14 Set Up Resource Requirements Planning

This chapter contains these topics:

14.1 Setting Up Resource Requirements Planning


From Product Data Management (G30), choose Daily PDM Discrete

From Daily PDM Discrete (G3011), choose Enter/Change Work Center

The resource requirements plan is generated after your long term forecast, but before you run your master schedule program. The Resource Requirements Planning program generates a capacity plan by critical work center. You need to know your current capacity and the requirements to support the workload planned by the forecast.

To set up Resource Requirements Planning

On Enter/Change Work Center

Figure 14-1 Enter/Change Work Center (Set Up RRP) screen

Description of Figure 14-1 follows
Description of "Figure 14-1 Enter/Change Work Center (Set Up RRP) screen"

  1. Enter Work Center information.

  2. Determine available capacity using Enter/Change Resource Units (P3007), or Refresh Resource Units (P3007G). Recommend that you use the system generated Refresh Resource Units so that resource units will go out as far as the forecast.

    Figure 14-2 Enter/Change Forecast screen

    Description of Figure 14-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 14-2 Enter/Change Forecast screen"

  3. Enter Detail Forecast (P3460).

  4. Create Resource Profile (P3003). You can enter this manually, or if BOMs and Routings exist, the system can generate the profile.

    Figure 14-3 Resource Requirements Plan screen

    Description of Figure 14-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 14-3 Resource Requirements Plan screen"

  5. Generate a Resource Requirements Plan (P3380).

  6. Review Resource Requirements Plan.

  7. Review Dispatch Group (P3301)

  8. Review Work Center Load (P3313)

  9. Work Center Load Graph (P3313B)

  10. Review Period Summary (P3312)

14.2 Resource Profile

14.2.1 Overview

The Resource Profile - sometimes called a Bill of Labor - is the total labor, machine, and setup time for each work center required to manufacture a finished product. It includes the times from all of the routings of all of the components in the finished products multi-level bill of material as well as the finished product itself.

You use it in Resource Requirements Planning to calculate the load on critical work centers based on future forecast requirements from the Forecasting System for those items that are produced in those critical work centers.

The load on the work centers is normally used by executive management to make long range decisions such as capital equipment purchases, staffing requirements and facilities planning.

14.2.2 Calculating the Resource Profile

There is a program in the JD Edwards World World Capacity Management System that is run to calculate the Resource Profile (P3365, R3365). Normally, a Resource Profile is calculated for finished products since those are the item numbers that are forecasted. The completed Resource Profile is stored in file F3303.

The basic logic in the program is as follows:

  • The products multi-level bill of material is retrieved.

  • As each component is obtained, its corresponding Routing is retrieved from the Routing File.

  • Totals are kept for Labor, Machine, and Setup time by Work Center AND Time Basis Code.

  • The hours are extended by the quantity per assembly in the bill of material.

Figure 14-4 Enter/Change Resource Profile (Calculate) screen

Description of Figure 14-4 follows
Description of "Figure 14-4 Enter/Change Resource Profile (Calculate) screen"

14.2.3 Using the Resource Profile

Once the Resource Profile is calculated, you use it in the Resource Requirements Plan generation program (P3380).

This program calculates the load on each work center selected by extending the Resource Profile by the forecast quantities. For either a week or month period, the formula is:

This information is then added up for each work center.