A Flash Messages in Shop Floor Control

This appendix contains these topics:

The messages are maintained in the UDC table (00/WM) and described by Data Dictionary item SPRT. A third message (Urgent) that is a manually appended message is shipped with the software. Other messages may be loaded to the table as required.

Both W.O. Scheduling and Operation Scheduling messages can be generated from Work Order Entry (P48013), Work Order Processing (P31410) and Work Order Routing (P3112) depending upon the validation performed in the common back scheduling routine (C3007).

A.1 W.O. Scheduling

This flash message is created when the W.O. Header Start Date and the First Operation Start Date are not equal.

Possible conditions causing this are:

  • No lead time rollup has been performed and that the value for Lead-time Level for fixed L/T items, or Lead-time Per Unit for variable L/T items is blank.

  • A start date has been manually entered on either the header or first operation and it does not agree with the other one.

  • The back scheduling routine (C3007) has calculated a different start date than the one generated from the lead time supplied to the header.

The W.O. header program calculates a start date in one of two ways. It either retrieves the Lead-time level (IBLTLV) for fixed L/T items, or it uses Lead-time per unit (IBLTPU) factored by the time basis code and quantity ordered for variable L/T items. In each case, the external subroutine X3100 is called to return the start date.

This message can be removed by either:

  • Changing the start dates to match each other.

  • Manually overriding the W.O. Flash Message in either the Work Order/Rate Category Codes screen (F11 from Work Order Entry - P48013) or from the Shop Floor Workbench (P31225).

A.2 Operation Scheduling

This flash message is created when the Work Center Resource Units either do not exist or a record lock was encountered during the processing of the file (F3007).

This message can be removed by either:

  • Adding the Resource Units detail required.

  • Manually overriding the W.O. Flash Message in either the Work Order/Rate Category Codes screen (F11 from Work Order Entry - P48013) or from the Shop Floor Workbench (P31225).

W.O. Scheduling will override Operation Scheduling when they both occur. In this case, the correction of the error generating the W.O. Scheduling message may not necessarily resolve the issue causing the Operation Scheduling message to appear.

A.3 Urgent

This message, or other user defined flash messages, can be manually added to an order by invoking F11 on the Work Order Entry program (P48013) ) or by changing the detail in the Shop Floor Workbench (P31225).

Messages entered in the above manner can be removed in the same way.