize the purged files.

(Default of blanks will NOT reorganize the files.)

You can set this processing option to reorganize the purged file after the process is run. This will allow you to regain any available disk space that is created from purging this information.
3. Enter a '1' to delete ALL Item Branch information eligible for purging.

(If this option is blank only the Item Location records with all quantities zero will be purged).