48 Revise Supplier Schedules

This chapter contains the topic:

48.1 Revising Supplier Schedules


From Material Planning Operations (G34), choose MRP

From MRP Daily Operations (G3413), choose Enter/Change Schedule

Use Enter/Change Schedule to review and revise the supplier schedule that you generated. You might need to override system-scheduled quantities to compensate for last-minute changes to the schedule.

After you review the schedule and make any necessary revisions, you must accept the information on Enter/Change Schedule to commit to a final schedule.

Enter/Change Schedule allows you to:

  • Review planned, released, and historical quantity information

  • Display the current supplier schedule

  • Review cumulative quantity information

  • Update planned quantities in the schedule before you release them

  • Finalize the supplier schedule

To revise a supplier schedule for a single item

On Enter/Change Schedule

Figure 48-1 Enter/Change Schedule (Revise Single Item) screen

Description of Figure 48-1 follows
Description of "Figure 48-1 Enter/Change Schedule (Revise Single Item) screen"

  1. To display one or more blanket orders that exist for the selected item, complete the following fields:

    • Item Number

    • Branch/Plant

    The system displays Blanket Order Selection.

    Figure 48-2 Blanket Order Selection screen

    Description of Figure 48-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 48-2 Blanket Order Selection screen"

  2. On Blanket Order Selection, choose the blanket order with the supplier information that you want to display.

    The system closes Blanket Order Selection and populates the Enter/Change Schedule screen with supplier scheduling information.

    Figure 48-3 Enter/Change Schedule (Scheduling Info) screen

    Description of Figure 48-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 48-3 Enter/Change Schedule (Scheduling Info) screen"

  3. On Enter/Change Schedule, review the following information:

    • Status

    • Last Release Purchase Order

    • Last Receipt

    • Receipt Quantity

    • Cumulative Receipt

    • Cumulative Frozen

    • Cumulative Fabricated

    • Cumulative Raw Material

    • Past Due

  4. Accept the record or complete the following field to update planned quantities in the schedule:

    • Planned

Field Explanation
Status The current status of the supplier schedule. This is updated as the schedule moves through the system.

Form-specific information

This field is display only.

Last Receipt The date that the last shipment of the item was received.
Receipt Qty The quantity received on the most recent shipment.
Cum Receipt The quantity received to date against a blanket purchase order.
Cum Frozen The quantity inside the Frozen Time Fence that the customer is planning to release or has already released to the supplier.
Cum Fabricate The running total of the item for which you could be exposed to fabrication costs by the supplier. This is calculated as the quantity planned for release up to the fabrication time fence.
Cum Raw Matrl The quantity for which you could be exposed to raw material costs by the supplier. This is calculated as the quantity planned for release up to the raw material time fence.
Planned A description of the information contained on the supplier schedule row.

48.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing supplier information The Planned field is the only field that you can change on the Enter/Change Schedule screen. The system recalculates the quantities in the Cumulative Frozen, Fabricate, and Raw Material fields when a change is made.

Any changes that you make to the schedule will not affect the most recent MPS, MRP, or DRP generation. After you release the supplier schedule and create purchase orders for the blanket order releases, the next MPS, MRP, or DRP generation treats the purchase orders as available supply items.