31 System Setup Processing Options

This chapter contains the following topics:

31.1 Plan Master (P08320)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to automatically call Plan Additional Information (P083201) when adding a Plan.

A default of blank will not call this program.

2. Enter a World Writer Version (WW) name to be used in the "Skip to" field when the WW Versions List is called.

Blank will display the entire list for Benefits WW (Group Q083).

3. Enter a '1' to display EE & ER "Points" information.

A default of blank will not display these fields.


31.2 COBRA General Constants Report (P089909)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the effective date to be used for company constant selection. Only the company constants that are active as of the effective date will be reported.

A default of blank will use today's date. . . . . . . . . . .

2. Enter a '1' to report all company constants regardless of effective date.

A default of blank will print only those company constants active on the effective date defined in option 1 above. . . . . . . . . . . .


31.3 Dep/Beneficiary Information Data Types (P08090)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the Human Resources Database that you wish to review from the following list:

A = Applicants

E = Employees (default value)

H = Injury/Illness Case Number

J = Jobs

P = Dep/Beneficiaries

R = Requisitions


31.4 Employee Profile Data - Copy/Move (P080840)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Type of Data the information will be copied FROM.  
2. Enter the Type of Data the information will be copied TO.  
3. Enter '1' if you want to delete the Original FROM data after copying.

(Default of blank will copy without deleting the Original FROM Data).

4. Enter '1' if you want to overwrite the existing TO rcds with the FROM information.

(Default of Blank will not overwrite existing TO rcds).


31.5 Enter Key Employee Tests (P08365)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

Enter a '1' if you do NOT want to automatically update the user defined codes for the Test Name on an add or a change.

Default of blank will add and update the Test Name data in user defined codes.